How you log into Gladly depends on whether your company uses SSO or not. If your company uses SSO, make sure to log into Gladly via your SSO provider (e.g., Okta). If you log in directly, make sure you have the correct URL. Check with your manager if you don't know the Gladly login URL for your company.
Make sure you have the correct URL
DO NOT use to log into Gladly because each organization has its own unique login URL. Check with your manager to confirm the URL or log into Gladly via SSO.
Do not run Gladly on multiple browser tabs
Make sure you only have one instance of Gladly running on one browser tab. Do not run Gladly on multiple browser tabs, which could create undesired behaviors.
Login page
Enter your credentials on the login page.
Forgot your password
If you forget your password one day, click the Forget link and follow the instructions to reset your password.
Forgot your username
If you forgot your username, ask your manager to confirm your username.