Create and Manage Teams

Administrator and Team Manager
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Contact center Agents are often grouped by Channel, skill, location, product expertise, and more. Whether they're formal teams or informal groups, you can set them up in Gladly and track how each team performs via Agent Liveboard and Reporting.

Teams give you greater insight into your team's performance. Use that valuable data to continually improve and expand your Teams (old and new) and how you think about structuring your contact center.

Before you start

Below are a few tips to keep in mind before you use Teams:

Create a Team

  1. Click on the top left corner of the screen.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Under the People category, click Teams. The Teams page will show you a list of teams currently in Gladly. For ease, use the Members column to preview the number of members in each Team and the Purpose column to see the description/purpose of why each team exists.

    • Use the search feature to find Teams by team name or purpose quickly.

    • Click the column headers to sort each column.

  4. Click Create Team.

  5. Complete the following fields on the Create Team page:

    • Name – Enter a name for the team. For example, "Platinum Member Service Team."

    • Purpose – Update the short description of what the team does.

    • Members –Add/remove users from the team.
      List of members with search functionality and options to remove members from the list.

  • Users selected to be a member of the team appear below the search bar.

  • Click X to remove a user from a Team.

6. Click Save.

Edit a Team

Change the name of the Team, the purpose, and associated members by editing a Team.

  1. Click on the top left corner of the screen.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Under the People category, click Teams. The Teams page will show you a list of teams currently in Gladly. For ease, you can also see a preview of the number of members in each Team and a description/purpose of why each team exists.

    • Use the search feature to find Teams by Team name or purpose quickly.

  4. Hover over the Team you want to edit, then click .

  5. Proceed to edit any of the following fields:

    • Name – Update the name of the team.

    • Purpose – Update the short description of what the team does.

    • Members – Add/remove users from the team.

  6. Click Save.