Notifications like the one below are typically accompanied by sound to audibly notify you of a request from a Customer.
Do the following if you don't hear any sound for incoming calls and messages:
Make sure that your browser (Chrome) audio is not muted. To mute/unmute a browser tab in Google Chrome, right-click the tab and select "Mute Site" or "Unmute Site." This will mute/unmute all tabs from the site in the future.
From Chrome, go to chrome://settings/content/notifications. Make sure your Gladly URL(s) is appearing below the Allowed to send notifications section.
Make sure there are no Gladly webpages appearing in the Not allowed to send notifications section. If there are, allow the Gladly webpage to send notifications.
Click the icon shown below next to the Gladly webpage.
Find the Sound section change the selection to Allow.
Click here for more information on how to allow notifications