Instagram Messaging Conversation Settings

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Receiving messages from Instagram or seeing Story @mentions is a great way to stay connected with your Customers, but it could create more Conversations that your team will need to manage. You have settings you can control to manage inbound Instagram communications.

  1. Click  on the top left corner of the screen.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Under the Channels category, click Instagram Messaging.

  4. From the Instagram Messaging page, Click Settings.

  5. You'll have two options presented in the modal:

    • Show direct messages initiated by all non-Gladly users in the Conversation Timeline – If the box is checked, messages sent by a non-Gladly user (e.g., a social media manager) to a Customer from your company's Instagram app appear on the Conversation Timeline. This allows Agents to see existing communications happening outside of Gladly. This feature is also referred to as "echo."

      • Note – If selected, this setting will re-route these messages back to an Inbox and away from the assigned Agent.

    • Show all Instagram Story mentions in the Conversation Timeline – If the box is checked, create a Conversation in Gladly whenever a Customer @mentions your company. This allows you the opportunity to respond to a Customer in Gladly. A Customer's Instagram account must be public for Gladly to create a Conversation from an @mention.

      • Note – Keep in mind that @mentions has the potential to create a large number of Conversations in Gladly.

  6. Click Save.