VDI Requirements

Gladly clients sometimes opt to use Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) to provide a cost-effective and easy-to-manage Agent desktop environment. Gladly supports VDI environments provided that certain minimum hardware, software, and network requirements are met.

To provide the best user and service experience, VDI solutions such as Citrix or Azure must meet our minimum requirements. Our voice-over IP technology mainly depends on Agent desktop infrastructure, and meeting Gladly's minimum requirements will ensure that the User and CX are adequate. Your technical/IT team must assess our minimum requirements against the hardware, software, and network that the VDI will be operating in. Your technical/IT team is also responsible for testing the performance of the machines, especially if our minimum requirements are not met.

Below are additional resources from Citrix on what to be aware of when setting up a VDI solution.

And because Gladly requires Chrome, we recommended reviewing how to optimize Chrome for VDI environments.