Formspree Integration Toolkit

Learn the basics of how the Formspree integration works.

Who maintains the integration

The Formspree integration is built and maintained by Formspree.

Basic scope

Once Formspree is connected to Gladly, Formspree can integrate with Gladly in two ways:

  • When you connect your Formspree form to a Gladly Account via the Formspree Plugin, each form submission will create a Task in Gladly.  

  • When you connect your Formspree form to a Gladly Account, each form submission will appear as an email communication in Gladly.

How the integration works

There are two ways to integrate Formspree with Gladly:

  1. Gladly Plugin in Formspree.  A Gladly Task will be created and added to the customer timeline when a form is submitted using the Customer's email address.  If the customer does not exist, a new customer profile is created. Agents receive Tasks by being available in the Gladly Email, Task, Voicemail Channel.  Agents can use the information in the Task to follow up with Customers.

  2. Email.  When a form is submitted, A Gladly email will be created.  Agents receive emails by being available in the Gladly Email, Task, Voicemail Channel.  Agents can respond to the Customer directly.

Please see Creating Conversations and Tasks on Gladly to understand the strengths and limitations of each method.