Agent Summary Glance

The Agent Summary Glance report gives you an overview of how Agents spend their time working in Gladly. The data provided here is a subset of the data provided in the Agent Summary.

How data in the report is measured

The report is measured by the following:


  • Grouped by Agent and Time granularity.

Time Anchor

  • Data is time anchored using Buckets (for durations) and Events (for counts) in the UI.

Metrics used for the Agent Summary Glance

Review the definition of each metric and how it's used to calculate data. These are fields you'll see in the CSV download.




Name or Email

Agent's name. If no name is available, Agent's email address will be displayed.

Bucket Beginning

Beginning timestamp of the time grain (daily, weekly, etc.) chosen.


Gladly ID for the Agent.

Occupancy %

Percentage of time that Agents are actively engaged in handling Customer interactions, such as calls, chats, or emails, compared to the total available time.Formula: Occupied % = Total Contact Handle Time/Available Time

Logged In Time

Duration of time the Agent was logged in to Gladly during the specified window.

Active Time

Duration of time the Agent was logged in and Active (not Away) in Gladly during the specified window.

Away Time

Duration of time the Agent was logged in and Away in Gladly during the specified window

Available Time - Voice

Duration of time the Agent was available for Voice during the specified window.

Available Time - Messaging

Duration of time the Agent was available for Messaging during the specified window.

Available Time - Mail

Duration of time the Agent was available for Mail during the specified window.

Contact Offered

Count of times the Agent was offered a Contact.

This metric is broken down by the following Channels: Phone Call, Chat, SMS, and Email. To see a total or other channel breakdowns, refer to the Agent Summary report.      

Contact Accepted

Count of times the Agent accepted an offered Contact. This includes auto-accept for channels where that is applied.

This metric is broken down by the following Channels: Phone Call, Chat, SMS, and Email. To see a total or other channel breakdowns, refer to the Agent Summary report. When a Contact is transferred, both Agents who worked on the Contact are attributed a "Contact Accepted" count.      

Contact Declined

Count of times the Agent declined an offered Contact.

This metric is broken down by the following Channels: Phone Call, Chat, and SMS. To see a total or other channel breakdowns, refer to the Agent Summary report.      

Contact Missed

Count of times the Agent missed an offered Contact.

This metric is broken down by the following Channels: Phone Call, Chat, and SMS. To see a total or other channel breakdowns, refer to the Agent Summary report.      

Contact Fulfilled

Count of times the Agent fulfilled a Contact.

This metric is broken down by the following Channels: Phone Call, Chat, SMS, and Email. To see a total or other channel breakdowns, refer to the Agent Summary report.      

Contact Handle Time

Duration of time the Agent viewed a Customer Profile with an ongoing Contact during the specified window. Includes any handle time and is not limited to Contacts accepted on a particular day.

This metric is broken down by the following Channels: Phone Call, Chat, SMS, and Email. To see a total or other channel breakdowns, refer to the Agent Summary report.      

After Contact Time

Duration of time during the specified window that the Agent viewed a Customer Profile after a Contact has ended, but before the Conversation is closed or before another Contact begins. Includes any Contact time and is not limited to Contacts accepted on a particular day.

This metric is broken down by the following Channels: Phone Call, Chat, SMS, and Email. To see a total or other channel breakdowns, refer to the Agent Summary report.      

Note – For metrics that are durations of time, the report in the UI will show time in d:hh:mm:ss (Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds) format, while the downloaded CSV will show time in raw Seconds.

How the Agent Summary Glance report is filtered

Use these filters to modify the data in your report. Using a combination of filters will also provide more targeted results. You can learn more about filters here.


  • When filtering by date, you will see actions performed and time durations within that date range.


  • Each row represents an Agent's activities for that given time granularity, as selected in the Rollup. A row is only displayed if the Agent had any Logged In Time during that time granularity.


  • When filtering by team, you will see all the Agents currently assigned to that team.


Why am I seeing Agents who are no longer active in Gladly?

This report includes all the Agents in Gladly, including deactivated accounts. This allows you to understand any actions an Agent performed up to the day they were deactivated.

The report shows the 'total Away Time,' but not broken out by different status Reason. How do you find the total by Reason?

The Agent Durations report breaks down Away Time and Active Time by Reason and can help provide a fuller picture of what Reasons Agents provide for their activities.

Why does the report show breakdowns by Channel for some Channels that are not used?

The report shows Channel breakdowns for some Channels offered by Gladly, whether or not they are used.

Why am I seeing Away Time that is longer than an Agent's Login Time?

This can happen if the Aget idle time setting is changed while an Agent is Idle. We advise changing those settings when Agents are not online or at least not Idle.