Test Webhooks With ‘webhook.site’

A quick way to test and get familiar with the Gladly Webhooks is to utilize webhook.site, a webhook debugging tool.

You can always use other methods, like building your own application, but we've found that Postman provides an easily consumable UI to make API calls.

Generate a webhook URL

  1. Go to https://webhook.site/.

  2. Copy the webhook link under "Your Unique URL".

Setup Gladly webhook

Setup your desired Gladly webhook using the webhook.site link you created above. Remember to turn on the webhook!

Refer to this document to understand when events are triggered.

For example, below we see a webhook configured for whenever a new Customer Profile is created on Gladly.

Settings for creating a customer profile with webhook URL and event options displayed.

Test events

You will start seeing webhook events and payloads in your webhook.site page, which showcases payloads Gladly sends to webhook URLs when certain events occur on Gladly.

Use the left-hand tab to navigate between distinct events. For example, below, we see a PING event sent when the webhook was created and a CUSTOMER_PROFILE/CREATED event sent when a Customer Profile was created.

Request details including headers and raw content from a webhook response.

Webhook request details including headers, raw content, and query strings displayed on screen.

Turn off webhook

Remember to turn off webhook in Gladly when done testing.