REQUIRED USER ROLE Administrator and API User | PERMISSION OVERVIEW View permissions by role |
Before you start
Requirements are different based on the integration method you choose.
If you choose to integrate a form using email / Inbox, you will need to:
Identify which Gladly Inbox will be used or create a new Inbox
Collect the customer's email address in the Contact Us form submission
Send the submission as an email to an entry point on Gladly (e.g., [email protected])
Set the reply-to header of the email sent in #2 to the email set in #1
Emails will only appear in Gladly once you have implemented email forwarding to Gladly.
If you integrate a form via a Gladly Task, you will need the following information before connecting Formspree to Gladly.
Gladly URL –Your Gladly domain (i.e., {YOUR-COMPANY}}.
Note – For staging, it may be <organization>
User Email – The email address of a new Gladly user dedicated to this integration. See the instructions below.
API token – The API token is generated using the Gladly user account created for this integration.
Configure Gladly for Formspree
Since there are two ways to integrate Gladly with Formspree, there are two sections below to help with setup based on your chosen integration method.
Create a Gladly User
This step is required if you have chosen to integrate a form via a Gladly Task (Formspree Plugin). Skip this step if you have chosen to integrate a form using email / Inbox.
Create a new user account.
Assign this user the Administrator, Agent, and API User roles.
Use an email address you can access to set the password for the user account.
Once the user account is created, log into Gladly using the user account you created and create an API token.
Note – Don't forget to save the token you create! You won't be able to access the token once you exit the screen. You'll need this token to configure Formspree.
Create Gladly Inbox
No matter what path you choose, you will need a Gladly Inbox. Skip this step and proceed to the next section if you're using an existing Inbox to receive Tasks or Emails.
Create the Inbox where requests from Customers are queued.
Name the Inbox.
Set the Inbox SLA.
Assign users to the Inbox.
Configure Formspree Form using Plugin for Gladly Task
First, you will need to create a Formspree form. Instructions on how to set up a Formspree form are here: Form Setup. Next, you will need to set up the Formspree Plugin to create Gladly Tasks. Instructions on how to do this are here: Creating Tasks in Gladly.
Connect Formspree to Gladly via Email
You will need to create a Formspree form first. Instructions on how to set up a Formspree form are here: Form Setup. Next you will configure your form to send an email to Gladly. See Creating Conversations in Gladly.