The Agent Summary report gives you a surface-level summary of how Agents spend their time working in Gladly, whereas the Work Sessions report can provide a detailed breakdown of Agent activities.
How data in the report is measured
The report is measured by the following:
Grouped by Agent and Time granularity.
Time Anchor
Data is time-anchored using Time Buckets (for durations) and Events (for counts).
Metrics used for the Agent Summary
In some cases, Channel breakdowns are provided in addition to totals. Channel breakdowns appear in the rightmost columns of the report. While not defined independently below, metrics with Channel breakdowns are noted.
Click on the description to review the definition of each metric and how it's used to calculate data.
Metric | Description | Comments |
Bucket Beginning | Beginning timestamp of the time grain (daily, weekly, etc.) chosen. | |
Bucket End | End timestamp of the time grain (daily, weekly, etc.) chosen. | |
Name | Agent's name. | |
Agent's email address. | ||
Agent ID | Gladly ID for the Agent. | |
User Status | Whether the Agent's Gladly account is active or deactivated. | |
Role(s) | Role(s) that the agent is currently assigned to. | |
Inbox(es) | Inbox(es) that the agent is currently assigned to. | |
Team(s) | Team(s) that the agent is currently assigned to. | |
Logged In | Count of times the Agent logged in to Gladly. | |
Logged Out | Count of times the Agent logged out of Gladly, both by actively logging out and by idling to logout. | |
Logged In Time in seconds | Duration of time the Agent was logged in to Gladly during the specified window. | |
Went Away | Count of times the Agent went Away, either by actively going Away or by idling to Away. | |
Returned from Away | Count of times the Agent returned from Away. | |
Changed Active Reason | Count of times the Agent changed their Active reason. This does not count the initial Active Reason that is set when the Agent logs in or returns from Away. | |
Active Time in seconds | Duration of time the Agent was logged in and Active (not Away) in Gladly during the specified window. | |
Away Time in seconds | Duration of time the Agent was logged in and Away in Gladly during the specified window. | |
Went Available - Voice | Count of times the Agent went available for Voice. | |
Went Available - Messaging | Count of times the Agent went available for Messaging. | |
Went Available - Mail | Count of times the Agent went available for Mail. | |
Went Available - Task | Count of times the Agent went available for Tasks. For many Agents, this will equal the "Went Available - Mail" metric, as those are controlled by the same button. | |
Went Unavailable - All | Count of times the Agent went unavailable for all channel types. | |
Went Unavailable - Voice | Count of times the Agent went unavailable for Voice. | |
Went Unavailable - Messaging | Count of times the Agent went unavailable for Messaging. | |
Went Unavailable - Mail | Count of times the Agent went unavailable for Mail. | |
Went Unavailable - Task | Count of times the Agent went unavailable for Tasks. For many Agents, this will equal the "Went Unavailable - Mail" metric, as those are controlled by the same button. | |
Available Time in seconds - Any | Duration of time the Agent was available for any channel type during the specified window. This will not double count the time the Agent was available for multiple channel types at the same time. | |
Available Time in seconds - Voice | Duration of time the Agent was available for Voice during the specified window. | |
Available Time in seconds - Messaging | Duration of time the Agent was available for Messaging during the specified window. | |
Available Time in seconds - Mail | Duration of time the Agent was available for Mail during the specified window. | |
Available Time in seconds - Task | Duration of time the Agent was available for Tasks during the specified window. For many Agents, this will equal the "Available Time - Mail" metric, as those are controlled by the same button. | |
Conversation Created | Count of times the Agent created a Conversation. | |
Conversation Closed | Count of times the Agent closed a Conversation. | |
Conversation Reopened | Count of times the Agent reopened a Conversation. | |
Conversation Topic Added | Count of Topics the Agent added to Conversations. | |
Conversation Topic Removed | Count of Topics the Agent removed from Conversations. | |
Contact Offered | Count of times the Agent was offered a Contact and never accepting the Contact. | |
Contact Accepted | Count of times the Agent accepted an offered Contact. This includes auto-accept for Channels where that is applied. | This metric is provided as a total and broken down by the following Channels: Chat, Email, Facebook Messenger, Phone Call, SMS, Voicemail, and WhatsApp.When a Contact is transferred, both Agents who worked on the Contact are attributed a "Contact Accepted" count. |
Contact Declined | Count of times the Agent declined an offered Contact. | This metric is provided as a total and broken down by the following channels: Chat, Facebook Messenger, Phone Call, SMS, and WhatsApp. |
Contact Missed | Count of times the Agent missed an offered Contact. | This metric is provided as a total and broken down by the following channels: Chat, Facebook Messenger, Phone Call, SMS, and WhatsApp. |
Contact Transfer Canceled | Count of times the Agent received a Warm Transfer that was then canceled by the initiating Agent. | This metric applies to warm transfers when the Agent can cancel the transfer. In this case, the Contact would stay assigned to the initiating Agent. |
Contact Fulfilled | Count of times the Agent fulfilled a Contact. | This metric is provided as a total and broken down by the following Channels: Chat, Email, Facebook Messenger, Phone Call, SMS, Voicemail, and WhatsApp. |
Contact Fulfilled by Response | Subset of "Contact Fulfilled." Count of times the Agent fulfilled a Contact by responding. | This metric is provided as a total and broken down by the following Channels: Chat, Email, Facebook Messenger, Phone Call, SMS, Voicemail, and WhatsApp. |
Contact Fulfilled by Cancellation | Subset of "Contact Fulfilled." Count of times the Agent fulfilled a Contact by closing the Conversation or marking the Contact as "No Reply Needed." | This metric is provided as a total and broken down by the following Channels: Chat, Email, Facebook Messenger, Phone Call, SMS, Voicemail, and WhatsApp. |
Unique Customers with Contact Fulfilled | Count of unique customers who had a Contact fulfilled by the Agent. | See Fulfilled concept for more information. |
Contact Started | Count of times the Agent started an outbound Contact. | This metric is provided as a total and broken down by the following Channels: Email, Facebook Messenger, Phone Call, SMS, and WhatsApp. |
Contact Transferred | Count of times the Agent transferred a Contact. | This metric is provided as a total and broken down by the following Channels: Chat, Email, Facebook Messenger, Phone Call, SMS, Voicemail, and WhatsApp.Specifically attributed to the Agent who completed the transfer and not necessarily the one assigned to the Contact.Does not include conference calls where the Agent leaves the call but the Customer and 3rd party continue with the call. |
Contact Transferred From | Count of times the Agent was previously assigned to a Contact that was transferred. | This metric is provided as a total and broken down by the following Channels: Chat, Email, Facebook Messenger, Phone Call, SMS, Voicemail, and WhatsApp.Specifically attributed to Agents who were assigned to a Contact before a transfer occurred. |
Contact Transferred To | Count of times the Agent received a Contact that was transferred. | This metric is provided as a total and broken down by the following Channels: Chat, Email, Facebook Messenger, Phone Call, SMS, Voicemail, and WhatsApp.Specifically attributed to Agents who received the transferred Contact. |
Contact Ended | Count of times the Agent was assigned to a Contact when it ended. | This metric is provided as a total and broken down by the following Channels: Chat, Email, Facebook Messenger, Phone Call, SMS, Voicemail, and WhatsApp.The Agent who is assigned when a Contact ends is attributed with a "Contact Ended" count.Inclusive of outbound Contacts. |
Contacts with Contact Handle Time | Count of Contacts where the Agent contributed Contact Handle Time. Includes any handle time and is not limited to Contacts accepted on a particular day. | Channel does not break down this metric. |
Contacts with After Contact Time | Count of Contacts where the Agent contributed After Contact Time. Includes any Contact time and is not limited to Contacts accepted on a particular day. | This metric is not broken down by Channel. |
Avg Accepted-to-Fulfilled Time in seconds | Average duration of time from Accepted to Fulfilled, for any messaging and mail Contacts the Agent fulfilled during the time bucket that were fulfilled within 24 hours of being accepted. | This metric is provided as a total and broken down by the following Channels: Chat, Email, Facebook Messenger, SMS, Voicemail, and WhatsApp.This metric excludes Phone Call Contacts, which are fulfilled when accepted.This metric excludes any Contacts fulfilled beyond 24 hours of being accepted by the same Agent and any Contacts fulfilled without being accepted by the Agent. Note that if a Contact was fulfilled during the time bucket, it does not have to be accepted during that same time bucket to be considered. This is an average duration metric and not a bucketed total duration. |
Contact Fulfilled - Acceptance Outliers | Count of times the Agent fulfilled a Contact, but either did not accept the Contact or accepted it more than 24 hours before fulfilling it. | If you subtract this metric from the Contact Fulfilled metric, you will get the denominator for the Avg Accepted-to-Fulfilled Time in seconds metric. |
Hold Started | Count of phone holds started by the Agent. | |
Hold Started - Manual | Count of manual phone holds started by the Agent. | |
Hold Started - Cold Transfer | Count of phone holds started by the Agent to attempt a cold transfer. | |
Hold Started - Warm Transfer | Count of phone holds started by the Agent to attempt a warm transfer. | |
Hold Started - Conference | Count of phone holds started by the Agent to attempt a conference call. | |
Hold Time in seconds - Manual | Duration of time the Agent placed the Customer on a manual hold during the specified window. | This metric applies if the Agent started the hold, though the hold start does not have to be within the specified window. |
Hold Time in seconds - Warm Transfer | Duration of time the Agent placed the Customer on a warm transfer hold during the specified window. | This metric applies if the Agent started the hold, though the hold start does not have to be within the specified window. |
Message Sent | Count of messages sent by the Agent. | This metric is provided as a total and broken down by the following Channels: Chat, Email, Facebook Messenger, SMS, and WhatsApp. |
Payment Request Completed | Count of times a payment request sent by the Agent was successfully completed. | |
Payment Amount Completed - USD | Total amount collected through successfully completed payment requests sent by the Agent. | This metric only captures payment requests completed in US Dollars. |
Task Created | Count of times the Agent created a Task. | |
Task Closed | Count of times the Agent closed a Task. | |
Task Reopened | Count of times the Agent reopened a Task. | |
Task Assigned | Count of times a Task was assigned to the Agent. | |
Task Commented On | Count of times the Agent commented on a Task. | |
Task Content Updated | Count of times the Agent updated a Task's content. | |
Task Due Date Updated | Count of times the Agent updated a Task's due date. | |
Task Followed | Count of times the Agent followed a Task. | |
Task Unfollowed | Count of times the Agent unfollowed a Task. | |
Note Added | Count of times the Agent added a Note. | |
Customer Merged | Count of times the Agent merged two Customer Profiles. | |
Occupied % | Percentage of time that contact center heroes are actively engaged in handling customer interactions, such as calls, chats, or emails, compared to the total available time.Formula: Occupied % = Total Contact Handle Time/Available Time | |
Customer Handle Time in seconds | Duration of time the Agent viewed a Customer Profile during the specified window whether the Conversation is open or closed. | |
Conversation Handle Time in seconds | Duration of time the Agent viewed a Customer Profile with an ongoing Conversation during the specified window. | |
Contact Handle Time in seconds | Duration of time the Agent viewed a Customer Profile with an ongoing Contact during the specified window. | This metric is provided as a total and broken down by the following Channels: Chat, Email, Facebook Messenger, Phone Call, SMS, Voicemail, and WhatsApp. |
After Contact Time in seconds | Duration of time during the specified window that the Agent viewed a Customer Profile after a Contact has ended, but before the Conversation is closed or before another Contact begins. | This metric is provided as a total and broken down by the following Channels: Chat, Email, Facebook Messenger, Phone Call, SMS, Voicemail, and WhatsApp. |
Task Handle Time in seconds | Total amount of time the Agent spent viewing a Customer Profile with the Task panel open | |
Messaging Concurrency | "Messaging Work Session Time - Aggregate" divided by "Messaging Contact Handle Time." | |
Messaging Work Session Time - Aggregate | Total duration from the start to the end of the Agent's Handle Time on a Contact, for any Contacts handled during the specified window. | |
Messaging Work Session Time - Union | Union of time (amount of time, deduplicated if overlapping) durations from the start to the end of the Agent's Handle Time on a Contact, for any Contacts handled during the specified window. | |
Messaging Contact Handle Time | Duration of time the Agent viewed a Customer Profile with an ongoing Contact on any Messaging Channel during the specified window. |
Note – For metrics that are durations of time, the report in the UI will show time in d:hh:mm:ss (Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds) format, while the downloaded CSV will show time in raw Seconds
How the Agent Summary report is filtered
Use these filters to modify the data in your report. Using a combination of filters will also provide more targeted results. You can learn more about filters here.
When filtering by date, you will see actions performed and time durations within that range.
Each row represents an Agent's activities for that given time granularity, as selected in the Rollup. A row is only displayed if the Agent had any Logged In Time during that time granularity.
When filtering by team, you will see all the Agents currently assigned to that team.
How to use the Agent Summary report
The Agent Summary report can provide multiple data points based on how you slice and dice the data. The first step is to download the CSV version of the report and then follow up with the filters below.
Scenario | Column Filters |
Calculating Average Contacts per day | Select the metric you feel is the best proxy for an Agent working on a Contact, and divide it by the duration metric you want to compare it to. For the numerator, you may prefer Contacts Fulfilled, Contacts Ended, or something different. For the denominator, you may want to use Active Time or Available Time for any Channel or even Logged In Time. |
Looking for "unusual" activity | For areas like Logged In Time, Available Time, and Away Time, you may find it helpful to also look at the number of times an Agent logged in, logged out, went Away, or changed their Availability. This can give you insight into possible technical issues Agents may be experiencing or opportunities for coaching. |
Why does the report take time to load?
The Agent Summary report contains a lot of data, so it will take longer than usual to load compared to other reports.
Why am I seeing Agents who are no longer active in Gladly?
This report includes all the Agents in Gladly, including deactivated accounts. This lets you understand any actions an Agent performed until deactivated.
How is it possible that an Agent closed more Conversations in a day than we have Conversations that closed that day?
The counts in this report are mainly counting actions, so for something like Conversations (which can be closed more than once), you'll see the count of closings, not the count of Conversations.
What is the difference between Customer, Conversation, and Contact Handle Times?
Customer Handle Time shows any time on a Customer Profile, while Conversation Handle Time is only during an open Conversation, and Contact Handle Time is only during an active Contact.
The report shows the 'total Away Time,' but not broken out by different status reason. How do you find the total by reason?
The Agent Durations report breaks down Away Time and Active Time by Reason and can help provide a fuller picture of what Reasons Agents provide for their activities.
Why does the report show breakdowns by Channel for some Channels that are not used?
The report shows Channel breakdowns for all applicable Channels offered by Gladly. Please note that Abandoned Call Followups are not provided as a breakdown, though those can contribute to the total Contact-related action counts (e.g., Contacts Offered, Contacts Ended).
Why am I seeing Away Time longer than an Agent's Login Time?
This can happen if the auto-away setting is changed while an Agent is Idle. We advise changing those settings when Agents are not online or Idle.
Why do I see some Agents who have very high Messaging Concurrency?
The "Messaging Concurrency" metric is a ratio, so this may happen in the case where the numerator ("Messaging Work Session Time – Aggregate") is very high, the denominator ("Messaging Contact Handle Time") is very low, or a mix of both. For example, Agents who work primarily on voice channels may work on a messaging Contact throughout the day without ending it, which could drive up the "Messaging Work Session Time – Aggregate," even though they may not have spent a lot of time viewing the Customer Profile for that messaging Contact, which would keep the "Messaging Contact Handle Time" low.
Why do I see an "Avg Accepted-to-Fulfilled Time in seconds" metric that is longer than the half-hour buckets in my report?
The "Avg Accepted-to-Fulfilled Time in seconds" metric is an average duration metric and not a bucketed total duration. The metric considers Contacts that were fulfilled within the bucket, but they may not have been accepted during the time bucket.
For example, let's imagine an Agent accepts an email Contact at 5:05 AM and fulfills it by responding the next day at 10:20 AM, an Accepted-to-Fulfilled Time of 17h15m. Let's also imagine that this Agent only fulfills this one Contact between 10:00 and 10:30 AM. When you run a half-hourly report and look at the 10:00-10:30 AM time bucket, you will see that the Avg Accepted-to-Fulfilled Time is 17 hours 15 minutes, and not a bucketed duration of 20 minutes (from 10:00 to 10:20 am).