Pause, Delete, or Download Voice Call Recordings

Any calls made via Gladly are recorded on the Conversation Timeline for reference. But when those calls involve sensitive information (like a Customer's credit card or personal details), it's not prudent for those Customers—or your company—to keep those recordings on your systems. You can pause your live call recording when discussing or collecting sensitive information.

Pause and unpause live call recording

  1. On the Voice Control bar, click the flashing.

  2. The recording indicator should turn black, and you'll also see Recording Paused appear on the top right of the screen.

  3. When you're done collecting or discussing sensitive information, click the recording indicator again to resume recording.

Delete call recording

Compliance Administrator
View permissions by role

Administrators can self-assign new roles

Administrators can assign themselves the Compliance Administrator role (and other roles) to be able to download and delete data in Gladly.

Compliance Administrators can delete those recordings entirely for instances where sensitive information slips through.

Audio recording interface showing options to download or delete the recording.

  1. From the Customer's Conversation Timeline, find the recording you want to delete, click, then select Delete Recording.

  2. Click Yes, delete to confirm your request.

If successful, the recording will be replaced by the words Recording has been deleted.

Deleting call recordings

Deleted recordings cannot be recovered.

Download call recording

Compliance Administrators can download call recordings in MP3 format only. Audio recording interface showing options to download or delete the recording.

  1. From the Customer's Conversation Timeline, find the recording you want to delete, click, then select Download Recording.

The download will begin immediately, and save it to your local Downloads folder.

Pause and Resume call recordings via API

You can programmatically pause/resume call recordings for Agents via API. For example, you can automatically pause a call recording if an Agent clicks into a credit card field in your OMS system. This way, you don't rely on Agents to remember to pause call recordings when discussing sensitive information. See our developer guide for more details.