VoIP, Direct Dial, or External Phone System
VoIP (most common) – VoIP calls are made over the Internet — think Skype, Google Voice, or WhatsApp calls. If you’re set up for VoIP calls, you’ll be accepting, declining, and making calls directly through Gladly. This is the most common setup for Gladly Customers using Gladly Voice.
Direct Dial – Direct Dial calls are made over traditional landlines, like your home phone, mobile phone, or, more specifically, the phone that’s sitting on your desk right now. If you’re set up for Direct Dial calls, you’ll be using a landline to make and receive calls, but the calls will still be routed and recorded via Gladly.
External Phone System – If you notice the phone icons in Gladly are greyed out, that means your company has chosen to handle calls via an external system, so you won’t be using Gladly to make or answer phone calls. This section on voice calls won’t apply to you, so you might want to skip ahead to the next section.
Make a call through Gladly (VoIP)
Customers with a phone number recorded in their Customer Profile can initiate an outgoing call directly from the Composer.
, then select Call.
You will see From and To numbers. If configured and when necessary, you can change the From number, which is the number your Customer will see when you call.
Click Call in the bottom right corner. You will hear a prompt that the call is being connected. Calls are automatically recorded and added to the Conversation Timeline.
Additional phone controls to mute, transfer, conference, or end the call appear on the screen.
Don't forget to add a Note to summarize your call.
when done. The call recording is automatically added to the Conversation Timeline.
Toll-free numbers
For Gladly VoIP Customers, you won't be able to call other toll-free numbers from Gladly if you're also calling from a toll-free number (1-800, 888, 877, 866, 855, 844, 833). If you get an error message, use a local or non-toll-free number to call from Gladly. If you don't have one, contact your Manager.
Answer an incoming call through Gladly (VoIP)
When a call is routed to you, you'll see the incoming call banner. Click Accept on the notification banner.
Additional phone controls to mute, transfer, conference, or end the call appear on the screen.
You’ll be taken straight to that Customer’s Profile, where you’ll find the Notes Composer ready for you to take notes for the call. You’ll also see a real-time recording of the voice appear in the Conversation Timeline that you can listen to at a later time if needed.
If this is the first time the Customer is calling, you'll be presented with a blank Customer Profile. Be sure to enter as much information as you can about them, which includes:
Full Name
Phone Number (tag if it's mobile, office, home, etc.)
Email Address
Click the End Call icon to end the call or allow the Customer to hang up to end the call.
Decline an incoming call through Gladly (VoIP)
There are two ways calls can be classified as "declined" in Gladly:
By clicking Decline from the notification banner.
By waiting until the call banner goes Away. (this is classified as a missed call)
When a call is declined or missed, the call is rerouted to another Agent. You'll continue to be routed other calls regardless if you miss or decline previous ones, unless you change your Availability status. The time between declining/missing a call and receiving another one depends on the Time to route next call setting.
Accept an incoming call outside of Gladly (Direct Dial)
You’ll see the green notification banner appear on the top of your screen, with the Customer's name (if they're a known Customer) and options to Answer or Decline the call. For Direct Dial setup, you will accept calls by clicking Answer using handset.
Click Answer using handset on the notification banner.
You’ll be taken straight to that Customer’s Profile, where you’ll find the Notes Composition screen ready for you to take notes for the call.
If this is the first time the Customer is calling, you'll be presented with a blank Customer Profile. Be sure to enter as much information as you can about them, which includes:
Full Name
Phone Number (add a tag if it's Mobile, Office, Home)
Email Address
Decline an incoming call outside of Gladly (Direct Dial)
There are three ways calls can be classified as "declined" in Gladly:
By clicking Decline from the notification banner.
By waiting until the call banner goes Away. (this is classified as a missed call)
Declining the call through your handset.
When a call is declined, the call is rerouted to another Agent. You won’t receive any more calls until you click Next by the Availability controls or by clicking Close & Next if you are viewing a Customer Profile.