Set Up Siena AI Integration

Administrator and API User
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Before you start

You will jump between Siena and Gladly to configure this integration. Detailed instructions are provided below, but at a high level, you will:

  • Log into Siena and set up an email address.

  • You will then log into Gladly and add a new user using this email address.

    • Be sure you check the Roles Agent and API User.

  • Once a Siena activates the new User, you will log back into Gladly and:

  • You will then return to Siena to add this new API token and Domain Name and configure which channels you would like Siena AI to support.

Connect Gladly With Siena AI

Detailed configuration instructions can be found on Siena University Gladly Integration website.

Please note that as part of the Siena installation process, Siena will create the Contact Message Received and the Contact Message Sent webhooks for you using the Create Webhook API.