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An invitation link can only be used once and expires 24 hours from when the invitation is sent. You can resend an invitation to any user if the invitation link expires.
on the top left corner of the screen.
Click Settings.
Under the People category, click Users. The Users page will show you a list of users currently in Gladly. For ease, you can also preview the roles assigned to users, the number of teams they belong to, the number of Inboxes they belong to, and the status of their accounts.
Use the search feature to find users by name, email, or role quickly.
Check the status of the invitation under the Status column.
Invite expired – The invited user never accepted the invitation. Resending the invitation changes the status to Invite sent.
Deactivated – The account was previously active but is currently inactive. You can activate/deactivate user accounts as needed.
Hover over the user to whom you want to resend an invite. Click
, then select Resend Invite.
Missing resend option
If someone asks to resend their invitation but you don't see the option to do so, it means that they have already successfully logged in at least once. They'll need to reset their password instead.