This guide gives information on how to ingest Events data from Gladly. Events data can range from Agent Events (e.g., logins, logouts) to Conversation Events (e.g.: Conversation Created, Conversation Closed) and Contact Events (e.g., Contact Created, Contact Offered).
Events offer the greatest amount of flexibility in being able to perform your own analytics. Some metrics (e.g.: Handle Time, After Contact Work) might only be available via pre-calculated Gladly APIs like the Work Sessions API and cannot be calculated using Events.
Get Events
Option 1: Use Events API
Sample Cadence:
URL: Events
• startAtTime: now() - six hours
• endAtTime: now()
Cadence: Every six hours
Available For: 24 hours
Note: This data is real-time.
Why use this API
Provides real-time view of Events in JSONL format.
How Customers store this data
Most customers have one table to house all Events. You might need custom code to track deltas between timestamps (e.g.: how long was Agent A available for voice) when conducting further analysis.
Option 2: Use Gladly Events Reports (e.g.: AgentTimestampsReport, ConversationTimestampsReport, ContacTimestampsReport)
Sample Cadence:
URL: Generate a report
• startAt: Today
• endAt: Today
Cadence: Every six hours
Available For: perpetuity
Note: This data is one hour behind
Why use this API
Some Customers want to look back for greater than a 24-hour period of time or might want to access more historical Event information. Data in Events API is only available for the past 24 hours.