Learn the basics of how this integration works.
Who maintains the integration
Siena AI integration with Gladly is built and maintained by Siena.
Basic scope
Gladly connects Customers directly to Siena AI chatbot to resolve inquiries from Email, SMS, Instagram, Whatsapp, Chat, and Facebook Conversations. With Siena AI in place, Agents are freed from repetitive transactional tasks to invest in higher-value Customer interactions.
How it's integrated
Siena AI listens for the Contact Message Received and Contact Message Sent webhook events. When an event is received, Siena determines whether the conversation can be automated.
All automation is configured by the Customer in Siena. Siena will ignore conversations that it cannot automate. Additionally, Siena has content moderation where it will not interfere with some keywords, username, email or domain. Siena can also be configured to give partial responses to customers (e.g., "We'll get back to you"), add a Topic (tag), and/or keep the conversation open for human agents to pick up.
If a Conversation can be resolved with automation, Siena AI will:
Reply to the conversation using the Siena AI user using the Reply To Message API.
Update the status of the conversation using the Update Conversation API.
Add Topic to a Conversation using the Add Topic to Conversation API.