This page contains some of the most frequently asked questions Gladly Support received today. We compiled these FAQs to help you save time and quickly find answers to commonly asked questions by Gladly users today. Please bookmark this page and share it with your team.
How do I block or stop Customers from contacting us?
There are a number of ways to stop a Customer from contacting you (e.g., abusive Customers, spam callers, etc.). See Q. How do I block/stop Customers from contacting us?
Why am I getting an “Unstable Internet connection error” message?
There are several reasons why you could be getting an 'Unstable Internet Connection Error' message. See Q. Why am I getting an 'Unstable Internet Connection' Error?
Why can’t I have Gladly running on multiple browser tabs?
You should only use Gladly on Chrome as it's not compatible with other web browsers. See Q. Why can't I have Gladly running on multiple browser tabs?
How do I add a user and assign an admin role or remove a user?
Here are some ways you could add a user, deactivate, assign, change user roles, assign users to inboxes and more could be done through the user's settings page. See How to Add and Deactivate Users
Why did I receive a chat while I was on a phone call?
You cannot be assigned chats or other messaging requests while on a phone call. See Q. Why did I receive a chat while on a phone call?
Why did I receive a chat when I wasn't available for messaging?
Here is a scenario where this could happen. See Q. I'm not available for chat but why am I receiving chat requests?
How do I adjust the time-out setting to be longer when reviewing interactions?
You can do this by adjusting your Idle Timing settings. See Manage Agent Idle Timing and Active Status
Is Gladly compatible with Grammarly?
Gladly does not officially support Grammarly. However, see Q. Is Grammarly compatible with Gladly?
How do I delete a Customer Profile, Attachment, or Conversation item?
You can manage customer data collected and still abide by privacy and data regulations. See How To Configure Data Retention Settings and Data Deletion Options.
What best practices should I follow for RegEx on Gladly Rules?
RegEx is helpful in distinguishing words that could be part of other words. See How Gladly Works With RegEx
How do I set up a new language on Gladly?
You can set up available languages that your company supports. See Add and Remove Answer Languages
How can I view Daily Contact Center Performance Trends in Gladly?
You can use the Daily Trends Dashboard to monitor or glance at your contact center performance. See Daily Trends Dashboard
How do I know what each metric represents in my Gladly Reports?
There are several ways to learn about metrics in a report or learn about how to generate a report. See Generate Reports
What are Gladly's core routing concepts?
You can learn more about Gladly's lingo and concepts. See Routing Concepts.
Why are my oldest Conversations not being assigned first to Agents?
Here are some scenario-based reasons. See Time-Based Priority Boosts ( Wait Time and Due Date )
How do I set up SMS so that carriers don't block me?
Understanding and complying with the SMS industry guidelines is very important. See SMS Compliance Requirements.