This report will be sunsetted soon. Please transition to use the Contact Export (New) report.
The Active Conversation Handle Time by Customer report can help you see which Customers require the most time to be helped.
Metrics and Key Concepts
The Active Conversation Handle Time by Customer report uses the following metrics and concepts to quantify the reported data.
Name | Description |
Average Active Conversation Handle Time | Conversation Handle Time divided by Conversation Closed group by Customers |
Closed Conversations | |
Date | The timestamp of when the Conversation was last closed |
Customers | See Customers definition |
Conversations | See Conversations definition |
Closed Conversations | Conversations that have ended and are considered historical |
Understand the basics
When to use the Active Conversation Handle Time by Customer report
Use the Active Conversation Handle Time by Customer report if you have questions around:
Which of our Customers is taking the longest to help?
How long are you spending helping certain Customers?
Does ACHT increase or decrease per Customer?
How often to view the report
Review this report monthly to gain valuable and actionable insights.
Keep the following points in mind regarding Active Conversation Handle Time:
ACHT is attributed to when the Conversation closes.
ACHT is attributed to the Agent who closed the Conversation.
Inbox attribution is the Inbox to which the Conversation/Customer is currently assigned.
Channel filters apply to the Channel of the Conversation’s first inbound Contact. For example, a Conversation that starts on an email but moves to chat, it’s still considered an email Conversation.
Conversations assigned to a user who was logged out when a Rule or another user (someone not assigned to that Conversation) closed the Conversation are not included in the counts for this report.
Take action
Once you understand the report, you can take action and make improvements.
Active Conversation Handle Time by Customer is Increasing
If you are noticing that certain Customers are taking more time to support, think about the following points so you can take action:
Are these Customers reaching out to you more frequently than others? If so, why is that? Are there trends in your Topics report that may indicate why? Perhaps they are loyal/repeat Customers. Look into why they are frequently contacting you.
Is there a way to offer self-service to these Customers? What other options can you use to reduce the need for the Customer to contact you frequently?
Can you place these Customers on a loyalty tier? How can you further nurture the relationship with this Customer?
Active Conversation Handle Time by Customer is Low
If you see a low Active Conversation Handle Time by Customer, there are a few reasons why this might happen. Think about the following points:
Low ACHT by Customer could mean you are not spending a lot of time with a Customer. It could translate to a Customer relationship that is less nurtured. Think about ways you can improve the relationship with the Customer.
Look into the number of repeat Customers you have as it could be decreasing. Depending on your business, you may not want this to be the case.
If your business relies on repeat business, think about other initiatives to drive more traffic. Think of marketing campaigns, coaching your Agents sales-type skills (e.g., up-sell, add-on, etc.), or promotions you can implement to attract more business and repeat Customers.
Good to know
This report can also be generated via API. See our Developer Docs for more details.
CSV download of this report is limited to 100k rows.
Listed below are related reports we recommend you use alongside this report:
Active Conversation Handle Time by Channel
Active Conversation Handle Time by Topic
Inbound Contacts by Customer
Inbound Contacts by Customer by Channel
Topics Usage by Agent