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Before you start
Review the following information before you connect ReturnLogic to Gladly.
This is a two-part configuration process that must be done in sequential order. Contact Gladly Support, then connect ReturnLogic to Gladly.
Contact Gladly Support
First, you must contact Gladly Support and request to add the RMA custom field that will appear in Customer Profiles. Once added and confirmed by Support, proceed to connect ReturnLogic to Gladly.
Connect ReturnLogic to Gladly
From the Apps page, click Add App > Custom, which will take you to the Custom App setup page.
From the Add New Custom App page, enter the following information:
Name – Enter a name that will help you identify the ReturnLogic integration.
URL – Enter the following URL:
You must use an "HTTPS" protocol.
Username – Leave this field blank.
Password – Leave this field blank.
Realm (Optional) – Leave this field blank.
Signing Key – Leave this field blank.
HTTPS Headers – Leave this field blank.
Search Query Attributes – There are two columns (Attribute, Label) required for Search Query Attributes. These are attributes that you can use to search for a Customer.
Enter email as an attribute and Email as the label.
Search Results Attributes – There are two columns (Attribute, Label) required for Search Results Attributes. These are attributes displayed in a search result when an Agent does a manual search.
Enter email as an attribute and Email as the label.
Auto-Linking Fields – When an Agent lands on a Customer Profile in Gladly that isn't already linked to a profile in your external source, Gladly will look up the Customer using the following fields. If your external source responds with a unique profile with at least one auto-linking field match and no conflicts, Gladly will automatically link the profiles without any user intervention.
Check the box next to Customer Email.
Overwrite Existing Values – Leave this feature deactivated.
Actions – Do not check this box.
Click Save App. If the required fields are not completed, an error will appear; they are highlighted in red. Complete the missing field(s) and click Save App again.
Use Glad App to pre-populate RMAs
If Onboarding is activated on Glad App, where you ask for a Customer's email address, Gladly can use this information to look up existing RMA and pre-populate the RMA in the Customer's Profile.
From the Setting page, under the Channels category, click Glad App. The Glad App page will show you a list of your current Glad Apps.
Find the Glad App you want to use to detect ReturnLogic RMAs. Hover over the Glad App, click
then Embed.
From the embed page, copy the Load Glad App script and paste it under HTML in Customize > Return Center.
From the embed page, copy the Initialize Glad App script and paste it under HTML in Customize > Return Center.
Save and publish your updates in ReturnLogic.
Edit a custom integration
From the Apps page, hover over the integration you want to edit, then click the pencil icon. This will take you back to the configuration page.
Use the instructions above for more information on each field.