Quick Actions Usage

The Quick Actions Usage report can help you understand how Quick Actions in Glad App are performing in helping Customers.

Understand the basics

When to use the Quick Actions Usage report

Use the Quick Actions Usage report if you have questions around:

  • Which of our Quick Actions are Customers using the most?

  • Are there certain Quick Actions not being used?

  • How is Quick Actions Usage changing over time?

How often to view the report

Review this report monthly to gain valuable and actionable insights.

Metrics used for the Quick Actions Usage report

Review the definition of each metric and how it’s used to calculate data. These are fields you’ll see in the CSV download.



Quick Action Name

Name of the Quick Action.

Number of Clicks

Number of times a Quick Action is clicked.

Take action

Once you understand the report, you can take action and make improvements.

Usage of Quick Actions is increasing

Think of the following points If you notice a spike of usage of Quick Actions:

  • Is there a particular Topic that also surged in usage around the same time frame when Quick Actions usage also spiked?

  • What about your First Contact Resolution? Did it also suddenly change around the same time when Quick Actions usage also spiked?

Usage of Quick Actions is decreasing/low

Think of the following points If you notice a decrease/low usage of Quick Actions:

  • Are the Quick Actions you have in place relevant or valuable to Customers?

  • Is there a particular Topic with a high number of Conversations but no associated Quick Action? If so, consider replacing a Quick Action with an Answer that may assist with this Topic.

  • For Quick Actions with low usage, is it at least saving your team time and effort in delivering information to your Customers? If the information value is high but usage is low, keeping the current Quick Actions in place may still make sense.

Good to know

  • For a detailed description of all Gladly metrics, see the Data Dictionary.

  • This report can also be generated via API. See our developer guide for more details.

  • CSV download of this report is limited to 1 million rows.

  • Listed below are related reports we recommend you use alongside this report:

    • Glad App Answer Usage

    • First Contact Resolution

    • Channel Mix