REQUIRED USER ROLE Administrator | PERMISSION OVERVIEW View permissions by role |
You can add or edit users one at a time, but this is not always efficient when you add/update many users simultaneously. But with the Export and Import feature, you can add (or update) user data — in bulk — with less effort.
Before you start
Review the following before you add users in bulk.
The email column is the most critical of data which tells Gladly which users you add. Users not in the CSV are not added.
Do not delete the name column on the CSV to prevent overwriting names as a blank field.
If you delete the inboxes, teams, or deactivated columns, those fields are ignored, and no changes are made.
Don't leave the deactivated field blank if you want the user to remain deactivated. Leaving the field blank activates a user's account.
Upload new users
on top left corner of the screen.
Click Settings.
Under the People category, click Users. The Users page will show you a list of your Gladly users. For ease, you can also see a preview of roles assigned to users, the number of Teams and Inboxes they belong to, and their account status.
Click Export. This downloads a CSV of all your existing users to your local folder.
Open the CSV and add rows to the bottom of the CSV based on the number of users you are adding.
Note – Do not edit user rows you do not want to change/update.
You could also delete all the rows from the CSV except for row 1 (column headers) and add your user(s) starting on row 2.
Enter the following information in each column. Columns with an * are required.
Column A (name)* – Enter the user's full name.
Column B (email)* – Enter the user's email address.
Column C (roles)* – Enter the role(s) you want to be assigned to the user. If you're assigning more than one role for a user, separate each role with a comma and a space right after each role. For example, adding Administrator and Compliance Administrator gives the user Administrator and Compliance Administrator permissions. See Roles and Permissions to learn more.
Column D (inboxes) – Enter the Inbox (or Inboxes) the user should be a member of.
To add an Inbox, enter it as one Inbox. For example, Returns.
To add multiple Inboxes, use commas with a space to separate the Inbox names and add quotes to isolate them. For example, "Returns, Refunds, Design Services."
Column E (teams) – Enter the Team(s) the user should be a member of. Use commas with a space right after to separate the Team names.
Columns F (deactivated) – Enter whether the user's access to Gladly should be activated or deactivated. Enter Yes to deactivate a user's access to Gladly (until you're ready to activate them). If you want the user active in Gladly from the start, enter No into the field or leave the field blank. You can also skip the column entirely if you want all your users activated.
Columns G (stationId) – Only use this column if you use an external phone system instead of Gladly's built-in Voice; otherwise, you can skip this column entirely.
Column H (skills) – Assign users their skills.
Note – How you enter skills depends on the Skill feature structure (flat vs. hierarchical). See Skills Hierarchy to learn how to enter skills in this field.
Save the CSV. If you're using Excel, save it as Comma Separated Values.csv. Do not use CSV UTF-8 or any other format.
Proceed to upload the CSV through the Users page. This time, click Import.
CSV is limited to 5MB. You must upload a separate list if you exceed this limit.
Click Upload CSV from the prompt and upload the CSV from your local drive.
A confirmation prompt appears if your upload is complete.
Click Done.
See Troubleshooting CSV upload error for guidance on what to do if your upload fails.
Skills hierarchy
How you enter skills in the CSV depends on how your skills are structured (flat vs. hierarchical).
Skill has no hierarchy (flat)
Enter the skill as is. For example, Spanish. Separate each flat skill with a comma to add more skills. For example, Spanish, Retention.
Skill part of a hierarchy
If a skill has a unique name but is in a hierarchy, simply enter the unique name. For example, if the skill is set up as Language > Spanish, then enter Spanish.
If the skill is set up as a flat list (e.g., Spanish) or is part of a hierarchy (e.g., Language > Spanish), in either case, enter Spanish, and the uploader knows to assign the Spanish skill to the user.
Skill is not unique and is used across other skills
In cases where a skill (e.g., Retention) is used across different hierarchies and in both flat and hierarchy style, you must differentiate the skill assigning using ">"
If Spanish is part of other skills (e.g., Language > Spanish, Retention > Spanish, Spanish), then enter the skill as Language>Spanish, Retention>Spanish, Spanish using a comma to separate each skill/hierarchy.
Other uncommon skill structure
The uploader recognizes varying types of skills. See below for how to enter them on the CSV.
To add skill with literal formatting and using special characters like Languages > German, enter is as """Languages > German""".
To add skill with literal formatting using " like Languages "like" French, enter is as """Languages """"like"""" French""".
To add skill with literal formatting using both > and " like Languages > German, or Languages "like" French, enter is as """Languages > German""","""Languages """"like"""" French""".
To add a skill with a combination of formatted skills and hierarchical skills like:
Languages > German (hierarchical)
Languages "like" French
Languages>Spanish>Intermediate (hierarchical)
Enter the above as """Languages > German""",Languages>English,"""Languages """"like"""" French""",Languages>Spanish>Intermediate.
Update existing user data
The Export feature can be used to not only upload users in bulk, but it can also be used to edit user details in bulk. For example, you can assign new Inboxes to users and update user roles for multiple users at once rather than editing user details one at a time.
Update users in small batches
If you're not comfortable making many changes at once, we suggest updating user data in small batches. If you need to make changes for 20 users, start by updating five first.
Before you start
Review the following before you edit/update user data in bulk.
The email column is the most critical of data which tells Gladly which users you want to update. Users not in the CSV are not updated.
Do not delete the name column to prevent overwriting names as a blank field.
If you delete the inboxes, teams, or deactivated columns, those fields are ignored, and no changes are made.
If you leave a field blank (e.g., name, inboxes, team, etc.), the data will be overwritten as a blank. For example, if a user is assigned to the Support Inbox, enter Support in the inbox field to keep the Support Inbox assigned to the user.
Don't leave the deactivated field blank if you want the user to remain deactivated. Leaving the field blank activates a user's account.
When you have the CSV ready with updated user data, upload the CSV through the Users page using the Import feature.
on top left corner of the screen.
Click Settings.
Under the People category, click Users. The Users page will show you a list of all of your Gladly users. For ease, you can also see a preview of roles assigned to users, the number of Teams and Inboxes they belong to, and their account status.
Click Export. This downloads a CSV of all your existing users to your local folder.
Open the CSV and find the users you need to edit.
Note – Do not edit user rows you do not want to change/update.
Edit the following information in each column as needed. Columns with an * are required.
Column A (name)* – Edit the user's full name.
Column B (email)* – Edit the user's email address.
Column C (roles)* – Enter the role(s) you want assigned to the user. If you're assigning more than one role for a user, separate each role with a comma and a space right after each role. For example, adding Administrator and Compliance Administrator gives the user Administrator and Compliance Administrator permissions. See Roles and Permissions to learn more.
Note – For Insight Builder Customers, assigning the Analyst incurs additional cost per user/license.
Column D (inboxes) – Edit the Inbox (or Inboxes) the user should be a member.
To add an Inbox, enter it as one Inbox. For example, Returns.
To add multiple Inboxes, use commas with a space to separate the Inbox names and add quotes to isolate them. For example, "Returns, Refunds, Design Services."
Column E (teams) – Edit the Team (or Teams) the user should be a member of. Use commas with space right after to separate the Team names.
Columns F (deactivated) – Edit whether the user's access to Gladly should be activated or deactivated. Enter Yes to deactivate a user's access to Gladly (until you're ready to activate them). If you want the user active in Gladly from the start, enter No into the field or leave the field blank. You can skip the column entirely if you want all your users activated.
Columns G (stationId) – Only use this column if you're using an external phone system instead of Gladly's built-in Voice; otherwise, you can skip this column entirely.
Column H (skills) – Edit users their skills.
Note – How you enter skills depends on the skill's structure (flat vs. hierarchical). See Skills Hierarchy to learn how to enter skills in this field.
Save the CSV. If you're using Excel, save it as Comma Separated Values.csv. Do not use CSV UTF-8 or any other format.
Proceed to upload the CSV through the Users page. This time, click Import.
CSV is limited to 5MB. You must upload a separate list if you exceed this limit.
Click Upload CSV from the prompt and upload the CSV from your local drive.
A confirmation prompt appears if your upload is complete.
Click Done to exit.
See Troubleshooting CSV upload error for guidance on what to do if your upload fails.
Troubleshoot CSV upload error
An error message like the one below may appear if the upload encounters an error.
Click Download issues (CSV).
Open the User Upload Error CSV, which will have two rows:
Row – Displays the row number based on the recent CSV upload
Error – Issue that caused the error
Open the recently uploaded CSV (do not sort or filter the columns) and compare the row number from the User Upload Error CSV to find the user with the error.
Review and fix the errors and attempt to upload the updated CSV using the Import feature again.
Follow the suggestions below based on the error you receive.
Upload Error - File Size Exceeds 5MB
What it means:
If you see the error message above, it means your file exceeds the 5MB size limit.
What you should do:
Reduce the size of your file by splitting your spreadsheet into one or more separate files.
Invalid Roles
What it means:
The role is not recognized by Gladly. Confirm the role is correct and is spelled properly.
What you should do:
Correct the role column.
Mandatory Column(s) Missing
What it means:
A user must have an email and role before they can be added to Gladly. If your spreadsheet doesn't have a column for email and/or roles, it will be considered invalid and won't be uploaded.
What you should do:
Add the missing email and/or roles column(s) to your spreadsheet, complete with your Agents' corresponding information.
Upload Incomplete
What it means:
There are errors in the information you provided in your spreadsheet, e.g., a misspelled email address or a non-existent Inbox. We'll provide you the Error report identifying the issues blocking the upload in cases like these. Some examples of errors include:
email field cannot be blank
roles field cannot be blank
email must be a valid email address
invalid roles
inboxes not found
What you should do:
Let's say you uploaded a file with (i) a missing email address in the 2nd row, (ii) a misspelled inbox name in the 3rd row, (iii) an invalid email address in your 4th row, and (iv) a blank role in your 5th row, like so:
The Error Report would look like this:
Create a new spreadsheet with the correct user details and upload the new file.