Enhance your support experience by starting a co-browsing session with a Customer. This allows you to view precisely what your Customer is seeing, even highlight or point to areas on your website that you'd like to bring your Customer's attention to. Seeing what your Customer can see can make it much easier to assist them when they need help.
Before you start
Here are a few tips to keep in mind before you start a cobrowse session:
You can initiate the cobrowse feature from any Channel. However, the process to initiate a session while on a call is slightly different from that of other Channels.
You'll be prompted to sign in to your Screenmeet account in Gladly approximately once a week. Work with your Manager if you need a ScreenMeet account.
ScreenMeet's cobrowse feature works on mobile devices.
Follow your company policy on how to manage your Availability during a co-browse session.
Start a co-browsing session while on a call
From the Customer Profile, click
, then select Cobrowse with ScreenMeet.
The ScreenMeet widget tab opens next to the call Composer.
Depending on whether you signed into ScreenMeet recently, you'll see either a Sign In or Cobrowse button in the widget.
If you see Sign In – Click Sign In to bring up ScreenMeet's sign-in modal. Enter your ScreenMeet email address and password, then click Sign In. Once authenticated, you'll see the Cobrowse option.
From the ScreenMeet widget, click Cobrowse.
From the New Cobrowse Session screen, click Create Session to generate a pin number.
All ScreenMeet sessions are recorded, so there's no need to click Record Cobrowse Session.
With the Customer on your company's website, ask them to locate the "Co-browse with..." link (or something similarly named) that is likely located in the footer area of your company website. This will bring up the pin entry modal (shown below), where the Customer enters the pin you generated and then clicks Accept.
You can also copy and send the invite link from the Conversation Timeline to the Customer through another Channel (if available), like email or SMS. This should open the exact pin entry modal.
Once the Customer enters their pin to allow the session, click View Screen on the widget, which opens a new browser tab so you can see what the Customer is seeing. This officially starts the co-browsing session.
A recording of the ScreenMeet session is started in the Conversation Timeline. When the co-browsing session ends, clicking the link will take you to ScreenMeet, where you can view the recording.
You can use the laser pointer, highlighter, or remote control features to help the Customer navigate your company site or troubleshoot issues.
Start a co-browsing session over Messaging Channels
Remaining available in the Messaging Channel means you'll continue to be routed new messaging requests while on a co-browsing session with a Customer. We suggest marking yourself Unavailable in this Channel to stop receiving new requests so you can focus on the co-browse session or follow your company policy on how to manage Availability during a co-browse session.
From the Customer Profile, click
, then click Cobrowse with ScreenMeet.
The ScreenMeet widget tab opens next to the messaging Composer.
You'll see either a Sign In or Cobrowse button in the widget, depending on if you've signed into ScreenMeet recently.
If you see Sign In – Click Sign In to bring up ScreenMeet's sign-in modal. Enter your ScreenMeet email address and password, then click Sign In. Once authenticated, you'll see the Cobrowse option.
From the ScreenMeet widget, click Cobrowse.
From the New Cobrowse Session screen, then click Create Session to generate a pin number.
All ScreenMeet sessions are recorded, so there's no need to click Record Cobrowse Session.
Go back to the messaging tab and tell the Customer how to start a co-browsing session, along with the pin number.
The Customer can access the pin entry modal in one of two ways:
From your website – Ask them to locate the "Co-browse with..." link (or something similarly named) that is likely located in the footer area of the website. This will bring up the pin entry modal and have the Customer enter the pin you generated, then click Accept.
Direct link – Copy the invite link from the Conversation Timeline and send it over the Messaging session. Clicking on this link opens the pin entry modal. Ask the Customer to enter the pin you generated, then click Accept.
Once the Customer enters their pin to allow the session, click View Screen on the widget, which opens a new browser tab so you can see what the Customer is seeing. This officially starts the co-browsing session.
The Conversation Timeline starts a recording of the ScreenMeet session. When the co-browsing session ends, clicking the link will take you to ScreenMeet, where you can view the recording.
You can use the laser pointer, highlighter, or remote control features to help the Customer navigate your company site or troubleshoot issues.
You'll need to multitask by sending your messages to assist the Customer while working on the cobrowse session. If you feel that calling the Customer will create a better experience, offer to call the Customer. If they agree, click
, then click Call.
The To field should auto-populate with the Customer's number. If it doesn't, type it manually, then add their phone number as part of their contact details.
End a co-browsing session
A co-browsing session ends when the Customer or Agent ends the session.
Customer ends session
The session officially ends if the Customer clicks End on their ScreenMeet session. When they do, you'll see "This session has been closed" on your screen.
If the Customer closes the browser tab for the cobrowse session, your co-browsing tab (not in the widget) will show that the Customer is disconnected or navigated Away from the page. The session is still technically active, and they can come back by re-entering the pin in the modal or using the invitation link.
Back in Gladly, the ScreenMeet widget returns to the Cobrowse screen. Click Close ScreenMeet to close the ScreenMeet widget.
Phone Call – If the call ends simultaneously, you'll see the Notes Composer, where you can jot down your notes about the call. Otherwise, Notes will appear once the call ends.
Messaging – Click
, then Notes to leave additional notes about the cobrowse session.
Click Close & Next to close the Conversation, or Next if you need to keep the Conversation open.
Agent ends sessions
From Gladly, click End Session from the ScreenMeet widget. You'll be asked to confirm your request, click End Session again.
The ScreenMeet widget returns to the Create New Session screen.
Phone Call – If the call ends simultaneously, you'll see the Notes Composer, where you can jot down your notes about the call. Otherwise, Notes will appear once the call ends.
Messaging – Click
, then Notes to leave additional notes about the cobrowse session.
Click Close & Next to close the Conversation, or Next if you need to keep the Conversation open.