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Archive skills you are no longer using.
Before you start
Archiving a skill will also archive all sub-skills nested under it (if any). Archived skills will still show in your report, and no data will be deleted, but Administrators will not be able to apply this skill to users, and they will not be considered in matching.
Archiving a skill used in People Match boosts archives the boost as well.
When unarchiving any People Match boosts, any skills referenced are also unarchived.
Child skills are also archived if the parent skill is archived
For example, if you have skills that have the below structure:
Lighting (parent)
Pendants (child)
Deactivating Lighting also deactivates Pendants and Chandelier.
Archive a skill
on the top left corner of the screen.
Click Settings.
Under the People category, click Skills.
From the Skills screen, hover over the skill you want to archive, then click
You'll be asked to confirm your request. Click Archive Skill to confirm.
Unarchive a skill
Take note of the following before you unarchive a skill:
Unarchiving a parent skill unarchives its child skills (if any).
Users previously assigned an archived skill automatically get reassigned the unarchived skill if it was assigned to them before the skill was archived.
From the Skills page, click the Archived tab.
This page displays a list of skills that were archived.
Hover over the skill you want to unarchive, then click
Click Unarchive Skill to confirm your request.