Operational Summary

This report will be sunsetted soon.

The Operational Summary report gives you a high-level snapshot of your contact center.

Graph showing created and closed conversations with response metrics from March 25 to April 1.

There are three main sections to your Summary Report, as well as a downloadable CSV.

  • Top Section - Visual Graphs of Activity

  • Middle Section - Summary Level Stats

  • Bottom Section - Detailed Roll-Up View

Visual Graph of Activity


The top section of the Summary Report consists of two graphs that give you a visual representation of key metrics.

Graph showing conversations and responses over time with SLA performance metrics.


Conversations Graph

Created Conversations - Conversations Created. When filtered to a specific Channel, this shows Conversations Created where at least 1 Contact was in that Channel.

Closed Conversations - Conversations Closed. When filtered to a specific Channel, this shows Conversations Closed where at least 1 Contact was in that Channel.

Responses Graph

Responses - Either Contacts Fulfilled, Contacts and Messages Fulfilled, or Messages Inbound on Contacts Fulfilled, depending on the Channel filter selected.

  • When “All Channels” is selected, the following Channels use Contacts Fulfilled: Voice, Voicemail, Abandoned Call Followups, Chat, and Email.

  • When “All Channels” is selected, the following Channels use Contacts and Messages Fulfilled: SMS, FB Messenger, , and WhatsApp.

  • When individual channels are selected, the following Channels use Contacts Fulfilled: Voice, Chat, and Email.

  • When individual Channels are selected, the following Channels use Messages Inbound on Contacts Fulfilled: SMS, FB Messenger, , and WhatsApp.

  • When individual Channels are selected, the label for this graph changes from Responses to one of the following: Chats, Emails Responded To, FB Msgs Responded To, SMSes Responded To, Msgs Responded To, Calls. The label for WhatsApp remains Responses.

% within SLA = Either Contacts Fulfilled before Due, Contacts and Messages Fulfilled before Due, or Messages Inbound on Contacts Fulfilled before Due divided by the relevant measure for Responses, depending on the Channel filter selected.

Summary Level Stats


In the middle of the Operational Summary report, you’ll find a high level, snapshot view for the date range you’ve selected.

Data summary showing created and closed conversations from March 25th to April 1st, 2019.


Created Conversations - Conversations Created. When filtered to a specific Channel, this shows Conversations Created where at least 1 Contact was in that Channel.

Closed Conversations - Conversations Closed. When filtered to a specific Channel, this shows Conversations Closed where at least 1 Contact was in that Channel.

Average Close Time - Created-to-Close Time divided by Conversations Closed

Average Wait Time - Either Wait Time or Contact and Message Wait Time divided by the relevant measure for Responses, depending on the Channel.

  • The following Channels use Wait Time: Voice, Voicemail, Abandoned Call Followups, Chat, and Email.

  • The following Channels use Contact and Message Wait Time: SMS, FB Messenger, , and WhatsApp.

% Responses within SLA = Either Contacts Fulfilled before Due, Contacts and Messages Fulfilled before Due, or Messages Inbound on Contacts Fulfilled before Due divided by the relevant measure for Responses, depending on the Channel filter selected.

Detailed Roll-Up


At the bottom of the Summary Report, you’ll find a more detailed view of your key metrics by the selected roll-up view (i.e. ‘Daily’, ‘Weekly’, ‘Monthly’ or ‘Quarterly’ view). Selecting the ‘Daily’ roll-up view, for example, will show you the metrics, on a daily basis, within your Date Range.

Data table showing created and closed conversations with average times for each date.

You can sort the table in ascending or descending order across any of the fields in this section. To sort simply click on any of the fields. If there’s an ⌃ to its left, that means it’s in ascending order, and if it’s a ⌄, it means it’s in descending order. To change the order, simply click the metric until the green arrow is pointing in the direction of your choice.


All Channels

The fields below appear when viewing “All Channels”.

Created Conversations - Conversations Created. When filtered to a specific Channel, this shows Conversations Created where at least 1 Contact was in that Channel.

Closed Conversations - Conversations Closed. When filtered to a specific Channel, this shows Conversations Closed where at least 1 Contact was in that Channel.

Average Close Time - Created-to-Close Time divided by Conversations Closed

Average Wait Time - Either Wait Time or Contact and Message Wait Time divided by the relevant measure for Responses (see definition above), depending on the Channel.

Avg. Handle Time for Closed Conversations - Conversation Handle Time divided by Conversations Closed.

% Responses within SLA - Either Contacts Fulfilled before Due, Contacts and Messages Fulfilled before Due, or Messages Inbound on Contacts Fulfilled before Due divided by the relevant measure for Responses, depending on the Channel filter selected.

% Utilized - Utilized Time divided by Logged In Time.

Avg. [CHANNEL] Active Handle Time = Conversation Handle Time divided by Conversations Closed, where the first Contact was in that channel.

Closed [CHANNEL] Conversations = Conversations Closed where the first Contact was in that channel.


These additional fields appear only when filtered to a specific channel.

Incoming [CHANNEL] - Either Messages Inbound, Contacts Ended, or Contacts Inbound and Queued, depending on the channel and metric.

Outgoing [CHANNEL] = Either Messages Outbound, Contacts Outbound and Ended, or Contacts Outbound, depending on the channel and metric.

Chats - Contacts Ended

Declined and Missed Chats - Events – Contact Declined or Missed

Avg. Chat Message Reply Time - Agent Reply Time divided by Messages Inbound on Contacts Fulfilled

Avg. Chat Time - Fulfilled-to-Ended Time divided by Contacts Ended as Responded

Avg. Concurrent Messages - Fulfilled-to-Ended Time divided by Assigned or Available Messaging Time

Avg. Incoming Talk Time - Inbound First Accepted-to-Ended Time divided by Contacts Ended as Responded

Avg. Outgoing Talk Time - Outbound Answered-to-Ended Time divided by Contacts Outbound and Answered

Abandoned Calls - Contacts Queued and Ended as Abandoned or Forwarded or Left Voicemail or Canceled

% Abandoned - Contacts Queued and Ended as Abandoned or Forwarded or Left Voicemail or Canceled divided by Contacts Ended

CSV Download


You can also download a CSV for the date range, channel, and Inboxes you’ve selected.

Note that the fields included will vary based on the selected channel filter.


All Channels

The fields below appear when viewing “All Channels”.

Date - Start of the time window for that row.

Timezone Filter - Timezone selected before downloading.

Inboxes Filter - Inboxes selected before downloading.

Channel Filter - Channels selected before downloading.

Created Conversations - Conversations Created. When filtered to a specific Channel, this shows Conversations Created where at least 1 Contact was in that Channel.

Closed Conversations - Conversations Closed. When filtered to a specific Channel, this shows Conversations Closed where at least 1 Contact was in that Channel.

Time To Close - Created-to-Close Time

Average Close Time - Created-to-Close Time divided by Conversations Closed

Wait Time - Either Wait Time or Contact and Message Wait Time, depending on the channel.

  • The following channels use Wait Time: Voice, Voicemail, Abandoned Call Follow-ups, Chat, and Email.

  • The following channels use Contact and Message Wait Time: SMS, FB Messenger, , and WhatsApp.

Average Wait Time - Either Wait Time or Contact and Message Wait Time divided by the relevant measure for Responses, depending on the Channel.

Responses Over SLA - Either Contacts Fulfilled after Due, Contacts and Messages Fulfilled after Due, or Messages Inbound on Contacts Fulfilled after Due, depending on the channel filter selected.

Responses - Either Contacts Fulfilled, Contacts and Messages Fulfilled, or Messages Inbound on Contacts Fulfilled, depending on the Channel filter selected.

Utilized Time - Utilized Time

Logged In Time - Logged In Time

Avg. Handle Time for Closed Conversations - Conversation Handle Time divided by Conversations Closed.

[CHANNEL] Active Handle Time - Conversation Handle Time, where the first Contact was on that channel. Only applies to Conversations that are Closed.

Closed [CHANNEL] Conversations = Conversations Closed where the first Contact was in that channel.

Avg. [CHANNEL] Active Handle Time = Conversation Handle Time divided by Conversations Closed, where the first Contact was in that channel.


These additional fields appear only when filtered to a specific channel.

Incoming [CHANNEL] - Either Messages Inbound, Contacts Ended, or Contacts Inbound and Queued, depending on the channel and metric. Note: Incoming FB Messages and Incoming Facebook Messages are equivalent.

Incoming Chat Messages Responded To - Messages Inbound on Contacts Fulfilled

Outgoing [CHANNEL] - Either Messages Outbound, Contacts Outbound and Ended, or Contacts Outbound, depending on the channel and metric. Note: Outgoing FB Messages and Outgoing Facebook Messages are equivalent.

Chats - Contacts Ended

Declined and Missed Chats - Events – Contact Declined or Missed

Message Wait Time - Agent Reply Time

Avg. Chat Message Wait Time - Agent Reply Time divided by Messages Inbound on Contacts Fulfilled

Assigned Messaging Time - Fulfilled-to-Ended Time

Answered Chats - Contacts Ended as Responded

Unanswered Chats - Contacts Ended as Canceled or Timed Out

Answered Chat Time - Fulfilled-to-Ended Time. Note the time is attributed to when the Contact ends.

Avg. Chat Time - Fulfilled-to-Ended Time divided by Contacts Ended as Responded

Assigned or Available Messaging Time - Assigned or Available Messaging Time

Avg. Concurrent Messages - Fulfilled-to-Ended Time divided by Assigned or Available Messaging Time

Answered Incoming Calls - Contacts Ended as Responded

Incoming Call Talk Time - Inbound First Accepted-to-Ended Time

Avg. Incoming Talk Time - Inbound First Accepted-to-Ended Time divided by Contacts Ended as Responded

Answered Outgoing Calls - Contacts Outbound and Answered

Outgoing Call Talk Time - Outbound Answered-to-Ended Time

Avg. Outgoing Talk Time - Outbound Answered-to-Ended Time divided by Contacts Outbound and Answered