Liveboards provide live updates on how your contact center is performing, what your Agents are doing, and the trending Topics your Customers are reaching out about. Liveboards are refreshed with the latest data every 30 seconds.
With Liveboards, you have the information you need to react fast when you need to. Maybe there’s a sudden spike in incoming phone calls. Well, let’s move more Agents to take on calls so hold times come down and Customers are happier.
There are three main types of Liveboards in Gladly: Summary, Agent, and Topic.
The Summary Liveboard
The Summary Liveboard gives you a high-level snapshot of how your contact center is performing as a whole right now.
Getting to the Summary Liveboard
To get to the Summary Liveboard:
on the top left corner of the screen.
From the list of options, click Liveboards, and you’ll be taken to the Summary Liveboard.
Anatomy of a Summary Liveboard
The Summary Liveboard tracks four key areas in your contact center.
Conversation Trends Today – The total number of Conversations created and closed today.
Capacity – The total number of Agents logged into Gladly, what Channels they’re Available and currently working on, and if they’re Away.
Conversations – The total number of New, Open, and Waiting Conversations.
Channel Statistics – A Channel-by-Channel breakdown of the number of Conversations being handled over the Channel since midnight (org or local time) on any given day, average wait and handle times, and the percentage of Conversations on that Channel resolved within their SLA.
Conversation Trends Today
What it tracks
Total Created – Total number of Conversations created over the past 24 hours
Total Closed – Total number of Conversations closed over the past 24 hours
Graph – Breakdown by time of day showing when there were spikes and dips in Conversation volume
Click on Total Created or Total Closed to view all the Conversations that make up those statistics.
Agent Stats
What it tracks
Total agents online – Total number of Agents logged into Gladly (this includes Agents who are Away).
Agents working – Total number of Agents that are logged in, have set Channel preferences, and are not explicitly “Away”
Agents Away – Total number of Agents set as Away in Gladly.
Available – Total number of Agents who have made themselves Available on a given Channel and are not at capacity.
Occupied – Number of Agents set as Available on a Channel who have at least one Customer using a Messaging Channel assigned to them. Includes Agents in Focus mode.
Working – Total number of ‘Available’ and ‘Occupied’ Agents. Includes Agents in Focus mode.
Free Messaging Capacity – Total number of Messaging sessions under the capacity threshold (i.e., the minimum number of Chat, SMS, or Facebook sessions an Agent should handle at any given time) across all the Agents Available for Messaging Channels in Gladly. Excludes Agents in Focus mode.
What it tracks
Total – All-time total number of ongoing Conversations in Gladly (i.e. not Closed).
New Conversations – All-time total number of Conversations in Gladly inboxes that have not been assigned to an Agent.
Open Conversations – All-time total number of Conversations in Gladly inboxes that are actively being worked.
Waiting Conversations – All-time total number of Conversations in Gladly inboxes that are waiting for a Customer response.
Channel-Level Statistics
You can also get a Channel-level breakdown of what’s going on in your contact center in Liveboards.
What it tracks
New Calls – Total number of new calls currently not assigned to an Agent.
Active Calls – Total number of active calls that an Agent is currently engaged with.
Completed Calls Today – Total number of calls completed today.
Outgoing Calls Today – Total number of outgoing calls today.
Current Wait – Current longest wait time for phone Customer waiting to talk to an Agent.
Avg. Wait Time Today –Average time Customers spent waiting to speak to an Agent.
Exceeding SLA – Total number of calls that have or currently exceeding SLA today. This includes Abandoned calls and excludes calls that were forwarded or left a voicemail.
Within SLA* – Total number of calls within SLA. This excludes calls that were forwarded or left a voicemail.
What it tracks
New Emails – Total number of new emails currently not assigned to an Agent.
Open Emails – Total number of open emails that an Agent is actively working on.
Outgoing Emails Today – Total number of outgoing emails today.
Oldest Unanswered Email – How long the most outstanding email has been left unanswered for.
Avg. Wait Time Today – Average time Customers spent waiting to hear back from an Agent.
Exceeding SLA – Total number of emails answered today and in queue that have or currently exceeding SLA.
Within SLA* – Total number of emails within SLA.
What it tracks
New SMS – Total number of new SMSes currently not assigned to an Agent.
Active SMS – Total number of active SMSes that an Agent is currently engaged with.
Outgoing SMSes Today – Total number of outgoing SMSes today.
Oldest Unanswered SMS – How long the most outstanding SMS has been left unanswered for.
Avg. Wait Time Today – Average time Customers spent waiting to hear back from an Agent.
Exceeding SLA – Total number of SMSes answered today and in queue that have or currently exceeding SLA.
Within SLA* – Total number of SMSes within SLA. SLAs are fulfilled when an Agent “Accepts” the Conversation and applies to the Messaging session, not each individual SMS within the Conversation.
What it tracks:
New FB Messages – Total number of new Facebook Messages currently not assigned to an Agent.
Active FB Messages – Total number of active Facebook Messages that an Agent is currently engaged with.
Outgoing FB Messages Today – Total number of outgoing Facebook Messages today.
Oldest Unanswered FB Message – How long the most outstanding Facebook Messages has been left unanswered for.
Avg. Wait Time Today – Average time Customers spent waiting to hear back from an Agent.
Exceeding SLA – Total number of Facebook Messages answered today and in queue that have or currently exceeding SLA.
Within SLA* – Total number of Facebook Messages within SLA. SLAs are fulfilled when an Agent “Accepts” the Conversation and applies the Messaging session, not for each individual message within the FB Conversation).
What it tracks
New Chats – Total number of new Chats currently not assigned to an Agent.
Active Chats – Total number of active Chats that an Agent is currently engaged with.
Total Chats Today – Total number of Chats today fulfilled with a response (Conversation might still be open but SLA is satisfied with a response).
Current Wait – How long the most outstanding Chat message has been left unanswered for.
Avg. Wait Time Today – Average time Customers spent waiting to hear back from an Agent.
Exceeding SLA – Total number of Chats that have or are currently exceeding SLA today.
Includes chats responded to and unanswered chats.
Chats answered may increase SLA, which may cause Exceeding SLA and Total Chats Today values not to match.
Within SLA* – Total number of chats within SLA. SLAs are fulfilled when an Agent “Accepts” the Conversation and applies to the Messaging session, not each individual chats within the Conversation.
Filtering the Summary Liveboard
You can also filter the Summary Liveboard by Inbox, to get a more granular view of how each individual inbox is performing. Select multiple inboxes at the same time to see a compiled view of what’s going on in those Inboxes.
To filter Summary Liveboard by Inbox :
Click the Inbox Filter on the top right of the Summary Liveboard.
From the dropdown list, select the Inbox you want to view. Alternatively, start typing out the name of the Inbox to help narrow down the list.
Once selected, the Inbox will move to the top section of the dropdown list as a ‘Selected Inbox’.
You can add as many Inboxes as you like, just continue searching and selecting until you’re happy.
To unselect an Inbox, just click on that selected Inbox and it should be removed from the Selected Inbox list.
Once you’re done selecting your Inbox(es), simply click outside of the Inbox filter to save.
Inbox and Team filter limit
You can filter by up to 40 Inboxes and Teams for Summary, Agents, and Topics Liveboards.
The Agents Liveboard
The Agents Liveboard lets you see which Agents are actively helping a Customer, what Channel they are currently working on, and who’s Away.
Getting to the Agents Liveboard
To get to the Agents Liveboard
on the top left corner of the screen.
From the list of options, select Liveboards, and you’ll be taken to the Summary Liveboard.
Click the Agents tab, located on the top left of the Liveboard.
Anatomy of Agents Liveboard
What it tracks
Working Agents – Every individual Agent currently logged in and is neither idle nor Away.
Focus – The Focus column is displayed if the Focus feature is activated. This indicates when an Agent is in Focus mode.
Away Agents – Every individual Agent currently Away or idle in Gladly.
Agents are considered Working if they’re helping with a Customer or using Gladly. The Agents Liveboard not only lets you see the individual Agents currently working on Gladly but also the Channel or page that they’re currently on.
Availability – The Channel(s) on which each Agent has made themselves available. When the icon is outlined in black, they’re available to have Customers routed to them on that Channel(s); when the icon is gray, they’re not available on that Channel(s).
Channel – See the Channel the Agent is helping a Customer on or the page in Gladly that they’re on.
Agents are considered in Focus mode when they click the Focus button to pause receiving new Contacts (i.e., a phone call, messages, etc.) without needing to make themselves unavailable from any Channel.
You can also track the Agents who are away from Gladly. Agents can either manually set themselves as Away or be automatically set as Away if they’ve been inactive for a set amount of time (this is configurable per organization).
Sort Agents Liveboard
Sometimes, you might want to see (at a glance) what Channels your Agents are helping Customers on or what a particular Agent is up to.
To help you sift through the long list of Agents working in your contact center at any one time, Gladly lets you sort the Agents Liveboard according to:
Agent name (A to Z) – Agents will be sorted in ascending order according to their first name.
Agent name (Z to A) – Agents will be sorted in descending order according to their first name.
Currently On – Group Agents according to the Channel, Inbox, or page they’re currently on in Gladly.
Focus Time – Agents are sorted based on who is in Focus mode.
Channel: Group Agents according to the Channel or page they’re currently on in Gladly
To sort the Agents Liveboard
Click the dropdown list next to the words Sorted By on the ‘Working Agents’ section of the Liveboard.
Choose how you want to sort the Agents from the dropdown list.
Filtering the Agents Liveboard
You can also filter the Agents Liveboard to get a more granular view of what your Agents are doing. Filter by either Teams, Inbox, or both. Select multiple teams or Inboxes at the same time to see a compiled view of what’s going on in those respective groups.
To filter Agents Liveboard
Click the Team or Inbox Filter on the top right of the Agents Liveboard.
From the dropdown list, select the options you want to view. Alternatively, start typing out the name of the Team or Inbox to help narrow down the list.
Once selected, it will appear at the top of the dropdown list as a ‘Selected Team/Inbox’.
You can add as many Teams or Inboxes as you like; just continue searching and selecting until you’re happy.
To unselect, click on the selection, which should be removed from the Selected list.
Once you’re done selecting, click outside the filter to save.
Inbox and Team filter limit
You can filter by up to 40 Inboxes and Teams for Summary, Agents, and Topics Liveboards.
The Topics Liveboard
The Topics Liveboard provides real-time tracking of what topics your Customers are talking about in Gladly. With these insights, you can shift resources to tackle specific trending topics or maybe set up a task force to dive deeper into why such a high volume of Customers are contacting your company about a certain issue.
To get to the Topics Liveboard
on the top left corner of the screen.
From the list of options, click Liveboards, and you’ll be taken to the Summary Liveboard.
Click the Topics tab, located on the top left of the Liveboard.
Anatomy of a Topics Liveboard
What it tracks
At the top of the Liveboard is a snapshot of your contact center as a whole, which helps you put the Topic-related metrics into context and plan your resources accordingly.
Online Agents – The number of Agents currently on Gladly.
New Conversations – The total number of Conversations currently not assigned to an Agent.
Open Conversations – The total number of Conversations currently assigned to an Agent, and awaiting a response.
Waiting Conversations – The total number of Conversations currently assigned to an Agent and where the Agent has responded.
Closed Today – The total number of Conversations that were closed in the current 24-hour period.
% Within SLA – The percentage of Conversations that received a response from an agent within the given SLA over the current 24 hour period.
Below that first snapshot, are the key Topic-related metrics
Topic – Every Topic used in Gladly throughout the day.
New – The number of New Conversations assigned that Topic.
Open – The number of Open Conversations assigned that Topic.
Waiting – The number of Waiting Conversations assigned that Topic.
Closed Today – The number of Conversations assigned that Topic closed today.
Current Wait – The expected Customer wait time for a Conversation tagged with the Topic.
% Within SLA – Percentage of Conversations that received a response within the given SLA.
Note – A Conversation with multiple topics will be counted in each Topic.
Filtering the Topics Liveboard
You can also filter the Topics Liveboard by Inbox to get a more granular view of what Topic is trending in an Inbox. Select multiple inboxes simultaneously to see a compiled view of what’s going on in those Inboxes.
To filter Topics Liveboard by Inbox
Click on the Inbox Filter in the top right of the Topics Liveboard.
From the dropdown list, select the Inbox you want to view. Alternatively, start typing out the name of the Inbox to help narrow down the list.
Once selected, the Inbox will appear at the top of the dropdown list as a ‘Selected Inbox’.
You can add as many Inboxes as you like; just continue searching and selecting until you’re happy.
To unselect an Inbox, click on that selected Inbox, and it should be removed from the Selected Inbox list.
Once you’re done selecting your Inbox(es), click outside the Inbox filter to save.
Note - Inbox and Team filter limit
You can filter by up to 40 Inboxes and Teams for Summary, Agents, and Topics Liveboards.
Switching Between Time Zones on Liveboards
You can set your Liveboards to display in either your Organization Time (i.e., the default time zone set by your company) or Local Time (i.e., the time zone you’re currently in).
For example, your company is based in Boston (i.e., in the Eastern Time Zone), but you’re based in San Francisco (i.e., in the Pacific Time Zone). You’ll have the choice between viewing your Liveboards in ‘Organization Time’ (Boston, Eastern Time) or ‘Local Time’ (which would be San Francisco, Pacific Time).
That way, you can avoid some of the usual mental arithmetic involved when working across time zones.
By default, your Liveboards will always display first in Organization Time.
To toggle between time zones
Click the time zone filter on the top right of the Liveboards.
From the dropdown list, select between Organization Time or Local Time.
Enjoy the view of your Liveboards now in the time zone of your choice.
*SLA achievement does not look back at a specific amount of time. It looks at all communication sessions per Channel with an SLA due date.