Create, Edit, and Delete Keyword Groups

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Use Keyword Groups to create synonyms for Answers. For example, searching "shoes" will also surface Answers containing "sneakers," "heels," and "kicks."

Create Keyword Groups

  1. Click on the top left corner of the screen.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Under the Answers category, click Keyword Groups. The Keyword Groups page will show you a list of search groups you have previously created (if any).
    Keyword groups for Colors, COVID-19, and Dogs with associated keywords listed.

  4. Click Create Keyword Group.

  5. On the Create Keyword Group page, enter your grouping details:
    Form for creating a keyword group with fields for name, keywords, and languages.

    • Group Name – This name helps you identify the keywords for the group. The name is not included when the Keyword Groups are checked.

    • Keywords – Enter the keywords you want to associate as a group and separate your entries using commas. You can add multi-word text (i.e., suede black shoes, 4-inch heels, special edition white sneakers, etc.).

    • Language – Select the Answer language(s) where the grouping will apply.

  6. Click Save. You’ll be taken back to the Keywords Group page. It takes about ~15 minutes for new keywords to become active in Answers.

Edit Existing Keyword Groups

  1. Click on the top left corner of the screen.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Click on Keyword Groups under Answers. The Keyword Groups page will show you a list of search groups you have previously created (if any).

  4. Scroll through the list and hover your mouse over the group you want to edit, then click .
    Keyword Groups section displaying group names, keywords, and modification dates for organization.

  5. In the Update Keywords Group page, edit your grouping details:

    • Group Name – Change the name that helps identify the Keyword Groups.

    • Keywords – Remove or add keywords associated together as a group. Continue to separate entries using commas.

    • Language – Edit the Help Center language(s) where the grouping will apply.

  6. Click Save when you’re done. You’ll be taken back to the Keywords Group page.

Delete Keyword Groups

Deleting Keyword Groups

Keyword Groups cannot be restored once they are deleted.

  1. Click on the top left corner of the screen.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Under the Answers category, click Keyword Groups. The Keyword Groups page will show you a list of search groups you have previously created (if any).

  4. Scroll through the list and hover your mouse over the group you want to edit, then click the trash icon.
    Keyword Groups display various categories and their associated keywords for easy management.

  5. You’ll be asked to confirm your request. Click Delete Keyword Group.