Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary for some "Sunsetting" reports

The Data Dictionary is a reference for certain reports in the "Sunsetting" category, and eventually removed from the product. Most notably, many of the definitions here are used in the Operational Summary report, which is also scheduled to be sunsetted soon. For definitions used in other reports, please refer to the individual report page, and look for the "Metrics used for this report" section.

Before You Begin

In order to fully grasp and understand the data in your reports, you must have a good understanding of Key Concepts, Metric Specific Concepts, Key Reporting Events, and Metric Attribution Concepts.

About the Data Definitions

Understanding the Data Definitions is critical to your comprehension of how metrics are quantified in Gladly.


Use the legend below to help you understand how to read help diagrams on specific definitions.

Guide explaining how to interpret various elements in diagrams effectively.


Contacts Queued

Count of Contacts that are queued.

Contacts Fulfilled

Count of Contacts that are fulfilled.

Contacts Ended

Count of Contacts that are ended.

Contacts Fulfilled and Ended

Count of Contacts that are both fulfilled and ended.

Contacts Abandoned before Queued

Count of Contacts that are initiated but never queued (e.g., abandoned during the IVR).

Contacts Abandoned after Queued

Count of Contacts that are ended by being abandoned after being queued (e.g., after the IVR).

Contacts Inbound and Queued

Count of Contacts that are initiated by a Customer and queued.

Contacts Inbound and Ended

Count of Contacts that are initiated by a Customer and ended.

Contacts Outbound and Answered

Count of Contacts that are initiated by an Agent and answered by a Customer.

Contacts Outbound and Ended

Count of Contacts that are initiated by an Agent and ended.

Contacts Outbound

Count of Contacts that are initiated by an Agent. This includes any outbound email from the Agent (including forwards and an email not sent to the Customer). This does not include outbound Auto-Reply.

Contacts Fulfilled or Outbound

Count of Contacts that are fulfilled OR count of Contacts initiated by an Agent.

Contacts First Assigned to Agent

Count of Contacts where the Agent was the first assignee. This does not count Contacts that are later reassigned to an Agent.

Contacts Fulfilled before Due

Count of Contacts that are fulfilled before they are due.

Contacts Fulfilled after Due

Count of Contacts that are fulfilled after they are due.

Contacts Ended as Responded

Count of Contacts that are ended as responded.

Contacts Ended as Canceled or Timed Out

Count of Contacts that are ended as canceled or timed out.

Contacts Queued and Ended as Abandoned or Forwarded or Left Voicemail or Canceled

Count of Contacts that are ended as abandoned, forwarded, left a voicemail, or canceled after being queued (e.g., after the IVR).

Fulfilled-to-Ended Time

Duration from when a Contact is fulfilled to when it is ended.
Flowchart illustrating contact stages from initiation to wrapping up the conversation.

Inbound First Accepted-to-Ended Time

Duration for a Contact initiated by a Customer from when it is accepted to when it is ended.
Flowchart illustrating contact stages from initiation to ending in a customer service process.

Outbound Answered-to-Ended Time

Duration for a Contact initiated by an Agent from when it is answered to when it is ended.
Diagram illustrating the stages of an outbound contact process and its timeline.

Wait Time

Duration from when a Contact is queued to when it is fulfilled.
Flowchart illustrating customer call process from initiation to agent response.

Average Agent Reply Time

Duration from when a message is sent by a Customer to when a message is sent by an Agent, including all messages sent between the Contact being fulfilled and ended. If the Customer sends more than one message before the Agent responds, the reply span will be measured from the first Customer message to the first Agent message. Those spans, shown in the diagram below as a Duration, are averaged across all the spans in a Contact to arrive at an Average.

Flowchart illustrating customer-agent interaction with average reply time calculation.

Average Customer Reply Time

Duration from when a message is sent by an Agent to when a message is sent by a Customer, including all messages sent between the Contact being fulfilled and ended. If the Agent sends more than one message before the Customer responds, the reply span will be measured from the first Agent message to the first Customer message. Those spans, shown in the diagram below as a Duration, are averaged across all the spans in a Contact to arrive at an Average.

Flowchart illustrating customer interaction stages and average reply time calculation.

Talk Time

Duration from when an Inbound Contact is fulfilled to ended or an Outbound Contact is answered to ended, minus any Hold Time. This measurement is specific to the Phone Call channel.

Flowchart illustrating the stages of an inbound call process from initiation to ending.

Hold Time

Duration from when a Hold is started to when it is ended. This measurement is specific to the Phone Call channel. The durations are aggregated into a total for Contacts with multiple Hold spans.

Timeline illustrating customer call flow, including hold and talk time stages.

Contact Events

Events – Contact Transferred

Count of how many times Contacts are transferred (can be multiple events per Contact).

Events – Contact Declined or Missed

Count of how many times Contacts are declined or missed (can be multiple events per Contact).

Events – Contact Declined

Count of how many times Contacts are declined (can be multiple events per Contact).

Events – Contact Missed

Count of how many times Contacts are missed (can be multiple events per Contact).

Contacts and Messages

Contacts and Messages Fulfilled

The count of messages sent by a Customer in a fulfilled Contact and the Count of fulfilled Contacts.

Contacts and Messages Fulfilled before Due

Count of messages that are sent by a Customer in a Contact that is fulfilled before it is due AND Count of Contacts that are fulfilled before they are due.
Timeline showing customer messages and agent responses at various stages of interaction.

Contacts and Messages Fulfilled after Due

Count of messages that are sent by a Customer in a Contact that is fulfilled after it is due AND Count of Contacts that are fulfilled after they are due.
Timeline showing customer messages, agent responses, and status of conversations.

Contact and Message Wait Time

Duration from when a Contact is queued to when it is fulfilled OR Time duration from when a message is sent to when the Contact is fulfilled.
Visual representation of customer chat durations and total wait time calculation.


Messages Inbound

Count of messages that are sent by a Customer.
Timeline showing customer contact stages and agent responses throughout the process.

Messages Outbound

Count of messages an Agent sends to any recipient, including forwards and an email not sent to the customer. This excludes auto-reply.
Flowchart illustrating customer message processing stages from initiation to completion.

Messages from Rules

Count of messages sent by Rules, which are typically Auto-Reply messages. This does not include onboarding messages sent during Glad App Onboarding.

Messages from API

Count of messages sent through Gladly's API to the Customer.

Messages Inbound on Contacts Fulfilled

Count of messages that are sent in a Contact that is fulfilled.

Messages Inbound on Contacts Fulfilled before Due

Count of messages that are sent in a Contact that is fulfilled before it is due.

Messages Inbound on Contacts Fulfilled after Due

Count of messages that are sent in a Contact that is fulfilled after it is due.


Logged In Time

Duration from when an Agent is logged in to when they are logged out.Diagram illustrating agent login and logout process with logged in time highlighted.

Logged Out Time

Duration from when an Agent is logged out to when they are logged in.
Timeline showing agent log in and log out times with labeled points.

Away Time

Duration from when an Agent goes Away to when they are returned from Away or to when they are logged out (for a given reason).Timeline showing agent's status changes from log in to log out.

Utilized Time

Duration from when an Agent is logged in to when they are logged out MINUS their Away Time.Timeline showing agent's log in, away status, return, and log out durations.

Assigned or Available Messaging Time

Duration from when an Agent first does one of the following actions:

  • Agent goes available for Messaging, OR

  • Agent is assigned a Messaging Contact

To when:

  • Agent is unavailable for Messaging, AND

  • All Messaging Contacts the Agent is assigned to have ended OR have been transferred from them Timeline illustrating agent's messaging status from log in to log out.


Conversations Created

Count of Conversations that are created.

Conversations Closed

Count of Conversations that are closed.

Conversation Handle Time

Customer Handle Time when there is an active (“New”, “Open”, or “Waiting” state, not “Closed” state) Conversation.

Created-to-Close Time

Duration from when a Conversation is created to when it is last closed.

Conversation Events

Events – Conversation Closed

Count of how many times Conversations are closed (can be multiple events per Conversation).

Events – Conversation Reopened

Count of how many times Conversations are reopened after being closed. This can be multiple events per Conversation.

Events – Conversation Topic Changed

Count of how many times Agents change the Topic(s) on a Conversation. It can be multiple events per Conversation, including additions and removals. Adding multiple Topics at one time counts as 1 event.



Count of unique Customers.

Customers Viewed

Count of unique Customer Profiles viewed by an Agent.

Customer Handle Time

Duration from when an Agent views a Customer Profile to when they view a different page type, or to when they go Away, or to when they are logged out.

Customer Reply Time

Duration between the Agent's last response and the time it takes for the Customer's reply.
Flowchart illustrating customer interaction stages and average reply time calculation.