Can't find the answer to your questions on our product documentation website? No problem, we're here to help.
Who can contact us?
Administrators and Team Managers
Please see the options below to contact Gladly Support.
Regular Users
Please work with your manager to report an issue to our team.
Gladly Support operating hours
Monday to Friday, 6 AM to 6 PM Pacific Time
You can submit a request anytime, but please make sure to use the correct business impact.
Support Holiday Hours
Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year Holiday
- P1s and P2s for Premium Support will be responded to in line within their normal calendar hour SLAs.
- P1s for Standard Support will be answered within a 2-hour calendar SLA.
- Other submissions will typically be handled within normal business hours SLAs, outside of Gladly Holidays.
How to contact us
Access the Support forms
Log into your Gladly account as Team Manager or Administrator to access the Support form.
Complete the Support form
Please be as detailed as possible when describing an issue so we can help quickly. On the Support request form, make sure to select the correct Application Component Affected option to make sure your request is routed to the best team that can investigate.
Select the correct priority level on the form
Choosing the correct 'Business Impact' priority level prevents delays in processing the request.
Critical Business Impact
Major Business Impact
Partial Business Impact
Minimal Business Impact
Unable to log into Gladly to access the 'Contact Support' link
If something is preventing you from logging in to your Gladly account to access the support form, use the form here to contact us as a temporary solution.
Gladly emails are going to spam in Gmail
Ask your email administrator to add to your email allowlist in addition to these domains. This should prevent Gladly emails, including Support responses, from being tagged as spam.
For Gmail users
Gmail has an aggressive spam filter which sometimes causes legitimate emails to end up as spam. While we highly discourage turning spam filtering off, if you’re finding that some Gladly emails are ending up as spam, we suggest creating a filter:
Click Create a new filter.
Enter your filters that you don’t want to end up in spam (e.g., a particular subject line, or list of email addresses, or email domains like
Click Create a new filter.
Click on the checkbox for Never send to spam.
Support form is not loading
Clear your browser cache and cookies if you experience issues loading the Support form.