Edit Name of ‘Active’ and ‘Away’ Agent Statuses

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You can only edit the name of an Active or Away status. You cannot convert an existing Active status to an Away status or vice versa. Instead, you'll need to create a new Agent status.

  1. Using the Type column to determine which Agent Status (Active or Away) type to edit, clickto the right of the status, then click Edit.

Overview of agent statuses with options to edit or set as default.

2. From the Edit Agent Status screen, click on the name field to change the Away or Active status name.

Editing agent status to 'Helping Customers' in Gladly interface with type options.

3. Click Save.

You'll notice that the Type section is grayed out. You can't change an Agent Status type once it's created. You'll need to create a new Agent Status instead or archive Agent Statuses no longer being used.