What are Keyword Groups?

With Keyword Groups, you can curate and manage a collection of synonyms and related terms that can be associated with the contents of your Answers knowledge base. Keyword Groups apply to all Answers, including Answers for the Help Center and Glad App. This improves the relevancy and accuracy of the search results for your Agents and Customers when searching the Answers knowledge base.

Keyword Groups

Search behavior is affected in the following ways based on how you configure your keyword groups:


A Keyword Group can be created to associate the different ways of describing a particular item, product, or service.

For example, if the Keyword Group name is Luggage, and the keywords in it include luggage, bag, carry on, check-in, baggage, suitcases,

and the Customer/Agent search includes the word carry on,

then the Answers knowledge base will return Answers that include luggage, bag, check-in, baggage, suitcases in the Answer.

You can also include multiple words. For example, missing gift card, lost gift card, can't find card.

You can also configure Keyword Groups using related terms to surface search results that can be associated with a feature or service.

For example, if the Keyword Group name is Returns, and the keywords in it include returns, damaged products, broken, not working, power,

and the Customer/Agent search includes the word damaged,

then the Answers knowledge base will return Answers that include damaged products, broken, not working, power, and any other words in the Returns Keyword Group.

See Create, Edit, and Delete Keyword Groups to learn how to create Keyword Groups.

Results prioritization

Keywords, along with Answer titles, Answer content, and combinations of all those, are some factors considered when determining what Answers to display and in what order. From a keyword grouping perspective, refrain from including the same words across other keyword groups as that could imbalance how results are weighted.

Multi-Language Help Center

If you have Answers in multiple languages in Gladly, creating new keyword groupings per language is unnecessary. They can all be managed in the same group.

For example, if the Keyword Group name is Returns, it’s applicable to English – United States and Spanish – Latin America, and the keywords in it include dañado, no funciona, damaged, not working, power

and the Customer/Agent search includes the word dañado ,

then the Answers knowledge base will return Spanish – Latin America Answers that include no funciona as a result of the Returns Keyword Group.