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Before you start
At a high level, you'll need to:
Identify which Gladly Inbox will be used.
Collect the customer's email address in the Contact Us form submission.
Send the submission as an email to an entry point on Gladly (e.g., [email protected]).
Set the reply-to header of the email sent in #2 to the email set in #1.
Email will only appear in Gladly once you have implemented email forwarding to Gladly.
Configuring Gladly for Jotform
Email Entry Points allow Agents to receive emails in Gladly from Customers. They'll also be able to reply to Customers from within Gladly using the email addresses you configure as your Entry Points.
Setup Email Entry Points
See the Email Channel Setup for details on how to set up Email Entry Points.
Create Inbox
You may choose to use an existing Inbox or create a new Inbox. Instructions on creating a new Inbox are below if you choose to go this route.
Create the Inbox where requests from Customers are queued.
Name the Inbox.
Set the Inbox SLA.
Assign users to the inbox.
Configuring Jotform for Gladly
Sign up for an account
We highly recommend perusing the Jotform pricing plans to select the right tier and ensure you have enough space and form views to power your needs.
Configure your form
Step 1: Create a form
Once you log in to your Jotform account, click on My Forms at the top of the page.
Click Create Form on the top left-hand side of the page.
Choose the template you’d like to start with (e.g., Start from Scratch > Classic Form).
To add elements, click Add Form Element on the left-hand side of the page. Please ensure you have selected Email as a form element.
Optional: Attachments
Jotform will automatically convert any attachments to links if they are over 5MB. Unfortunately, since these links contain numeric identifiers, they may incorrectly be perceived as credit card numbers by Gladly’s auto-redaction features and be redacted.
The following instructions allow you to implement a workaround if you have a Google Drive account.
The below will take up space in your Google Drive account
Consider periodically deleting older items in the folder or purchasing a plan allowing a larger amount of storage.
Go to Settings > Integrations and click on Google Drive.
Authenticate to your company’s Google Drive space and select a folder for Jotform to put form submission uploads into accessible by your Support Agents.
In the subfolder, select Submission ID.
Click Complete Integration.
Step 2: Configuring Email Notifications
Go to Settings > Email and click on the pencil icon on the notification.
Modify your Email Content and Email Subject to the format you desire.
If you are utilizing File Uploads, in the Email Content, replace {fileUpload} with this:{id}. When an Agent clicks on that link, they'll go to the Google Drive folder configured and can click into the submission ID to fetch the attachments (example below).
In the Recipients tab:
If you collected the submitter’s name, select
as the Sender Name.
as the reply-to email.Select
Recipient Email
as the email address you would like to send submissions into. This should be an email Entry Point in Gladly.Select Recipient Email as the email address you would like to send submissions to. This should be an email Entry Point in Gladly.
Click Save.
In the Advanced tab, only check the box for Send email on the form submitted.
If you are utilizing File Uploads, ensure you turn on “Send Uploads as Attachments.” This will ensure that attachments that are less than 5MB are added as attachments to the incoming email in Gladly.
Click Save.
Tip – Auto-populating Customer Profile fields: Please note that Gladly can only auto-populate the email address (not the phone number or other details) from your form submission. Additional details may be pulled from your Customer Profile integration if you have any integrations set up.
Embedding your form on your website
Click Publish tab of your form.
Click Embed.
Copy the embed code in the body of the page you’d like to showcase your form in on your website.
Test your form
Set up email forwarding
You must first set up email forwarding to see submissions make their way into Gladly. Otherwise, your submission will stay in your email inbox but not get forwarded into Gladly.
Navigate to the static page you’ve created on your website to host the Contact Us form.
Enter a submission.
Login to Gladly and wait a few minutes.
Your submission will appear as an email communication in Gladly in whichever inbox you’ve configured via Channels and Rules settings.
Note that emails will be displayed via plain text. Attachments will be findable via your Google Drive. If attachments are < 5MB in size, they will also appear in the Gladly email directly as an attachment.