This report will be sunsetted soon. Please transition to use the Contact Summary (New) report.
Use the Contact Summary report to track Customer Wait Time, Agent Handle Time, and more trends.
How data in the report is measured
The Contact Summary report is measured using the following:
Grouped by Contact. Only compare this report to other Contact reports.
Time Anchor
Data is time anchored using 'Contact ended at' in the UI. This means all Contacts in the report have ended.
Metrics used for the Contact Summary report
Review the definition of each metric and how it's used to calculate data. These are fields you'll see in the CSV download. The columns in the report fill dynamically when the information is available.
Metric | Description | Comments |
Ended Date | Day, Week, etc. based on the selected filters. This refers to the date/time when the Contact ended. | |
Contacts Ended | Count of all Contacts that ended. | • Includes all Inbound and Outbound Contacts that ended on the specified date(s).
• Includes Inbound Contacts that ended on the specified date(s), regardless of the day they were queued. |
Contacts Inbound | Count of inbound Contacts that ended. | "Inbound" Contacts are those initiated by the Customer, Internal, or External Initiator Types |
Contacts Fulfilled | Count of Contacts fulfilled (either responded to or canceled). This does not include phone calls that were abandoned, phone calls that were forwarded, phone calls that left a voicemail, or Contacts that timed out without an agent response. | Includes both inbound and outbound Contacts. |
Contacts Fulfilled before SLA | Count of Contacts Fulfilled, where the Contact was fulfilled before the SLA Target (Due At). | Subset of Contacts Fulfilled |
Contacts Fulfilled after SLA | Count of Contacts Fulfilled, where the Contact was fulfilled after the SLA Target (Due At). | Subset of Contacts Fulfilled |
Contacts Fulfilled by Response | Count of Contacts that were fulfilled by being responded to. This includes phone calls that an Agent answers, messaging Contacts where an Agent writes back, and Voicemail and Email Contacts where the Agent responds on any Channel. | Includes both inbound and outbound Contacts. |
Contacts Accepted before SLA | Count of Inbound Contacts accepted before the SLA Target (Due At). | Subset of Contacts Inbound |
Contacts Abandoned | Count of phone calls where status is "ABANDONED". This only counts abandons post-IVR.Includes all abandons.The difference between the totaled abandons within 5, 10, and 15 seconds are abandons after 15 seconds. To determine the point Customers are abandoning, use the Contact Export report, filter for Abandons, and use the Queued-to-Ended column. | Subset of Contacts Inbound |
Contacts Abandoned within 5 seconds | Count of phone calls where status is "ABANDONED" and ended-queued is less than 5 seconds (from 0 to 5s). This only counts abandons post-IVR. | Subset of Contacts Inbound |
Contacts Abandoned within 10 seconds | Count of phone calls where status is "ABANDONED" and ended-queued is less than 10 seconds (from 0 to 10s). This only counts abandons post-IVR. | Subset of Contacts Inbound |
Contacts Abandoned within 15 seconds | Count of phone calls where status is "ABANDONED" and ended-queued is less than 15 seconds (from 0 to 15s). This only counts abandons post-IVR. | Subset of Contacts Inbound |
Service Level % | Count of Contacts Fulfilled before SLA, divided by the sum of (Contacts Abandoned + Contacts Fulfilled). | Applies to inbound Contacts only |
Avg. Queued-to-Fulfilled Time | Average duration of time from when the Contact was first queued to when it was fulfilled. | For inbound Contacts only, and only for Fulfilled Contacts |
Max Queued-to-Fulfilled Time | Longest duration of time, among all the inbound Contacts being considered, from when the Contact was first queued to when it was fulfilled. | For inbound Contacts only, and only for Fulfilled Contacts |
Avg. Queued-to-First Accepted Time | Average duration of time from when the Contact was first queued to when it was first accepted. | Only applies to inbound Contacts |
Avg. First Accepted-to-Fulfilled Time | Average duration of time from when the Contact was first accepted to when it was fulfilled. | Only applies to inbound Contacts |
Avg. Queued-to-Ended Time | Average duration of time from when the Contact was first queued to when it was ended. | Only applies to inbound Contacts |
Avg. Fulfilled-to-Ended Time | Average duration of time from when the Contact was fulfilled to when it was ended. | Only applies to inbound Contacts |
Avg. Due-to-Fulfilled Time (delta +/-) | Average duration of time between when the Contact was due and when it was fulfilled. | Only applies to inbound Contacts |
Avg. Inbound Contact Handle Time | Average total duration of time, across all inbound Contacts, when any Agent viewed the Customer profile while the Contact was ongoing. | Only applies to inbound Contacts |
Avg. Inbound After Contact Time | Average total duration of time, across all inbound Contacts, when any Agent viewed the Customer profile after the Contact has ended, but before the Conversation is closed or before another Contact begins. | Only applies to inbound Contacts |
Contacts Outbound | Count of outbound Contacts that ended. | |
Contacts Outbound and Answered | Count of outbound Contacts that ended, where the customer answered. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Avg. Outbound Contact Handle Time | Average total duration of time, across all outbound Contacts, when any Agent viewed the Customer profile while the Contact was ongoing. | Only applies to outbound Contacts |
Avg. Outbound After Contact Time | Average total duration of time, across all outbound Contacts, when any Agent viewed the Customer profile after the Contact has ended, but before the Conversation is closed or before another Contact begins. | Only applies to outbound Contacts |
Avg. Talk Time | Average duration of time from fulfilled (inbound) or answered (outbound) to ended, minus any time the phone call Contact was on Hold. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Avg. Hold Time - Total | Duration of time the phone call Contact was on Hold. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Avg. Hold Time - Manual | Duration of time the phone call Contact was on Hold for a manual hold. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Avg. Hold Time - Warm Transfer | Duration of time the phone call Contact was on Hold for a warm transfer. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Avg. Hold Time - Cold Transfer | Duration of time the phone call Contact was on Hold for a cold transfer. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Avg. Hold Time - Conference | Duration of time the phone call Contact was on Hold for attempting a conference call. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Avg. Messages Total | Average count of total messages in each Contact. | Only applies to email and messaging Contacts (SMS, Chat, , etc.). Does not apply to Phone Call and Voicemail Contacts. |
Avg. Messages from Customer | Average count of messages sent by the Customer in each Contact. | Only applies to email and messaging Contacts (SMS, Chat, , etc.). Does not apply to Phone Call and Voicemail Contacts. |
Avg. Messages from Agent | Average count of messages sent by an Agent in each Contact. | Only applies to email and messaging Contacts (SMS, Chat, , etc.). Does not apply to Phone Call and Voicemail Contacts. |
Avg. Messages from Rules | Average count of messages sent by Rules in each Contact. | Only applies to email and messaging Contacts (SMS, Chat, , etc.). Does not apply to Phone Call and Voicemail Contacts. |
Avg. Messages from API | Average count of messages sent by API in each Contact. | Only applies to email and messaging Contacts (SMS, Chat, , etc.). Does not apply to Phone Call and Voicemail Contacts. |
Avg. of Avg. Agent Reply Time | Average of the Average time it took for the Agent to reply throughout each Contact. | • Note that this is an average of averages, which takes the Contact-level Avg. Agent Reply Time metric divided by all eligible Contacts. If no reply spans are present, the Contact will not be counted in the denominator. • Only applies to email and messaging Contacts (SMS, Chat, , etc.). Does not apply to Phone Call and Voicemail Contacts. |
Avg. of Avg. Customer Reply Time | Average of the Average time it took for the Customer to reply throughout each Contact. | • Note that this is an average of averages, which takes the Contact-level Avg. Customer Reply Time metric divided by all eligible Contacts. If no reply spans are present, the Contact will not be counted in the denominator. • Only applies to email and messaging Contacts (SMS, Chat, , etc.). Does not apply to Phone Call and Voicemail Contacts. |
Unique Customers with Contact Fulfilled | Count of unique Customers who had at least 1 inbound Contact (which ended during the selected period) Fulfilled. | Applies to inbound Contacts only |
Unique Customers with Contact Ended | Count of unique Customers who had at least 1 Contact Ended. | Applies to inbound and outbound Contacts |
Unique Customers with Inbound Contact Ended | Count of unique Customers who had at least 1 inbound Contact Ended. | Applies to inbound and outbound Contacts |
Unique Customers with Outbound Contact Ended | Count of unique Customers who had at least 1 outbound Contact Ended. | Applies to inbound and outbound Contacts |
Payment Requests - Completed | Count of payment requests during the Contact that ended as “Completed.” | |
Payment Requests - Declined | Count of payment requests during the Contact that ended as “Declined.” | |
Payment Amount - Completed USD | Total amount of payments requested during the Contact that ended as “Completed.” | This metric only captures payment requests in US Dollars. |
Payment Amount - Declined USD | Total amount of payments requested during the Contact that ended as “Declined.” | This metric only captures payment requests in US Dollars. |
Note – For metrics that are durations of time, the report in the UI will show time in d:hh:mm:ss (Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds) format, while the downloaded CSV will show time in raw Seconds.
How the Contact Summary report is filtered
You can filter the report using the following criteria. This is how you start segmenting the data based on what you are trying to learn. You can learn more about filters here.
The date filter on this report will correspond to the ended timestamp.
When changing the rollup filter (e.g., Daily), the report will show you Contacts that have ended for each day based on your Date filter. For example, if your Date filter is Aug 8-10, and the rollup is Daily, then you'll see Contacts that have ended for Aug 8, 9, and 10.
Indicates the Channel in which Channel the Contact ended. The Channels can include voice, chat, email, SMS, FB Messenger, , WhatsApp.
Voice Channel only includes Phone Calls and does not include Voicemail and Abandoned Call follow-ups.
The Inbox column and report filter refer to the Inbox where the Contact ended.
Inbox filter is tied to the Inbox when the Contact ended, which isn't necessarily the only Inbox where work happened.
How to use the Contact Summary report
The Contact Summary report can provide multiple data points based on how you slice and dice the data. Below are a couple of examples.
Scenario | Column Filter |
Is our average wait time increasing or decreasing over time? | Select the desired date • Select the results rollup (half-hourly, daily, weekly, etc.) •Select a particular Channel or view results from all Channels • Select the Inbox you would like to report on Use Avg. Queued-to-Fulfilled Time metric to analyze the wait time trend. |
What Channels are experiencing the most Contact abandons? | Select the desired date • Select the results rollup (half-hourly, daily, weekly, etc.) • Select a particular Channel to review (e.g., email, chat, etc.) • Select the Inbox you would like to report on Use the Contacts Abandoned metric to understand the abandoned Contact trend for a particular Channel. |
Why is 'Inbound Contacts' sometimes more than the sum of 'Fulfilled' and 'Abandoned'?
Contacts Inbound contains Contacts Fulfilled, Contacts Abandoned, and also Contacts that get forwarded, leave a voicemail, and time out.