Conversations and Conversation Items
Each customer profile in Gladly has a unique Customer ID.
Email addresses are unique.
Mobile numbers are unique.
Customer ID can change if a Customer Profile gets merged into another Customer Profile.
The old Customer ID will 301 to the new customer ID when calling the GET Customer API.
The Work Sessions Report will still have the old Customer ID.
A conversation belongs to one Customer ID.
A Customer can only have one open Conversation at a time.
Conversations can span across multiple channels.
Conversation ID can change upon Profile merge.
When an OPEN to OPEN conversation gets merged in this Customer Profile, the system deletes the first ID permanently
It will not 301, unlike customer IDs.
Other than this scenario, the system retains all conversation IDs during the merge.
Work Sessions Report will retain the old conversation ID.
Conversation Item ID belongs to a Conversation.
Conversation Item ID can only belong to one Conversation.
Conversation Item ID may change upon a Profile merge.
Conversation may have zero or more Topic IDs associated.
Topics can be added or removed from the Conversation when it is open.
You can assign Conversations to an Agent, inbox, or Agent and inbox pair.
The assignment can change if and Agent or rule reassigns the Conversation.
Agents, Topics, Answers, and Inboxes
The Agent ID does not change.
The inbox ID also does not change, but the email address and/or name can.
Inbox IDs do not change, but their status (enabled, disabled) and names can.
Inbox names are unique in Gladly.
Topic IDs do not change, but their status (enabled, disabled) and their parent ID can.
Topic names are not unique in Gladly.
Answer IDs do not change, but an Agent can delete them permanently.
Answers are composed of snippets that represent a language and channel combination (e.g., Reference Answer in English—United States).
There may only be one of each type of snippet in an answer.
Conversations, Contact Sessions, and Work Sessions
Conversations can have zero or more contact sessions.
Contact sessions are composed of one or more messages.
A message is a particular type of Conversation item like an SMS or CHAT_MESSAGE.
This mapping is not exposed on Gladly's APIs.
Contact sessions are composed of zero or more work sessions.
A work session occurs when Agent works on a contact session.
In very rare cases, Conversations and Customer IDs can be deleted (therefore 404-ing when being retrieved via GET APIs) due to deletion requests for CCPA & GDPR, which currently your team can request from Gladly Support
These IDs will still be in the Work Session and Contact Export reports.
Other than Work and Contact Sessions, all other reports are calculated at the time of generation.
You might see data moving in a report if the conversation moves inboxes or changes assignees.