SLA and Due Dates with People Match

The Due Date for a Conversation is set using the Entry Point SLAs or Inbox SLAs of the active Contact(s) in that Conversation. Without People Match, Customers are effectively helped in the order in which they came in the queue. With People Match, you can also use conditions like Transfer Status or Due Date to set thresholds that prioritize Customers. In addition, you can set different thresholds for different Channels, or even different Inboxes, etc. Ultimately, due dates are used to break ties when two Customers have the same score or no score.

How People Match impacts SLA targets

People Match impacts SLA because it can prioritize Customers over others who are already waiting in the queue ahead of them, effectively bringing those in the back of the line closer to the front. You may need to adjust your SLA targets or expect that you may not always hit those targets. But in theory, you're prioritizing the Customers who should be prioritized. That priority is more than just SLA — more than just how long they've been waiting in line.

Measure success metrics

Because People Match can prioritize (and reprioritize) Customers regardless of where they are in the queue for the next available Agent, other than using just SLA to measure how fast you are helping Customers, use other metrics like those listed below to gauge not just the speed of service, but the quality of the Customer's experience.

  • CSAT

  • Lifetime Value (LTV)

  • Order Value

  • First Contact Resolution (FCR)