Several situations may prevent you from receiving/accepting calls in Gladly, but the scenarios below are the most common.
Network issues
Whether the issue is due to your corporate VPN, local network (intranet), or internet provider, network issues could affect how calls are routed in Gladly. Symptoms include:
Missed call notifications when you are available to receive calls.
"Gladly Voice browser connection failed" error on the Conversation Timeline.
Dropped calls.
A bad internet connection is more common for those working from home. You may see events in the Conversation Timeline that say "connection failed" when this happens. We recommend running a network test to confirm your internet connection is stable. Work with your Team Manager to contact Gladly Support if you continue to have issues with receiving phone calls.
Unable to click 'Accept' from the notification banner
If you cannot accept calls routed to you from the notification banner because the notification banner is not responsive, ensure you have the latest/newest version of Chrome installed. Also, make sure you're only using Chrome to use Gladly.