Top Gladly Support FAQs

This page contains some of the most frequently asked questions Gladly Support received today. We compiled these FAQs to help you save time and quickly find answers to commonly asked questions by Gladly users today.

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The Gladly Support team manages this help doc and adds the most frequenrly asked questions they receive which could save you time if you feel you need to open a non-technical support request.

How do I block or stop Customers from contacting us?

There are a number of ways to stop a Customer from contacting you (e.g., abusive Customers, spam callers, etc.). See Q. How do I block/stop Customers from contacting us?

Why am I getting an “Unstable Internet connection error” message?

There are several reasons why you could be getting an 'Unstable Internet Connection Error' message. See Q. Why am I getting an 'Unstable Internet Connection' Error?

Why can’t I have Gladly running on multiple browser tabs?

You should only use Gladly on Chrome as it's not compatible with other web browsers. See Q. Why can't I have Gladly running on multiple browser tabs?

How do I add a user and assign an admin role or remove a user?

Here are some ways you could add a user, deactivate, assign, change user roles, assign users to inboxes and more could be done through the user's settings page. See How to Add and Deactivate Users

Why did I receive a chat while I was on a phone call?

You cannot be assigned chats or other messaging requests while on a phone call. See Q. Why did I receive a chat while on a phone call?

Why did I receive a chat when I wasn't available for messaging?

Here is a scenario where this could happen. See Q. I'm not available for chat but why am I receiving chat requests?

How do I adjust the time-out setting to be longer when reviewing interactions?

You can do this by adjusting your Idle Timing settings. See Manage Agent Idle Timing and Active Status

Is Gladly compatible with Grammarly?

Gladly does not officially support Grammarly. However, see Q. Is Grammarly compatible with Gladly?

How do I delete a Customer Profile, Attachment, or Conversation item?

You can manage customer data collected and still abide by privacy and data regulations. See How To Configure Data Retention Settings and Data Deletion Options.

What best practices should I follow for RegEx on Gladly Rules?

RegEx is helpful in distinguishing words that could be part of other words. See How Gladly Works With RegEx

How do I set up a new language on Gladly?

You can set up available languages that your company supports. See Add and Remove Answer Languages

You can use the Daily Trends Dashboard to monitor or glance at your contact center performance. See Daily Trends Dashboard

How do I know what each metric represents in my Gladly Reports?

There are several ways to learn about metrics in a report or learn about how to generate a report. See Generate Reports

What are Gladly's core routing concepts?

You can learn more about Gladly's lingo and concepts. See Routing Concepts.

Why are my oldest Conversations not being assigned first to Agents?

Here are some scenario-based reasons. See Time-Based Priority Boosts ( Wait Time and Due Date )

How do I set up SMS so that carriers don't block me?

Understanding and complying with the SMS industry guidelines is very important. See SMS Compliance Requirements.

Can I bulk close Tasks?

Your development team can utilize the Update Task API, along with the Task Export report, available here.

Note: As of now, this is not available as a feature in the Gladly UI.

Can I bulk-close Conversations?

This can only be managed through a script available at the Gladly API. ​

Note: This feature is currently not available in the Gladly UI.

Can I control how long an incoming chat banner is presented to an Agent?

No, however, this has been requested as a future produce enhancement we are keen to work on! The maximum duration for a banner is 30 seconds for chat, but can vary based on Rules and incoming Contacts.

How do I block certain numbers from calling?

You might want to block a phone number that keeps calling center. They may be disruptive, threatening, or simply spamming your call center and you need to block them from being routed to Agents.

To prevent calls from getting through to your Voice system/IVR, please follow the steps suggested in this article: ​How do I block certain numbers from calling?

How do I block chats, emails, calls, or SMS?

You can block chats, emails, calls, and SMS by following available rules here: How do we block disruptive Customers from routing to Agents?

How do I close our phones?

To close your phones, follow the simple steps in the video linked here: How do I close our phones?

How do I delete Customer Profiles in bulk?

WATCH OUT – deleted data can’t be recovered. ​​​​You can delete customer profiles in bulk on Gladly, using our Delete Customer API. ​​​​​​Deletions are typically performed to fulfill data subject requests. ​​​​​​​

This API allows you to delete customer records on an automated basis without requiring manual deletion within the Gladly UI. ​​​​​​​

Further info. on deleting customer profiles both in the Gladly UI and/or via our APIs can be found here: ​​​​​​​

This Github repo. (provisioned by Gladly engineering) also has a sample Node.js script, which will allow you to delete profiles in bulk of your own accord. ​​​​​​​

IMPORTANT NOTE: Deleted profiles can’t be recovered.

How do I filter out email spam?

We have some effective tips and tricks on using Rules to reduce email spam. You can find more details here:: Rules To Reduce Spam ​

As you forward emails from your provider to Gladly, we recommend following the best practices before emails get to Gladly.

How do I manage anonymous, generic and/or unusual numbers received via Gladly?

Our suggested solution is provided here: Why am I receiving calls from unusual numbers?

How do I reset my password?

Please follow the steps outlined in this: Reset your password documentation to assist with this. ​​Or use these instructions if you access Gladly via SSO: If you use SSO (Single Sign-On)

How do I see how many Contacts are handled per Agent for staffing purposes?

We recommend using our OOTB Contact Export report. ​This report is anchored by ‘queued at’ time and indicates when contacts arrive in Gladly for agents to handle. ​

You can then also use a pivot table or similar tool outside of Gladly to visually analyze the data. ​

Example: ​

Pivot by ​

  • Rows: Queued At (group by Hour/Day)

  • Values: Count of Contact ID

  • Columns: Channel ​

Additionally, for a high-level overview, you can use the Channel Mix report.

How do I set up holiday and/or business hours?

To manage your holiday or business hours, please refer to the instructions provided in the article: How to Set Up Holiday or Business Hours?

How is First Contact Resolution (FCR) calculated?

We define First Contact Resolution (FCR) as when a reported issue is resolved on the Agent’s first interaction with the Customer without any additional follow-up. The formula is: ​

FCR Conversations / FCR Eligible Conversations

You can read more here: How is First Contact Resolution (FCR) calculated?

Is there a report that lets me know how many messages came in from the Customer?

The Contact Summary report includes data organized by 'contact ended at.' You can export this data and filter it by the number of SMS, chats, emails, and other interactions.

For more details, visit the following link: Contact Summary Report.

Is there a report that lets us know how many Customers were attended to vs. what is outstanding?

We recommend using Contact Export

Note: When the status metric = BLANK, the Contact is outstanding/unfulfilled.

Is there a report to let me know the backlog throughout the day, including; the incoming volume during the day, the volume worked on by Agents, and the Customer Contacts left unattended at the end of the day?

These detailed questions are best answered through Insight Builder. This has a small monthly fee per Analyst User and comes with a free 30-60 minute consultation. ​Another option could be to use Contact Export and then creating a pivot table. ​

Example: ​

Pivot by: ​

  • Filter: Channel

  • Rows: Queued At (group by Hour/Day)

  • Values: Count of Contact ID

  • Columns: Status ​

Note: When the status metric = BLANK, the Contact is outstanding/unfulfilled.

Liveboards lets me know the total number of outgoing Contacts during the day - which OOTB reports could let me know this?

Our OOTB Contact Summary report will provide you with this visibility. For more details, visit the following link: Contact Summary Report

One of our Agents sees the try again later message when attempting to login.

Check out the article below to understand why this issue occurs and how to resolve it: I can’t log in. What should I do?

What are the disadvantages of using multiple browser tabs in Gladly?

When actively working in Gladly, avoid duplicating sessions by opening it in multiple browser tabs. You will also receive a warning pop-up if multiple tabs are detected.

Please see the list below for reasons why this impacts Agents’ interactions with Gladly:

What’s the difference between a Conversation and a Contact?

A Conversation is a grouping concept used by Gladly for one or many Contacts exchanged between a Customer and your Agents. ​

A Contact is a communication exchange on a single Channel. This could be a phone call, an email exchange, or a chat session. ​

You can read more here: What’s the difference between a Conversation and a Contact?

Why are incoming messages not routed to Agents?

This is likely a combination of either Conversation Workflow settings in Gladly, being set to “Same Agent if conversation is open or reopened” or subsequent messages in a thread not being routable, due to their ongoing nature.

Why are multiple Agents having parallel interactions with the same Customer while there is an active incoming call?

This is a hallmark of a long IVR queue wait time, when a Customer may try to reach out by SMS or chat, for example, while they’re waiting to speak to one of your Agents via Voice. ​

Meanwhile, each time this call comes out of the queue IVR, the call will leave the messaging Inbox and return to a Voice Inbox, thus unassigning an Agent with the following system message: ​

Routed from [Agent Name] to [Voice Inbox Name] by system.

To currently resolve this your Agents can either: ​

1) Be added to the Voice queue, especially during high-traffic periods to respond to messages without becoming unassigned. ​

2) Become familiar with this current routing engine logic, thank the Customer for their continued patience, and duly inform the Customer that they will be attended to in due course via a voice-enabled Agent.

Why are my calls disconnecting or dropping?

Here are common causes of Agent issues with Gladly Voice: ​​​​

  • Whenever possible, use an Ethernet cable instead of WiFi. ​​​​

    • If an Ethernet cable isn’t available, make sure to check the WiFi signal strength.

  • Remember, network congestion is a primary reason why Gladly Voice might not work optimally. Regardless of how fast your Internet connection is, this greatly impacts the bandwidth needed to use Gladly Voice. Read more here: Network Congestion

  • We recommend that the Agent’s IT team collaborate with their Agents to configure QoS rules on their routers to prioritize Voice traffic. You can find the rules here: Configure your QoS settings

  • Avoid having too many browser tabs open or running high CPU and RAM applications in the background while using Gladly Voice.

Here are some relevant help articles that we recommend reviewing before contacting support:

Additional useful tips on how to avoid call disconnects and circumvent packet loss, are also outlined via our Telephony Partner. See here: Understanding Packet Loss and How to Fix It.

If this happens again, we recommend that Agents run this network test, which will provide diagnostic information to help determine if they have sufficient bandwidth to handle Gladly Voice calls.

Why are newer incoming emails routed ahead of older emails?

This can happen when an email is received from a Customer in reply to a prior email thread, in which case the email’s SLA can default to something sooner than a more recent email. ​

Note: Currently the Gladly UI does not make threaded emails discernible as of now at first sight, however, you can view if the email is part of a thread by showing the original email.

Why are our Agents missing chats?

This typically happens when an Agent uses multiple tabs even unintentionally. Read more here: Why can’t I have Gladly running on multiple browser tabs?

We also recommend Agents check their notifications using the instructions here: Why is there no sound along with a notification?

Why are the oldest Contacts in our queue not being assigned first?

It’s not always a guarantee that the oldest Contacts will be assigned first, because Gladly’s routing engine gives priority to different channels. You can read more here: Routing Priority by Channel

You can implement People Match to boost the priority of any contacts past due or nearing their SLA. Know more here: What is People Match?

Why can’t I add Meta (Facebook or Instagram) page integrations?

You are able to add multiple Facebook and/or Instagram integrations via the Manage Facebook/Instagram Pages button in Gladly Settings > Channels UI. ​

The dialogue that pops up after you click that button enables you to select multiple pages (if you have them) associated with your Meta Business Account as an Administrator User. ​

This is assuming you have: ​

  • No ad/pop-up blockers installed in your browser

  • You are not using neighboring social integrations within your Meta Business Suite, like Sprout, which could block DMs flowing into Gladly.

  • You are using your [customerName] URL to access Gladly, NOT

Why can’t I use an alternative browser from Google Chrome with Gladly?

Gladly is developed for Google Chrome. We recommend using at least one of the three most recent versions of Chrome for optimal performance. See the latest stable version here: Chrome Status.

Why can’t we warm transfer calls to a certain Inbox?

Please contact Gladly Support if the Inbox does not appear in the transfer list. ​This usually means the Inbox is not linked to a Voice queue, which presently needs to be configured internally.

Why did this email route to an unexpected entry point?

If a customer replies to a previously closed conversation, it will be directed to the most recently used Inbox. For more details, visit: What is Mail Routing?

Why did this email route to an unexpected entry point?

If a customer replies to a previously closed conversation, it will be directed to the most recently used Inbox. For more details, visit: What is Mail Routing?

Why is this user automatically going idle?

This is typically due to the Agent’s CPU clock updating manually. Please confirm the computer settings are set to update automatically.