Set Up Email


Email entry points allow Agents to receive emails in Gladly from Customers. They'll also be able to reply to Customers from within Gladly using the email addresses you configure as your email entry points.

A friendly name is a name instead of your email address, which shows as the sender in an email message. You will want to come up with a friendly name for each of your email entry points.


  • Set up email entry points in Gladly to have emails flowing into Gladly.

  • Set up email entry points to allow Agents to send outbound replies to Customers.

Estimated Effort

15 minutes

Step-by-Step Tutorial & Best Practices

Domains and email address Entry Points are configured through the platform.

  1. See Add Email Domain and learn how to add domains.

  2. Once a domain(s) is added, see Add Email Address to learn how to add email addresses.

  3. On the day of launch, don't forget to forward emails so that Gladly can receive the emails.

Optional: Create a Contact Us Form Using an External Provider

In addition to setting up email entry points, you may also wish to create a Contact Us form on Gladly. Gladly does not have out-of-the-box Contact Us forms, but setting one up using an external provider and allowing agents to respond to submissions is easy!

On a high level, you'll need to:

  1. Collect the Customer's email address in the Contact Us form submission.

  2. Send the submission as an email to an entry point on Gladly (e.g., [email protected]).

  3. Set the reply-to header of the email sent in #2 to the email set in #1.

  4. Note that emails will only appear in Gladly once you have implemented email forwarding to Gladly.

Do not use Customer email address as the “From” address

Email service providers may not allow using a Customer's email address as the "From address. You should instead use a domain owned by your company or form provider.

Gladly can integrate with a few form providers that support Email-based submissions - check some of the marquee ones out:

You may use any form provider of choice, so long as the form provider can adhere to steps #1 – #3 above!