Generate Reports

Administrator and Team Manager
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Gladly offers many different types of reports that will help you answer questions related to the operation of your Customer Service Center. You can generate reports anytime you have a question.

Before generating and reviewing reports, you must understand Gladly Key Concepts. Knowing these Key Concepts will help you better comprehend the information presented in the reports.

Generate a Report

  1. Click on the top left corner of the screen.

  2. Click Reports.

  3. From the Reports page, on the report selection list on the left side of the screen, find and select the report you want to generate.

  4. Use the filter options to specify exactly how you want to see the report. The filter types change based on the report you have selected.

  • Date Range – Select a date range for the data you want to see:

    • Last 7 days

    • Last 14 days

    • Last 28 days

    • This week

    • Last week

    • This Month

    • Last Month

    • Custom range

  • Aggregated View – Depending on your chosen date range, you can select different aggregated views of your data. For example, you can view your data daily, or if you choose a longer date range, view it by weekly, monthly, or even quarterly roll-ups. The aggregated view is also dependent on the date range you are using:

    • Half-Hourly: 0 < days ≤ 31 days

    • Daily: 0 < days ≤ 100 days

    • Weekly: 7 ≤ days ≤ 700 days

    • Monthly: 28 ≤ days ≤ 731 days

    • Quarterly: 120 ≤ days ≤ 731 days

  • Channel: Specify the Channels you want to filter by.

Report Channel filters

When using the Channel filter, it’s essential to understand how specific reports are presented. When using the Channel filter for a Conversation level report, the report is filtered using the Channel of the first inbound Contact in the Conversation. For example, if a Conversation starts with one inbound Voice Contact, then switches to one email, and ends with three SMS messages, when using the Channel filter, this is what the results will look like:

Conversation flow showing voice call transitioning to SMS messages between Michael and Olivia.

Contact filter results showing communication channels: voice, email, and messaging interactions.

  • Inbox – Choose to filter the report down to a specific Inbox.

  • Teams – Choose to filter the report to a specific team.

  • Timezone Selector – Select the timezone you want your report to be shown in. The default is Organization time (this filter is only available in Agent Performance Summary, Operational Summary, Topics, or IVR report).

Report interface showing filters for customer experience metrics and performance summaries.

Once you have your filters set, select View Report.

Data lag times

You may notice that reports you generated via the Gladly UI or API don't show the most recent data. This is because reports don't reflect up-to-the-minute data. Reports generated via Gladly UI and API are one hour behind.

For example, let's say you generated a report at 1:50 PM, and using half-hourly, you would only see data up until 12-12:30. The 12:30 to 1 PM increment hasn’t finished processing, so you wouldn’t see data for 12:50 in this scenario.

Change report timezones

You can set your reports to display in any timezone you like by clickingafter generating a report, and then select the current timezone to change it.

Instructions on how to set timezone on a Gladly report.

For example, let’s say your company is based in Boston (i.e., in the Eastern Time Zone), but you’re based in San Francisco (i.e., in the Pacific Time Zone). You’ll have the choice between viewing your reports in either time zone. This way, you can avoid some of the usual mental arithmetic involved when working across time zones.