Add and Configure Custom App Integration

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The Gladly Lookup API allows your organization to pull Customer information from external systems to populate in the Customer Profile. You can provide a web service that implements the Lookup API and Gladly will call it when that data is needed. If you have any questions, please take a look at the Customer Lookup Guide.

Add new App

From the Apps page, click Add App > Custom, which will take you to the Custom App setup page.

  1. From the Add New Custom App page, enter the following information:

    • Name – Enter a name that will help you identify the integration.

      • The app name must be unique and not already used in Gladly.

    • URL – Enter the URL of your Lookup Adaptor.

      • You must use an "HTTPS" protocol.

    • Username – Enter the username which will be used in basic authentication. A basic auth header will be included in requests to your integration if a username or password has been entered.

    • Password – Enter the password which will be used in basic authentication. A basic auth header will be included in requests to your integration if a username or password has been entered.

    • Realm (Optional) – Enter realm to run basic auth against.

    • Signing Key – Enter the key that will be used to sign each request that Gladly makes to your lookup service. When you parse Gladly’s POST request during a Customer lookup, you may choose to parse the request headers this field generates for additional security. Please refer to the Customer Lookup Guide for more information.

    • HTTPS Headers – There are two columns (Header, Value) required for HTTP Headers (e.g., X-API-Key) to include in every request to your lookup service.

      • Click Add a header to add a new line.

      • Click to remove a line.

    • Search Query Attributes – There are two columns (Attribute, Label) required for Search Query Attributes. These are attributes that you can use to search for a Customer. For example, if you put in "points" here, the UI will display "points" as a search field. When an Agent searches "points," Gladly sends over an exact copy of what the Agent sent to your lookup adaptor and expects a return with a list of matching results. Attributes should not contain spaces (e.g., phonenumber).

      • Click Add an attribute to add a new line.

      • Click to remove a line.

    • Search Results Attributes – There are two columns (Attribute, Label) required for Search Results Attributes. These are attributes displayed in a search result when an Agent does a manual search. Attributes should not contain spaces (e.g., phone number).

      • email – Corresponds to the first email in the email array response from your lookup adaptor.

      • phone Corresponds to the first phone number array response from your Lookup Adaptor.

      • externalCustomerId Corresponds to the externalCustomeRId field in your lookup adaptor response.

      • All other attributes (e.g., loyaltyPoints) will be retrieved from the customAttributes object returned for each Customer Profile.

        • Click Add an attribute to add a new line.

        • Click to remove a line.

    • Auto-Linking Fields – When an Agent lands on a Customer Profile in Gladly that isn't already linked to a profile in your external source, Gladly will look up the Customer using the following fields. If your external source responds with a unique profile with at least one auto-linking field match and no conflicts, Gladly will automatically link the profiles without any user intervention.

      • Customer Email – If checked, match Customer information using their email address.

      • Phone Number – If checked, match Customer information using their phone number.

    • Overwrite Existing Values – If activated, overwrite the existing name, address, and editable custom attributes in the Customer Profile with data from your external system.

      • Note – This cannot be used to modify email and/or phone data already in the Customer Profile (e.g., changing a phone type from HOME to MOBILE). If the email address or phone number already exists in Gladly, that value will remain as is.

    • Actions – If activated, allow Agents to perform actions (e.g., cancel an order) in Gladly. See the Actions tutorial for more information on how to set up Actions.

  2. Click Save App when you're done. An error will appear if the required fields are not completed; they are highlighted in red. Complete the missing field(s) and click Save App again.

Use unique Custom Attributes when linking a Profile to multiple systems

If you have multiple systems connected to Gladly, we recommend ensuring you use unique customAttributes to prevent overwriting of Customer Profile data from different systems. As an alternative, enable "Overwrite Existing Values" on an integration you want to use as a primary source.

Edit a custom integration

From the Apps page, hover over the integration you want to edit and click . This will take you back to the configuration page.