Conditions and Qualifiers for People Match

People Match uses a Rules-like UI called Priority Boost, where you can set criteria for prioritizing Customers that match what's on your prioritization list.

For more information on how Customers are matched, see How Customers are prioritized with People Match.

The table below lists Conditions available to use as Criteria for Priority Boosts.





All of, Any of

Refers to the skills associated with Agents when there's a matching Customer Condition.


Chat, Email, Facebook Messenger, SMS, Voicemail, Instagram Messaging, WhatsApp

Refers to the Channel of any active Contacts in the Conversation. Options include Chat, SMS, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Email, and Voicemail.  Voice and Tasks are currently not supported by People Match.


Includes, Excludes

Refers to the Inbox the Conversation is currently in.

Transfer Status

Initial matching, Rematching

This refers to whether a Customer who reached out is being matched for the first time or if they've been transferred and need to be rematched. It applies to any Contact.

Due Date

Due In, Overdue, Overdue By

Refers to whether the due date is at or beyond a certain threshold.

Wait Time

Longer than, Less than

Refers to the amount of time since a customer was first queued.


Any Of, All Of

Refers to whether a Customer who reached out is being matched for the first time or if they've been transferred and need to be rematched.

Custom Attributes

Contains, Does Not Contain - Any, Only, Regex

Tailored to the custom attributes you have set for Customers. If available, these Conditions appear at the bottom of the list of standard Conditions.

Ensure non-boosted Customers do not get stuck waiting

This is especially true if you have many boosts, creating time-based boosts ensures Customers who did not meet the criteria to be boosted will still get routed based on the Conversation due date or if they exceed a certain waiting time threshold.

Custom attributes boost behavior

When using any custom attributes via Lookup Adaptor, which takes Gladly a subsecond to look up, keep note of nuances that could affect when People Match boosts are applied.

Applicable boosts are typically applied if a Customer can't be routed to an Agent immediately because there are no Agents available; therefore, there's time for a lookup to occur and apply a boost. But when there is an available Agent, the Customer may route immediately to an Agent during the subsecond time required for the lookup to occur and apply a boost. In this case, a boost may not apply at all.

Number comparison operators

To utilize custom attributes that rely on numerical values as an identifier (e.g., points, spend), you can apply number operators as part of your Priority Boosts Conditions. See number comparison operators to learn more.