Agent Experience for Focus

Focus allows Agents to temporarily pause the Routing Engine from sending them Customers without needing to go Unavailable on any Channel. If activated, Agents should use Focus in situations such as:

  • When they need extra time to work on after-Contact activities, such as wrapping up their Notes, or if they need extra time to create a Task.

  • If they require project time while in Gladly to actively work on Customer-related projects, such as making outbound follow-ups, working on Tasks, etc.

  • If they need to get help from a manager or supervisor while assisting new Customers,

Enter Focus mode

An Agent must be available on at least one Channel to see . Clicking this activates Focus.

When to use Away or Active Status instead of Focus

It’s important to note that Agents should only go Away when stepping away for a break, lunch, or leaving for the day and not use Focus. When utilizing Active Status for non-Customer-specific activities (e.g., training a colleague), they should be Unavailable on all Channels.

  • Focus should never be used in place of going Away or going Unavailable.

  • Only the Close option for Conversations is available while in Focus mode.

  • The Next option is visible but unclickable. Agents cannot ask the Routing Engine for new Customers to assist while in Focus mode.

  • Agents can still make outbound calls and send emails, SMS, etc. while using Focus.

Agents should be mindful of time spent in Focus mode

Entering Focus mode pauses the Routing Engine from routing Customers. Agents should be mindful of the time spent in Focus mode to ensure Customers waiting are assisted promptly.

Do not use Focus for non-Customer related work

Agents should not use Focus for non-Customer activities such as working on a presentation or training other Agents/colleagues. Instead, they should use 'Active' Agent Status and be unavailable on all Channels.

Idle time while in Focus mode

Agents are placed idle (Away) or logged off while in Focus mode if no activity is detected. They will not be in Focus mode upon returning.

Exit Focus mode

Agents click Focus on when they’re ready to stop using Focus and receive new Customers to assist.

Task management interface showing a closed task and a focus button for actions.

This will immediately route the next Customer waiting in the Channel(s) they are available in.

Agents should use 'Away' if stepping out from Gladly instead of exiting Focus mode first

Exiting Focus mode restores Agent avaialbility in the Channel(s) they were Available in before using Focus and may be routed waiting Customers. Instead, they can go Away or log out of Gladly without exiting Focus mode to step away from Gladly.