This could happen if an email is immediately followed by a chat request from the Customer.
When a Customer first reaches out via email, this communication opens a new Conversation in the Conversation Timeline. This email communication is routable to anyone available for email for the Inbox the communication is in. Customers may often reach out via chat even before their initial email is answered, adding that chat communication to the Conversation Timeline below the initial email. In this case, the new inbound (chat) communication will be a part of the same Conversation as the email but will only be routable to anyone "available" for chat. If an Agent is logged into an 'Email' Inbox and is only "available" for email (email, voicemail, and Tasks), then the Conversation will be routed based on the email's position in the queue to be picked up. If an Agent is in the 'Email' Inbox that is also "available" in the chat queue (chat, SMS, FB), then the Conversation will be routed based on the chat's position in the queue. If the original owner of the email Conversation clicks Close & Next to receive the next email, the Agent may be presented with the chat banner because Gladly considers the Conversation to be an email Conversation, but routes the latest communication, which in this case is chat.