Use the Contact Export report to get detailed information about individual Contacts. Use this information to dig into underlying data and run your own analysis.
How data in the report is measured
The Contact Export report is measured using the following:
Grouped by Contacts. Only compare this report to other Contacts reports.
Time Anchor
Data is time anchored using 'queued at' in the UI and API. Some Contacts that have not yet ended may have a "Null" value.
Only Contacts that were queued are included in this report. To report on Contacts that were auto-closed by a Rule, please see the Contact Timestamps report.
Metrics used for the Contact Export report
Review the definition of each metric and how it's used to calculate data. These are fields you'll see in the CSV download. The columns in the report are only populated either at the start or end of the Contact.
Metric | Description | Comments |
Queued At | Timestamp of when the Contact was first queued (inbound) or initiated (outbound). | |
Customer ID | Gladly ID for the Customer. | |
Conversation ID | Gladly ID for the Conversation. | |
Contact ID | Gladly ID for the Contact. | |
Conversation Link | Link to the Conversation that contains the Contact. | There may be several Contacts, and the link may not go directly to the specific Contact. |
Channel | Channel of the Contact. | Options: PHONE_CALL, CHAT, SMS, FB_MESSENGER, WHATSAPP, EMAIL, VOICEMAIL, ABANDONED_CALL. Note that ABANDONED_CALL (now deprecated) is the follow-up item. |
Direction | Direction of the Contact. "Inbound" Contacts are those initiated by the Customer, Internal, or External Initiator Types, while "Outbound" Contacts are those initiated by the Agent, Application, or System Initiator Types. | Options: INBOUND, OUTBOUND |
Contact Initiator | Entity that initiated the Contact. | Initiator Type Options: Customer, Agent, Automation (Rules), Internal, External, Application (API), System |
Entry Point | For an inbound Contact, the "To" address (phone number, email address, Glad App ID, etc.) that the Customer reached out to. | |
Final IVR Selection | Final selection made in the IVR before the Contact is queued. | |
Fulfilled Type | Duration between contact queued and fulfilled within business hours. | Options: RESPONDED, CANCELED |
Status | The final status of the Contact.Answered = An Agent responded using the same ChannelAbandoned = The Customer abandoned their phone call before connecting with an AgentUnknown = The Contact was an Outbound ContactUnanswered = Either the Customer left a voicemail, was forwarded, or an Agent responded on a different Channel, or an Agent canceled the Contact. | Options: ANSWERED, UNANSWERED, ABANDONED, UNKNOWN |
Inbox when Queued | Inbox assigned when the Contact was started/first queued. | |
Inbox when Ended | Inbox assigned when the Contact was ended. | |
Agent when Ended | Agent assigned when the Contact was ended. | See FAQs below for additional context |
Offered At | Timestamp when the Contact was first offered. | Field is blank for manually assigned Contacts (instead of automatically assigned). |
Accepted At | Timestamp when the Contact was first accepted. | Field is blank for manually assigned Contacts (instead of automatically assigned). It could also be blank if the Contact is responded to before it's accepted. |
Fulfilled At | Timestamp when the Contact was fulfilled. | |
Due At | The time when the contact is due according to the SLA. | |
Ended At | Timestamp when the Contact was ended. | |
Answered At (Outbound) | Timestamp when the outbound Phone Call Contact was answered by a Customer. | Only applies to outbound Phone Call Contacts. |
SLA Target (sec) | Target duration used to calculate the Due At time (from when the Contact is first queued to when it is due). | Note that if there is an overlapping contact, this may be overridden.A slight difference of a few seconds may be observed when comparing SLA Target (sec) and your actual Channel SLA. This is normal and due to a slight delay in processing queues items. |
Queued-to-Fulfilled (sec) | Duration of time from first queued to fulfilled. | |
Queued to Fulfilled within Business Hours (sec) | See Handle Time definition to learn more. | |
Queued-to-First Accepted (sec) | Duration from queued to the first time the Contact was accepted. | |
Queued-to-Ended (sec) | Duration of time from first queued to ended. | |
Accepted-to-Fulfilled (sec) | Duration from the first time the Contact was accepted to fulfilled. | |
Seconds within (-) or over (+) SLA | Duration of time between when the Contact was due and when it was fulfilled. | Negative values indicate the Contact was fulfilled before it was due, and positive values indicate it was fulfilled after being due. |
Fulfilled-to-Ended (sec) | Duration from fulfilled to ended. | |
Fulfilled by Contact ID | Gladly ID for the Contact that fulfilled this Contact (if applicable). | • Example with different ID - I an outbound phone call Contact fulfills a voicemail Contact, the phone call Contact ID will be shown.• Example with same ID - If an Agent responds on chat to a Customer's chat message, the chat Contact ID will be listed in its own row. |
Contact Handle Time | Total duration of time when any Agent viewed the Customer Profile while the Contact was ongoing. | |
After Contact Time | Total duration of time when any Agent viewed the Customer Profile after the Contact has ended, but before the Conversation is closed or before another Contact begins while the Agent is available on any Channel. | See Handle Time definition to learn more. |
Total Contact Handle Time | Total duration of Contact Handle Time and After Contact Time. | |
Duration of time from fulfilled (inbound) or answered (outbound) to ended, minus any time the phone call Contact was on Hold. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts | |
Hold Time - Total | Duration of time the phone call Contact was on Hold. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Hold Time - Manual | Duration of time the phone call Contact was on Hold for a manual hold. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Hold Time - Warm Transfer | Duration of time the phone call Contact was on Hold for a warm transfer. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Hold Time - Cold Transfer | Duration of time the phone call Contact was on Hold for a cold transfer. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Hold Time - Conference | Duration of time the phone call Contact was on Hold for attempting a conference call. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Messages Total | Count of total messages in the Contact. | Only applies to email and messaging Contacts (SMS, Chat, , etc.). Does not apply to Phone Call and Voicemail Contacts. |
Messages from Customer | Count of messages sent by the Customer in the Contact. | Only applies to email and messaging Contacts (SMS, Chat, , etc.). Does not apply to Phone Call and Voicemail Contacts. |
Messages from Agent | Count of messages sent by an Agent in the Contact. | Only applies to email and messaging Contacts (SMS, Chat, , etc.). Does not apply to Phone Call and Voicemail Contacts. |
Messages from Rules | Count of messages sent by Rules in the Contact. | Only applies to email and messaging Contacts (SMS, Chat, , etc.). Does not apply to Phone Call and Voicemail Contacts. |
Messages from API | Count of messages sent by API in the Contact. | Only applies to email and messaging Contacts (SMS, Chat, , etc.). Does not apply to Phone Call and Voicemail Contacts. |
Average time it took for the Agent to reply throughout the Contact. | Only applies to email and messaging Contacts (SMS, Chat, , etc.). Does not apply to Phone Call and Voicemail Contacts. | |
Average time it took for the Customer to reply throughout the Contact. | Only applies to email and messaging Contacts (SMS, Chat, , etc.). Does not apply to Phone Call and Voicemail Contacts. | |
Times Offered | Count of times the Contact was offered to Agents. | |
Times Accepted | Count of times the Contact was accepted by Agents. | |
Times Missed | Count of times the Contact was missed by Agents. | |
Times Declined | Count of times the Contact was declined by Agents. | |
Times Transferred | Count of times the Contact was transferred. | |
Times On Hold Total | Count of times the Contact was put on Hold, for any reason. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Times On Hold - Manual | Count of times the Contact was put on Hold for a manual hold. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Times On Hold - Warm Transfer | Count of times the Contact was put on Hold for a warm transfer. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Times On Hold - Cold Transfer | Count of times the Contact was put on Hold for a cold transfer. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Times On Hold - Conference | Count of times the Contact was put on Hold to attempt a conference call. | Only applies to Phone Call Contacts |
Payment Requests - Completed | Count of payment requests during the Contact that ended as "Completed." | |
Payment Requests - Declined | Count of payment requests during the Contact that ended as "Declined." | |
Payment Amount - Completed USD | Total amount of payments requested during the Contact that ended as "Completed." | This metric only captures payment requests in US Dollars. |
Payment Amount - Declined USD | Total amount of payments requested during the Contact that ended as "Declined." | This metric only captures payment requests in US Dollars. |
Note – For metrics that are durations of time, the report in the UI will show time in d:hh:mm:ss (Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds) format, while the downloaded CSV will show time in raw Seconds.
How the Contact Export report is filtered
You can filter the report using the following criteria. This is how you start segmenting the data based on what you are trying to learn. You can learn more about filters here.
The date filter will correspond to the 'queued time' timestamp.
Indicates the Channel in which Channel the Contact was initiated on. The Channels can include Voice, Chat, Email, SMS, FB Messenger, or WhatsApp.
Voice Channel only includes phone calls and does not include voicemail and abandoned call follow-ups.
The Inbox column and report filter refer to the Inbox where the Contact was queued in.
How to use the Contact Export report
The Contact Export report can provide multiple data points based on how you slice and dice the data. Below are a couple of examples:
Scenario | Column Filter |
What Contacts are contributing the most to our handle time averages? | • Select the desired date range • Select a particular Channel or use All Channels • Select a particular Inbox or use All Inboxes Sort the table by Contact Handle Time. Use the Conversation Link column to click on a particular Conversation to get more context. |
Voice wait time (queued-to-fulfilled time) is increasing. Which Entry Points or Inboxes are contributing to this increase? | • Select the desired date range • Select a particular Channel or use All Channels • Select a particular Inbox or use All Inboxes Sort the table by Entry Point against a particular Channel. You can do the same for a particular Inbox. |
'Agent when Ended' metric-specific FAQs:
Does the Contact Export report represent every Agent that had worked on a Contact when it ended?
No. The report does not measure the participation of every Agent that may have worked on a Contact. The 'Agent when Ended' metric represents the Agent assigned the Conversation when the Contact ended and therefore does not necessarily represent all the Agents that may have worked the Contact.
For phone calls, the Contact assignee may not necessarily be the same as the Conversation assignee. This can happen for multiple reasons:
A single Profile has 2 ongoing phone calls - these are 2 Contacts and have two different assignees.
An Agent answered the phone and talked with a Customer, but the Conversation is reassigned either manually or because of routing activities. In this case, the phone call remains assigned to the Agent, but the Conversation is assigned to someone else.
'Agent when Ended' is blank for calls that are marked 'abandoned.'
One potential scenario is if the call is abandoned, it may never get assigned to an Agent as an Agent did not pick up the call, which is why Contacts Agent When Ended is blank.
'Agent when Ended' is blank for calls marked as 'answered'
"Contacts Agent When Ended" is typically the Conversation's assignee when a communication session was ended (not the last Agent who worked on the contact). An exception to this is:
In a handful of these blank columns, the Agent merged the Customer Profile they were working on with another Customer Profile in Gladly. When this occurs, the Agent still remained on the phone with the Customer, but the conversation became unassigned from them, which is why Contacts Agent When Ended is blank. The Agent's work is still captured in the Agent Summary and Work Sessions reports. They are just not tagged as the "Contacts Agent When Ended" as the merge unassigned the conversation from them. When an Agent merges a Customer Profile, we recommend they always check the lower-left-hand corner of the Conversation to ensure that the new Conversation is still assigned to them.
Exceptions to the above rule, for phone calls specifically, where these two scenarios could occur:
A single Profile can have multiple ongoing phone calls. These would be modeled as separate Contacts with separate assignees.
An Agent could be on the phone with a Customer, but the Conversation may be routed to another Agent (either manually or because of routing a different Channel). In this case, the phone call remains assigned to the Agent, but the Conversation is assigned to someone else.
How could 'queued to fulfilled' show a negative value?
It can happen when a Conversation also involves a phone call. All emails that arrive during a phone call are fulfilled when the phone call completes. The fulfilled timestamp is the one from the phone call. For example:
A Customer calls at 8:05
Agent accepts the call at 8:06 ← this is the fulfilled timestamp
Customer writes an email at 8:08 ← this is the queued timestamp
The call ends at 8:11, which fulfills the email using 8:06 as the fulfilled timestamp. The resulting difference for email between fulfilled at (8:06) and queued at (8:08) is minus 2 minutes.
What does 'fulfilled' mean in this report?
Fulfilled Contacts are limited to Responded and Canceled ("No reply needed" and Conversation Close). Abandons, Forwards, Calls that leave a voicemail, and Messaging Contacts that time out are omitted.
When does a Contact get updated as "fulfilled"?
The fulfillment status is updated when the Contact ends. If the Contact hasn't ended yet, it will not show a Fulfilled At timestamp.
Why does 'SLA Target' sometimes have a negative value?
A negative SLA Target
usually means the Contact overlapped with another Contact that has already set the SLA.
I see the 'Fulfillment' type is 'Responded' or 'Canceled,' why is 'Status' showing 'Unanswered'?
This happens when a Contact on one Channel is responded to on a different Channel.
Why is 'Status' showing a 'Null' value?
Because the Contact hasn't ended yet.