Set Up HiOperator Integration

Administrator and API User
View permissions by role

Before you start

To set up your HiOperator integration with Gladly, you will work with your HiOperator Client Success Team and Workflow Engineer to determine what you would like HiOperator to perform on your behalf.

You will need the following information from Gladly before configuring HiOperator:

  • Gladly URL – Your Gladly domain (i.e., {YOUR-COMPANY}}

    • Note: For staging, it may be <organization>

  • User Email – The email address of a new Gladly user dedicated to this integration. See the instructions below.

  • API token – The API token is generated using the Gladly user account created for this integration.

Configure Gladly for HiOperator

You must first create a Gladly user account and generate an API token to begin the integration process. Let's start by creating a new user.

Create a user

  1. Create a new user account.

    • Assign this user the Administrator, Agent, and API User roles.

    • Use an email address you can access to set the password for the user account.

  2. Once the user account is created, log into Gladly to create an API token using the new user account.

    • Note – Don't forget to save the token you create! You won't be able to reaccess the token once you exit the screen. You'll need to send the token to HiOperator.

Now that your Gladly user account is created and you have the API token, you must create a new Inbox and Topics specifically used by HiOperator.

Create Inbox

  1. Create an Inbox where requests from Customers are queued.  

    • Name the Inbox "HiOperator."

    • Set the Inbox SLA to 24 hours (1440 minutes).

    • Assign the HiOperator user you created to the Inbox.

Once the Inbox is created and the HiOperator user is assigned to the Inbox, next, create Conversation Topics to be used by HiOperator.

Create Topics

See Create and Manage Topics for instructions on how to create Topics. Create the two Topics below.

  • “HiOperator” – Topic added to Conversation taken over by HiOperator.

  • “HiO_Escalation” – Topic added to both email and chat Conversations escalated by HiOperator.

Next, provide specific Gladly details to your HiOperator Director of Client Success to complete the integration setup.

Connect HiOperator to Gladly

Provide to your HiOperator Director of Client Success the following information:

  • The email address of the Gladly user you created for the HiOperator integration.

  • The API token is generated using the Gladly user account you created.

  • The name of the Inbox you created for HiOperator.

  • The list of Topics you created to use with HiOperator Conversations.

HiOperator engineers will custom build all required HiOperator workflows and Gladly webhooks to gather the voice calls, chats, and emails that HiOperator will manage.