Task Summary

The Task Summary gives you an overview of Task activity and helps you see how Tasks are being handled overall.

How data in the report is measured

The report is measured by the following:


  • Grouped by Task and Time granularity.

Time Anchor

Metrics used for the Task Summary

Review the definition of each metric and how it's used to calculate data. These are fields you'll see in the CSV download. Data may change if Tasks are reopened and closed again because the "Last Closed At" time will be changed.




Task Metrics Closed At Dynamic Formatted

Timestamp when the Task was last closed

This is also the time anchor for the report

Count Total

Count of Tasks

Count with Comments

Count of Tasks with comments

Count Closed Before Due

Count of Tasks last closed before the current Due Date

Count Closed After Due

Count of Tasks last closed after the current Due Date

Avg Created-to-First Closed Time

Average duration of time between Created to First Closed

Avg Created-to-Last Closed Time

Average duration of time between Created to Last Closed

Avg Created-to-Due Time

Average duration of time between Created to the current Due Date

Avg Last Due-to-First Closed

Average duration of time between the last Due Date to First Closed

Avg Last Due-to-Last Closed

Average duration of time between the last Due Date to Last Closed

Avg Number of Comments

Average count of comments on each Task

Avg Number of Commenters

Average count of users who commented on each Task

Avg Number of Followers

Average count of users who follow each Task

Avg Number of Inboxes

Average count of Inboxes each Task was assigned to, including the inbox assigned upon creation

Avg Number of Agents assigned

Average count of Agents each Task was assigned to, including the agent assigned upon creation (if applicable)

Avg Times Closed

Average count of times each Task was closed

Avg Times Reopened

Average count of times each Task was reopened

Avg Times Due Date Edited

Average count of times each Task's Due Date was edited

Avg Times Content Edited

Average count of times each Task's content was edited

Avg Task Handle Time

Average total amount of time spent viewing the Task panel for each Task, by any Agent

Note – For metrics that are durations of time, the report in the UI will show time in d:hh:mm:ss (Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds) format, while the downloaded CSV will show time in raw Seconds.

How the Task Summary report is filtered

Use these filters to modify the data in your report. Using a combination of filters will also provide more targeted results. You can learn more about filters here.


  • When filtering by date, you will see Tasks that were last closed within that range.


  • Each row represents information for any Task that was last closed during that given time granularity, as selected in the Rollup.

  • When changing the rollup filter (e.g., Daily), the report will show you Tasks that were last closed for each day based on your Date filter. For example, if your Date filter is Aug 8-10, and the rollup is Daily, then you'll see Tasks that were last closed on Aug 8, 9, and 10.


  • When filtering by Team, you will see all the Tasks last closed by Agents in that team.


  • When filtering by Inbox, you will see all the Tasks last closed in that Inbox.


When I run the report for the same time range on different days, I see slightly different results. Why is that?

The Task Summary includes all Tasks that were last closed within the range of time you provide. Sometimes, Tasks can be reopened and closed again, which changes when they were last closed.