Configure Your Headset

If you’re using Gladly’s built-in Voice Channel, you must configure your headset to be your default audio device.

The setup for your headset will differ according to what OS your organization uses:

  1. Mac OSX

  2. Windows 10

  3. Windows 7


  1. Plug your headset into your computer using your 3.5 mm audio jack

  2. Go to System Preferences

  3. Click on the Sound icon

  4. Click on the Sound Effects tab.

  5. In the “Play sound effects through” dropdown, ensure you have selected your headset name.

  6. To verify if the headset is set up correctly, go to the Input tab and ensure your headset name is selected for sound input verification. Speak into the headset and verify the “Input level” reflects movement horizontally across the soundbar.

Windows 10

  1. Plug your headset into your audio jack.

  2. Click on the Windows icon on the lower left-hand control bar.

  3. Click on Settings.

  4. Click on the System icon.

  5. Click on the Sound tab.

  6. Ensure your headset is selected in the “Choose your input device” and “Choose your output device” dropdowns.

  7. To test your microphone, say something. You should see the horizontal bar turn partly blue.

  8. To test your volume, drag the volume button. You should hear the audio in your headset.

Windows 7

  1. Plug your headset into your audio jack.

  2. Click on the Windows icon on the lower left-hand control bar.

  3. Click on Control Panel.

  4. Click on Hardware and Sound.

  5. Click on Sound.

  6. Click on the Playback tab, and click on your headset, then press the Set Default button.

  7. Click on the Sounds tab, and click on your headset, then press the Set Default button.

  8. To test your mic, say something. You should see the bars next to your headset turn green.

  9. To test your audio, click on the volume icon on the lower right-hand side of the control bar and drag it up and down. You should hear the audio in your headset.