Store chat message, email, SMS, and more content in your data warehouse to perform further analysis (e.g.: number of chat messages per chat session, custom sentiment analysis you'd like to perform using your own software).
Get Conversation Items from Gladly
Option 1: Conversation Data export
Use the below data as a reference.
URL: GET File API Filters: N/A Cadence: 24 hours Available For: 14 days Note: This data is 24 hours behind.
Why use this API
This API is great to be able to store messages in bulk as opposed to having to retrieve messages one by one.
Relevant API notes
You might wish to supplement this information with a GET Customer call to get more information (e.g.: custom Attributes) about the customer.
We recommend doing the above for all Customers in customers.jsonl.
You might also wish to supplement this information with a GET Conversation API call to retrieve which** inboxId** the conversation is in.
Inbox IDs can change through the lifetime of a conversation.
We recommend doing the above for all conversations in conversation_items.jsonl.
You might also wish to match up against inbox names using GET Inbox API.
The topics.jsonl and agents.jsonl files show information about topicId and agentId mappings (e.g.: agent email address; topic name applied)
Items only appear in this export if activities with type documented in the GET file export occur within the export period.
If data sync fails, files are available for 14 days and are retrievable in the following run.
Data mappings to Gladly’s other APIs
File name | JSON key | Corresponds to API | Additional information in API not in .jsonl files |
agents.jsonl | id | N/A - though if interested, you could call to find the team IDs this Agent belongs to | |
conversation_items.jsonl | id | N/A | |
conversationId | | Which inbox the Conversation is currently in, when Conversation is created current Conversation status and what topics are currently applied | |
customerId | Custom Attributes, phone and email types, create date, updated date | || if initiator type is CUSTOMER if initiator type is AGENT corresponds to agents.jsonl's id if initiator type is AGENT corresponds to customers.jsonl's id if initiator type is CUSTOMER | See comments above on GET Customer and GET Agent APIs | || if responder type is CUSTOMER if responder type is corresponds to agents.jsonl's id if responder type is AGENT corresponds to customers.jsonl's id if responder type is CUSTOMER | See comments above on GET Customer and GET Agent APIS | ||
content.addedTopicIds and content.removedTopicIds (only shows when content.type == 'TOPIC_CHANGE') | topics.jsonl file also has this information | API will also show you hierarchy parent IDs for topic, but topics.jsonl will not | |
customers.jsonl | id | See above comments on GET Customer API | |
topics.jsonl | id | See above comments on GET topic API |
Option 2: Subscribe to webhooks
Why use webhooks
Allows you to be notified of events as they happen so that you can store conversation information & text in real-time.
You can follow these instructions to create a webhook.
Gladly will perform a POST request to your endpoint when the event occurs.
Your service is expected to respond within 15 seconds.
Webhook recommendations
When you get this event, we recommend using the GET list conversation items API to get the newest conversation items.
Enter those into your data warehouse and de-duplicate conversation item IDs.
Unlike the conversation items export described above, you will only receive notifications of change upon the above events.
If an agent responds five times to a Customer's email in a row, you will not get pinged with a webhook event because the status did not change.