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The Basic IVR is an out-of-the-box, pre-configured IVR template designed to help you quickly start receiving calls from Customers with minimal customizations required.
Before you customize the Basic IVR, you must understand the following:
How the Basic IVR is pre-configured
The Basic IVR is pre-configured with nodes that will handle incoming calls so your callers can get the information they need or be directed to the right Agent. You will need to edit some of the details in each node to match your requirements, like your business hours, phone numbers, and other information, but minimal customizations are required. See the Edit the 'Basic IVR' to get started section for additional details.
The basic IVR is structured to allow your callers to experience the following:
Be greeted with a welcome message.
Callers can be routed to voicemail or be offered your normal IVR routing options based on your business hours.
Have the option to receive support via text/SMS instead of over the phone.
Leave a voicemail.
Edit the 'Basic IVR' to get started
Follow the step-by-step instructions below to edit the Basic IVR.
on the top left corner of the screen.
Click Settings.
Under the Channels category, click IVR.
Hover over Basic IVR. Click
to the right of the IVR to view the IVR edit tree. This is where you can edit the IVR nodes.
Follow the steps below to guide you through the Basic IVR tree to edit each node's setting. We recommend that you only edit or update the node fields written in blue below until you get familiar with the IVR.
Start signifies where a call enters the IVR. The gray lines indicate how calls are configured to go from one node to the next. Upon clicking a node, follow the purple flow lines to see how calls are sent from one node to the next.
The first node a call is sent to when it enters the IVR is the List of numbers to block (Variable) node. Clicking the node opens the node settings, which always appear on the right of the screen. Clicking any node opens the node's settings on the right side of the screen.
Variable (List of Numbers to Block)
The List of numbers to block (Variable) node is used to filter/block certain phone numbers from passing through. This could be known spam or fake phone numbers. You can edit the following fields:
Name – Identifies what the node does. In this case, it's pre-populated with "list of numbers to block."
Description – Describes how the node is used. Because it's used to filter numbers, it's pre-populated with the phrase: "List of numbers to block."
Expression – Lists the numbers that are blocked from passing through the IVR. You can add/remove numbers here regularly or as needed. Enter the numbers you want to block using this format:
Multiple numbers – 6504756426|8884756427|9515554567
Single number – 6504756426
Leave the field blank if you have no numbers to block
Next Node – Indicates the next node the call is sent to if there is a matching number. In this case, it's pre-configured to be sent to the "Holiday Check" node. You don't need to change this.
Error Node – The node the call is moved to if an error occurs while evaluating phone numbers. If there's an error, the call is sent to the "Holiday Check" node. You don't need to change this.
The next node is Block Check (Variable Match). This node checks if the call matches a number(s) to be blocked configured in the List of numbers' expression field to block (Variable) node.
Variable Match (Block Check)
Below are the node settings for the Block Check node, but you don't need to change anything.
Name – Identifies what the node does. In this case, it's pre-populated with "Block Check."
Description – Describes how the node is used. Because it's used to confirm if a call matches a number to block, it's pre-populated with a "Block Check."
Expression – Used to indicate which expression is used to create a match. Because we're using phone numbers to create a match, it's pre-populated with "{{._customerNumber}}."
Pattern – Used to match a regular expression. It's pre-populated with "/{{.blocklist}}/".
Next Node – Indicates the next node the call is sent to if there is a match. In this case, matched calls are sent to the "Goodbye" (Message) node. You don't need to change this.
Default Next Node – If no matched numbers are blocked, the call is sent to this node. In this case, the next one is the "Holiday Check" (Schedule) node. You don't need to change this.
Error Node – If the Block Check node encounters an error identifying a phone number for some reason, the call is also sent to the "Holiday Check" (Schedule) node. You don't need to change this.
After the Block Check (Variable Match) node, it routes the call to the Goodbye (Message) node if there's a match. If there's no match or an error in the input, the call moves to the Holiday Check (Schedule) node.
If the Expression field in the Block Check node matched a phone number—with the intent of blocking the call from coming through—the call is routed to the Goodbye (Message) node.
Message (Goodbye)
Below are the node settings for the Goodbye node:
Name – Identifies what the node does. In this case, it's pre-populated with "Goodbye."
Message – The type of message played to the caller can be text-to-speech or recorded. In this case, it's pre-selected to use a recording.
Recording Used – The pre-configured mp3 file used is "silence.mp3". When a call enters this node, the caller will hear silence.
Next Node – This node intends to avoid blocked numbers from coming through, so no other node is configured. The Next Node option pre-configured is "none." You don't need to change this.
No Match and Error
If the Block Check (Variable Match) node determines there is no match (no number to block) or if there is, for some reason, an error in identifying the call, the call is sent to the Holiday Check (Schedule) node.
Schedule (Holiday Check)
The Holiday Check node checks if the caller is calling within holiday hours or outside holiday hours. If a call enters this node outside of the configured holiday hours, the call is sent to the Business Hours Check (Schedule) node. If a call enters the node and matches the holiday hours (e.g., Christmas, July 4th, etc.) and your contact center is closed, it will give the caller your non-business hours option. Below are the node settings for the Holiday Check node:
Name – Identifies what the node does. In this case, it's pre-populated with "Holiday Check."
Schedules – Indicates the dates/hours for your holidays. It's pre-populated with Dec 25, 2019, 12:00 am - 11:59 pm. To edit the existing date/year/hours, click
to edit the options below. You should check this node regularly to ensure you have the correct dates/year.
Type – Option to select a date or days of the week.
Date – You can choose a specific date if the "Date" type is selected.
Days of Week – If "Days of week" is selected, you can choose Monday - Sunday.
Timezone – Identifies the timezone the schedule will follow.
Start/End – The start and end times when the schedule is followed.
Next Node – The next node is based on the schedule. In this case, the next node is Holiday Voicemail.
Add Schedule – Click this option to add your other holiday dates/hours. You should check this node regularly to ensure you have the right dates/year. Use "Holiday Voicemail" for the Next Node option.
Default Next Node – If it's determined that the call entered the node during business hours, it's sent to the Business Hours Check node. You don't need to change this.
If there is a holiday hours match in the Holiday Check node where your contact center is not open, the call is sent to the Holiday Voicemail (Menu) node.
Menu (Voicemail)
Below are the node settings for the Holiday Voicemail node:
Name – Identifies what the node does. In this case, it's pre-populated with "Holiday Voicemail."
Language – The IVR can understand linguistics based on the caller's spoken language. The pre-populated selection is "English."
Timeout – The number of seconds the IVR waits for the caller to press a number or say something. It's pre-populated with "5" seconds.
Message – The type of message played to the caller can be text-to-speech or recorded. In this case, it's pre-selected to use a recording.
Recording Used – The pre-configured mp3 file used is "closed-holiday.mp3" with instructions to press "1" to leave a voicemail. Click Update Recording if you want to upload your own recording.
DTMF Input – The number a caller presses to leave a voicemail. It's pre-populated with "1".
Voice Input Phrases* – Words or phrases a caller can use to provide input. This field is intentionally left blank.
Next Node– Because the instruction on the recording is to press "1", doing so will take the caller to the Voicemail node. You don't need to change this.
The Voicemail node is configured as a Channel, so voicemails left by a caller are sent to an Inbox where it's queued and assigned to an Agent.
The Inbox where voicemails are sent requires SLA to be configured. This should have been configured during implementation. Click here for more information.
Default Next Node – If a caller decides not to leave a voicemail, the call is sent back to the Goodbye (Message) node, where the call is ended. You don't need to change this.
No Match
If the Holiday Check (Schedule) node determines the call is outside the schedule or doesn't match your holiday hours, the call is sent to the Business Hours Check (Schedule) node to look at your normal business hours.
Schedule (Business Hours Check)
The Business Hours Check node is pre-configured with business hours as M-F, 8 AM - 5 PM. Calls received within these operating hours are sent to the Ad Hoc Close (Temporary Split) node, where additional options are presented. Calls received outside of the operating hours configured in the node are sent to the Closed Voicemail Option (Menu) node, which gives callers the option to leave a voicemail using the Voicemail node.
Below are the node settings for the Business Hours Check node:
Name – Identifies what the node does. In this case, it's pre-populated with "Business Hours Check."
Schedules – Indicates the dates/hours for your normal business hours. It's pre-populated with M-F, 8 AM - 5 PM. If you'd like to edit the hours, click
to edit the options below:
Type – Option to select a date or days of the week. (We recommend using "days of week")
Date – If the "Date" type is selected, you can choose a specific date.
Days of Week – If "Days of week" is selected, you can choose Monday - Sunday.
Timezone – Identifies the timezone the schedule will follow.
Start/End – The start and end times when the schedule is followed.
Next Node – The next node is based on the schedule. If a call enters the node during business hours, then the call is sent to the next node: Ad Hoc Close. You don't need to change this.
Add Schedule – Click this option to add other business hours. Use "Ad Hoc Close" for the Next Node option.
Default Next Node – If it's determined that the call entered the node outside business hours, it's sent to the Closed Voicemail Option node. You don't need to change this.
No Match
If the Business Hours Check (Schedule) node determines that the call is outside your contact center's business hours, it is sent to the Closed Voicemail Option (Menu) node, which gives callers the option to leave a voicemail if they reach you outside your business hours.
Menu (Close Voicemail Option)
Below are the node settings for the Closed Voicemail Option node:
Name – Identifies what the node does. In this case, it's pre-populated with "Closed Voicemail Option."
Language – The IVR can understand linguistics based on the spoken language of the caller. The pre-populated selection is "English."
Timeout – The number of seconds the IVR waits for the caller to press a number or say something. It's pre-populated with "5" seconds.
Message – The type of message played to the caller can be text-to-speech or recorded. In this case, it's pre-selected to use a recording.
Recording Used – The pre-configured mp3 file is "closed-business.mp3" with instructions to press "1" to leave a voicemail or call back during normal business hours. Click Update Recording if you want to upload your own recording, but you don't have to.
DTMF Input – The number a caller presses to leave a voicemail. It's pre-populated with "1".
Voice Input Phrases* – Words or phrases a caller can use to provide input. This field is intentionally left blank.
Next Node – Because the instruction on the recording is to press "1", doing so will take the caller to the Voicemail node. This is the same node the Holiday Voicemail (Menu) node is pointed to. If the node encounters an error for some reason, the call is sent to the Goodbye (Message) node. You don't need to change this.
If there is a business hours/schedule match in the Business Hours Check node which means your contact center is open, the call is sent to the Ad Hoc Close (Temporary Split) node.
Temporary Split (Ad Hoc Close)
The Ad Hoc Close (Temporary Split) node is typically used to temporarily open or close a particular section of your IVR. Let's say you need to close your phones for an emergency team meeting quickly; closing the phones can be completed using this node. This node is often "Off" where it simply passes calls to the next node.
If it's "On," the node diverts calls to the Ad Hoc Close Voicemail (Menu) node, which gives callers the option to leave a voicemail while you can't answer the phone.
Below are the node settings for the Ad Hoc Close (Temporary Split) node:
Name – Identifies what the node does. In this case, it's pre-populated with "Ad Hoc Close."
Temporary Split - You only need to edit this option if you need to close your phones temporarily. This node is "off" by default unless activated. Indicates the minutes or hours you need to close the phones in real time.
Time Zone – This should match the time zone of your business hours.
Period of Time – Choose the length of time to close the phones. The default is 30 minutes. For example, if it's 1:36 PM and you select 30 minutes, the phones will be off from 1:36 PM - 2:06 PM.
Next Node – The node a call is moved to if this node is "On." The pre-selected option is the Ad Hoc Close Voicemail Menu node. You don't need to change this.
To activate the Ad Hoc Close (Temporary Split) node to close the phones, you must click OK, then click Publish. The node will show "On" and calls are sent to the Ad Hoc Close Voicemail (Menu) node where callers can press "1" to leave a voicemail.
To turn off the Ad Hoc Close node to allow calls to pass through to the next node,
to delete the time period. Click Publish to save your update.
Default Next Node – If the Ad Hoc Close node is "Off," this is the next node the call is sent to. The pre-selected option is the Greeting node. You don't need to change this.
Once a call passes the Ad Hoc Close node because it's "off" (which means the phone line is open), the call is sent to the Greeting node.
Below are the node settings for the Greeting node, but you don't need to change anything:
Name – Identifies what the node does. In this case, it's pre-populated with "Greeting."
Message – Pre-configure to play a generic greeting without stating the caller's name.
At this point, regardless of whether the caller is a known Customer or not, the call is sent to the QA Message (Message) node.
Message (QA Message)
The QA Message (Message) node contains a message that all calls are recorded for quality and training purposes.
Below are the node settings for the QA Message node:
Name – Identifies what the node does. In this case, it's pre-populated with "QA Message."
Message – The type of message played to the caller can be text-to-speech or recorded. In this case, it's pre-selected to use a recording.
Recording Used – The pre-configured mp3 file used is "greeting.mp3". When a call enters this node, the caller will hear a message that all calls are recorded for quality and training purposes. Click Update Recording if you want to upload your own recording your own recording.
Next Node – The next node a call is sent to. The pre-selected option is the Menu (Menu) node. You don't need to change this.
Once a call passes the QA Message (Message) node, the call is sent to the Menu node.
Menu (Menu)
The Menu (Menu) node gives callers the option to press "1" to receive help over SMS/text instead of staying on the line to be connected to an Agent.
Below are the node settings for the Menu node:
Name – Identifies what the node does. In this case, it's pre-populated with "Menu."
Language – The IVR can understand linguistics based on the spoken language of the caller. The pre-populated selection is "English."
Timeout – The number of seconds the IVR waits for the caller to press a number or say something. It's pre-populated with "5" seconds.
Message – The type of message played to the caller can be text-to-speech or recorded. In this case, it's pre-selected to use a recording.
Recording Used – The pre-configured mp3 file used is "Menu.mp3" with instructions to press "1" to receive an SMS/text message. Click Update Recording if you want to upload your own recording.
DTMF Input – The number a caller presses to receive an SMS/text. It's pre-populated with "1".
Voice Input Phrases* – Words or phrases a caller can say to provide input. This field is intentionally left blank.
Next Node – Because the instruction on the recording is to press "1" to receive an SMS/text, doing so will take the caller to the Send SMS (SMS) node. This field is pre-populated with "Send SMS." You don't need to change this.
Default Next Node – If the caller doesn't press "1" and waits on the line, the call is sent to the Dial (Exit) node, where the call is transferred to the next Inbox where calls are sent. This field is pre-populated with "Dial." You don't need to change this.
From the Menu (Menu) node, if the caller opts in to receive a text by pressing "1", a request is sent to the Send SMS (SMS) node, which triggers an SMS/text to be sent to the caller's mobile number. If successful, the call is sent to the SMS Sent (Message) node with a confirmation that the text was sent. The call is then ended.
SMS (Send SMS)
The Send SMS (SMS) node allows the IVR to send a text message to the caller's number with a pre-configured text greeting. This allows the caller to start an SMS/text thread instead of waiting for an Agent on the phone.
Below are the node settings for the Send SMS node, but you don't need to change anything:
Name – Identifies what the node does. In this case, it's pre-populated with "Send SMS."
Description – Describes how the node is used. Because it's used to send a caller an SMS, it's pre-populated with "Send SMS."
SMS Body – This is the first text message sent to the Customer. The standard message is "Thanks for contacting us! How can we help?". You can change this initial message if you want, but you don't have to.
To Number – By default, we will automatically send the text to the caller's number. This field is intentionally left blank.
Next Node – The call is sent to the SMS Sent node with a confirmation message that a text message was sent. This field is pre-populated with "SMS Sent." You don't need to change this.
Error Node – If sending the message fails, the call is sent to the SMS Error node. This field is pre-populated with "SMS Error." You don't need to change this.
Once the Send SMS node sends an SMS/text, the call is sent to the SMS Sent (Message) node. This contains a confirmation recording that a text message was sent. This is where the call ends, and the Customer can continue their request over text.
Message (SMS Sent)
Below are the node settings for the SMS Sent node:
Name – Identifies what the node does. In this case, it's pre-populated with "SMS Sent."
Message – The type of message played to the caller can be text-to-speech or recorded. In this case, it's pre-selected to use a recording.
Recording Used – The pre-configured mp3 file used is "SMS Sent.mp3." When a call enters this node, the caller will hear a message that the text message was successful. The call is ended here. Click Update Recording if you want to upload your own recording, but you don't have to.
Next Node– No node is selected since the call ends here.
If the Send SMS node encounters an error while sending a text message, the call is sent to the SMS Error (Message) node, where a message is played that sending a text message failed.
Message (SMS Error)
Below are the node settings for the SMS Error (Message) node:
Name – Identifies what the node does. In this case, it's pre-populated with "SMS Sent."
Message – The type of message played to the caller can be text-to-speech or recorded. In this case, it's pre-selected to use a recording.
Recording Used – The pre-configured mp3 file used is "SMS Error.mp3". This message lets the caller know that they are being transferred to an Agent. Click Update Recording if you want to upload your own recording.
Next Node – The call was sent to this node because the SMS/text failed to be sent, so the call is transferred to an Agent through the Dial (Exit) node. This field is pre-populated with "Dial."
If an SMS/text fails to be sent or the caller opted to speak to an Agent, the call is sent to the Dial (Exit) node, which is sent to an Inbox configured in the Entry Point settings page where calls are directed to.
Exit (Dial)
Below are the node settings for the Dial (Exit) node:
Name – Identifies the Entry Point name used on the Entry Points settings page to route calls to the correct Inbox.
Description – Describes how the node is used. Because it's used to transfer calls to an Agent, it's pre-populated with Dial.
Click the Entry Points link to open the Entry Points settings page. Without setting a voice Entry Point exception, the Exit node defaults to using the Voice Channel's default Inbox on the Entry Points setting page.
Sample voice Entry Point exception
Once a call is in the Inbox's queue waiting for the next available Agent, the call enters the Basic Queue IVR. Read on to the next section below.
Review the 'Basic Queue IVR' setting
In the Basic IVR, the Dial (Exit) node is the last node in the Basic IVR's tree, which transfers and queues phone calls in an Inbox to wait for the next available Agent. Calls waiting in the Inbox's queue are managed by a separate IVR — named Basic Queue IVR.