Your First Day on Gladly

The first day of using new software can be exciting and nerve-racking at the same time. But don't worry, we're here to help and ensure your first day goes smoothly! This guide is a collection of activities and actions you should keep at the top of your mind as you get used to using Gladly, especially on your first day. If you're working as an Agent, you can find helpful information under the Work in Gladly section of the help site.

Complete Connect Learning certification

If you haven't already, sign up and complete the necessary training certification in Connect Learning specific to your role in Gladly.

You can return to Gladly Connect Learning (or the help site) anytime to learn about various Gladly topics and feature offerings.

Set up your profile

Your Agent profile contains basic information about you. Set up your Agent profile when you log into Gladly for the first time.

Greeting and Signature

Select your email greeting and signature. Not sure what to select? Just ask your Manager.

Email template sections for greeting and signature with dropdown options.

Get ready to help Customers

When you log in for the day to help Customers, you must always be available to accept work from a particular Channel. To do so, click the Availability Control for that Channel until it's green. You'll receive work from the Inboxes you are assigned to.

Icons representing download, call, message, and navigation options in a user interface.

Accept messages and phone calls

If an incoming call or chat is routed to you because you are available to receive work in those Channels, you'll see a notification banner. Just click Accept.

Incoming call notification from Nelson Yang with options to accept or decline.

Accept other messages

Not everything is routed to you automatically. For some Channels, you have to select Next to receive more work, including emails, SMSes (aka text), Facebook Messages, Tasks, and voicemails. Ensure you are marked as available (green bubble) for the Messaging Channel.

The maximum number of Messaging Customers you can request by clicking Next depends on your team's maximum messaging capacity setting.


Get to know the Composer to compose replies, Notes, and Tasks.

Manage your work

You'll be all over Gladly in no time, helping Customers in different Channels, managing Tasks, and more! Just make sure to manage and monitor your My Customers list actively.

The My Customers list comprises Customer Conversations and Tasks assigned to you.

Customer support interface showing issues with orders for multiple customers, highlighting Julie Chang.

Use the green dot indicator to track recent activities to Customers and Tasks you own quickly that need attention.

A message from Kristin Fisher regarding issues with her recent order shipment.

A green dot next to a Customer means could be:

  • a call you're currently on,

  • a new email is received from a Customer,

  • a new SMS came in from a Customer you're assigned to,

  • or a chat reply is awaiting your response.

Keep in mind that the green dot also means:

  • The SLA for the request has not been fulfilled.

  • The due date (SLA) appears in red when it's 5 minutes before the due date and when it has passed.

The green dot disappears when you respond.

Tasks assigned to you for a Customer appear as a clipboard icon.

Task reminder for Sebasta regarding issues with a recently shipped order.

Check the icon to confirm the Channel

The icon next to the Customer indicates they Channel they last used to interact with you.

Monitor Notifications Center

Keep up with updates to Customer updates such as Tasks or Notes.

Notifications panel showing recent comments on tasks for various team members.

  • A red dot appears next to the bell icon whenever there's a new update. The red dot disappears when the list is opened but reappears when there's a new update.

Use Answers

Use Answers to find information about your team's processes and policies, as well as information you can share with Customers.

Customer service chat discussing return process for shoes with Claire Adams.

Close Conversations

Before you close any Conversation, make sure to apply the Topic of the Conversation. A Topic can be applied automatically based on the context of the Conversation. If the Topic is incorrect, feel free to change it.

List of topics with 'Change Order' highlighted for selection in a user interface.

Take a Break

If you need to step away from helping Customers for a break, lunch, or meeting, change your status so Customers are not inadvertently routed to you when you are not around. Select what you'll do while away, then click Confirm.

Menu showing active and away statuses with options for lunch and coffee break.

Log out for the day

Make sure to log out of Gladly when you are done helping Customers for the day.

Menu options including Profile, Help, and Log out displayed on a user interface.