Tag a Phone Number as SMS

When a Customer SMSes for the first time, this action can be taken as explicit permission to receive replies through SMS. Gladly marks their phone number as Mobile (type) and adds the SMS tag to allow for SMS communications.

If a Customer opts-out of receiving SMSes, the SMS tag is removed and you will not be able to send an SMS to the Customer. The SMS option also becomes unavailable in the menu.

Contact information including address, email, mobile number, and SMS option highlighted.

  • If the Customer unsubscribed – Look out for opt-out words in their Conversation Timeline. Even if you add the SMS tag manually, you won't be able to SMS the Customer. The Customer must resubscribe to the same SMS thread/number, automatically selecting the SMS tag, allowing for  SMS communications.

  • SMS tag is not checked – If the Customer did not unsubscribe from receiving SMS communications and they have a mobile number, to send an SMS to a Customer, you must have the phone number in their Profile tagged as Mobile (type) and SMS (tag). Only then will you see the SMS option in the Customer's Profile in the menu

Tag phone number as SMS

  1. In the Customer Profile, look for the Contact Card on the left side of the screen.

  2. Below the phone number field, click Mobile as the phone number type.

  3. To the right of the phone number, click SMS so it's highlighted. You can also click Main if it's the main phone number used by the Customer.