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This page provides a library of commonly used reporting scenarios that can be built with Insight Builder. These "Report Recipes" make it easy for Analysts to create reports and dashboards or use them as a baseline to customize data further.
Before you start
Learn how to create reports with Insight Builder.
Learn how to save reports to a dashboard.
Learn how to add reports to an existing dashboard.
Agent Productivity
Leverage data that indicates how efficiently your Agent teams are working in Gladly.
Agent’s Average Total Handle Time
Why is Total Handle Time for Agents important?
Total Handle Time looks at how much time an Agent is spending in a Conversation, including both the time spent actively working with a Customer and any time they spend after they’ve helped the Customer. This metric gives us the “full story” in understanding how much time is required on each Customer inquiry or issue.
About the Recipe
In this Insight Builder Report Recipe, you’ll learn how to report on the average Total Handle Time of your Agents. Total Handle Time is the total time spent working on an active contact, including associated After Contact Work for that Contact during the specified window.
Recipe Components
Agent Metrics
Total Contact Handle Time (sec)
Contacts with Contact Handle Time
Custom Calculation
Calculation Field
Table calculations make it easy to create ad-hoc metrics. They are similar to formulas that are found in spreadsheet tools like Excel. For this custom calculation, we’ll calculate the average Total Contact Handle Time for each Agent. Learn more about Calculations here.
From Reports, click the Create a Report dropdown.
Select Agent Metrics.
Within All Fields, locate and add the following:
Total Contact Handle Time (sec)
Contacts with Contact Handle Time
Click Add Calculation
In the Expression editor, enter the following calculation:(${agent_contact_utilization_metrics.total_handle_time_sec_summed}/${agent_contact_utilization_metrics.contacts_with_contact_time_summed})/60
Enter the below information in the remaining fields:
Format: Decimals
Decimals: 1
Name: Average Total Handle Time in Minutes
Filters, Visualizations, and Data:
In the Filters tab, update the filter as follows:
Date Filter Date Range is in the past 1 complete weeks
In the Visualization tab, select the Column visual.
In the Data tab, mark the following metrics as Hide this field from visualization:
Total Contact Handle Time (sec)
Contacts with Contact Handle Time
Click Run.
Top and bottom Contributors
Why is measuring Contact fulfillment important?
Understanding how effective Agents are at addressing Contacts informs as to the efficiency of the Agents. An Agent who is able to fulfill more Contacts on an hourly basis would be a more efficient contributor, and thus someone that we may want to use in a leadership role or to help with training others.
About the Recipe
In this Insight Builder Report Recipe, you’ll learn how to report on the top and bottom contributors based on Contact fulfillment performance. This recipe will look at the top 10 and bottom 10 Contributors by the Contacts fulfilled per Active Time.
Recipe Components
Agent Metrics
Contacts Fulfilled
Contact Fulfilled Per Active Time Hour
Contact Fulfilled Per Active Time Hour
Fulfilled Per Active Time is an efficiency metric for Agents. It measures the count of Contacts fulfilled by Agent divided by the Agent's Active Time. Read the Metrics in Detail help doc to learn more about Active Time.
From Reports, click the Create a Report dropdown.
Select Agent Metrics.
Within All Fields, locate and add the following:
Contacts Fulfilled
Contact Fulfilled Per Active Time Hour
Filters, Visualizations, and Data:
In the Filters tab, update the filter as follows:
Date Filter Date Range is in the past 1 complete weeks.
Within Visualization, click Edit at the right side.
Within Plot input the following:
Limit Displayed Rows: Toggle on
Show the First 10 rows
In the Data tab, complete the following actions:
Click the sort icon next to Contact Fulfilled Per Active Time Hour.
Choose Descending to get the top contributors (those with the highest fulfilled Contacts). OR Choose Ascending to get the bottom contributors (those with the lowest fulfilled Contacts).
Click Run.
Daily Contacts Started (Outbound) by Agent
Why is Contacts Started by Agent valuable?
Tracking which Agents are reaching out to Customers informs you of how proactive certain Agents are. An Agent with a high number of Contacts Started is likely doing a great job of following up with Customers to ensure they’re satisfied. Additionally, certain teams may be tasked with contacting customers directly. For example, service recovery teams will start Contacts with customers to follow up on issues that may have occurred.
About the Recipe
In this Insight Builder Report Recipe, you’ll learn how to report on the number of Contacts that have been initiated by Agents on a daily basis. This recipe will look at this data over the past 1 week.
Recipe Components
Agent Metrics
Time Bucket
Bucket Beginning
Contact Started
Contact Started
From Reports, click the Create a Report dropdown.
Select Agent Metrics.
Within All Fields, locate and add the following:
Time Bucket
Bucket Beginning
Contact Started
Contact Started
Click the In Use tab.
Hover over the metric Bucket Beginning and click Pivot.
Filters, Visualizations, and Data:
In the Filters tab, update the filter as follows:
Date Filter Date Range is in the past 7 days.
In the Data tab, click the following checkboxes in the header of the section:
In the Visualization tab, complete the following actions:
Set the Visualization to Table.
At the right side of the Visualization tab, click Edit.
Under Series, toggle off Cell Visualization for Contact Started.
Under Plot, toggle off Show Numbers.
Click Run.
Agent Available Time Investigation
Why is tracking Available time important?
The more available your Agents are during their working shifts, the more efficient your Customer queue will be managed. It may be useful to have a threshold of expected Availability for your Agents during their shifts, in order to ensure they are consistently ready to help your Customers.
About the Recipe
In this Insight Builder Report Recipe, you’ll learn how to report on whether your Agents are going available for the amount required of their shift. This recipe will look at the daily available time of each of your Agents.
Recipe Components
Agent Metrics
Time Bucket
Bucket Beginning
Available Time (hh:mm:ss)
Available Time - Any (hh:mm:ss)
From Reports, click the Create a Report dropdown.
Select Agent Metrics.
Within All Fields, locate and add the following:
Time Bucket
Bucket Beginning
Available Time (hh:mm:ss)
Available Time - Any (hh:mm:ss)
Click the In Use tab.
Hover over the metric Bucket Beginning and click Pivot.
Filters, Visualizations, and Data:
In the Filters tab, update the filter as follows:
Date Filter Date Range is in the past 1 complete weeks.
In the Visualization tab, complete the following actions:
Set the Visualization to Table.
Click Run.
Agent Available Time Investigation
Why is measuring Occupancy % important?
Occupancy % tells you how frequently your Agents are engaged in Customer work while they're available. Keeping track of Occupancy % can help you appropriately scale up or scale down the number of staff you have available at any given time.
About the Recipe
In this Insight Builder Report Recipe, you’ll learn how to report on the average Occupancy of particular Agents. This recipe will look at the Occupancy % by Agent over the last 7 days.
Recipe Components
Agent Metrics
Occupancy %
Occupancy %
From Reports, click the Create a Report dropdown.
Select Agent Metrics.
Within All Fields, locate and add the following:
Occupancy %
Occupancy %
Filters, Visualizations, and Data:
In the Filters tab, update the filter as follows:
Date Filter Date Range is in the past 1 complete weeks.
Within Visualization, click Edit at the right side.
Within Plot toggle on Show Percent of Previous:
Click Run.
Contact Performance
Analyze how effectively your team is handling Contacts.
SMS Volume and Contacts Fulfilled
Why is SMS Volume and Contacts Fulfilled valuable?
Tracking how many of your Contacts (regardless of Channel) are being fulfilled is a helpful way to gauge your Agents workload and efficiency. For instance, if you find that at certain times you receive more SMS Contacts, and as a result, aren’t fulfilling Contacts more frequently, it may make sense to increase staffing to handle the increased workload.
About the Recipe
In this Insight Builder Report Recipe, you’ll learn how to report on inbound SMS Contacts and which of those are fulfilled. This recipe will look at the number of Contacts Fulfilled on an hourly basis.
Recipe Components
Contact Metrics
Timestamp Queued At Hour
Contacts Fulfilled
Contacts Inbound
Contacts Fulfilled
Count of Contacts fulfilled (either responded to or canceled). This does not include phone calls that were abandoned, phone calls that were forwarded, phone calls that left a voicemail, or Contacts that timed out without an agent response. Learn more in the Contacts Summary help doc.
From Reports, click the Create a Report dropdown.
Select Contact Metrics.
Within All Fields, locate and add the following:
Timestamp Queued At Date
Contacts Fulfilled
Contacts Inbound
Filters, Visualizations, and Data:
In the Filters tab, update the filter as follows:
Date Filter Queued At Date is in the past 1 complete days
Contact Metrics is equal to SMS
Contact Metrics Timestamp Fulfilled At Hour is in the past 24 hours
In the Visualization tab, select the Line visual.
Click Run.
Advanced Tip
Use a calculation to look at the rate of Contacts Fulfilled. Follow the below steps:
Click Add Calculation.
Input the following expression: ${contact_fulfilled.contacts_fulfilled}/${contact_started.contacts_inbound}
Set the Format to Percent.
Name your Calculation.
Click Save.
Inbound Contacts half-hourly
Why are Inbound Contacts at each 30-minute interval important?
Reviewing how many Contacts arrive at specific intervals allows us to identify peak times throughout the day. Understanding the typical times that more or less Contacts are inbound ensure that we can allocate the right amount of resources at any given time.
About the Recipe
In this Insight Builder Report Recipe, you’ll learn how to report on the inbound Contacts every half-hour. This recipe will look at the number of inbound Contacts at every 30-minute interval.
Recipe Components
Contact Metrics
Timestamp Queued at Date
Contacts Inbound
From Reports, click the Create a Report dropdown.
Select Contact Metrics.
Within All Fields, locate and add the following:
Contacts Inbound
Timestamp Queued at Date
Filters, Visualizations, and Data:
In the Filters tab, update the filter as follows:
Date Filter Date Range is in the past 1 complete weeks
In the Visualization tab, select the Line visual.
Click Run.
Conversation Performance
Analyze how effectively your team is handling Conversations.
Top 5 Topics applied to Conversations
Why are the most common Topics important?
Topics help you categorize Conversations to identify trends in the inquiries from your Customers. Knowing how often Topics are being applied can help you make decisions on what measures you should proactively be taking based on the topics.
About the Recipe
In this Insight Builder Report Recipe, you’ll learn how to report on Topics that are consistently being applied to your Conversations. This recipe will look at the top 5 Topics being applied over the past month.
Recipe Components
Conversation Metrics
Conversations Created
From Reports, click the Create a Report dropdown.
Select Conversation Metrics.
Within All Fields, locate and add the following:
Conversations Created
Filters, Visualizations, and Data:
In the Filters tab, update the filter as follows:
Date Filter Created at Date is in the past 1 complete months
In the Visualization tab, select the Pie visual.
In the Data tab, set the Row Limit to 5.
Click Run.
Comparing today's Conversation volume to yesterday's
Why is looking at the trend in created Conversations important?
Staying vigilant as to the ups and downs of Conversation volume is essential to understanding whether there are any issues that you should be aware of. For example, if there’s a large increase in the number of Conversations on a particular day, that may be a sign that there’s a larger issue that needs to be addressed in order to mitigate an overload of our Heroes.
About the Recipe
In this Insight Builder Report Recipe, you’ll learn how to report on the current day’s volume of Conversations and compare that to the previous day’s volume. This recipe will look at the number of Conversations created compared to the previous day.
Recipe Components
Conversation Metrics
Timestamp Created At Date
Conversations Created
Custom Calculation
Calculation Field
Table calculations make it easy to create ad-hoc metrics. They are similar to formulas that are found in spreadsheet tools like Excel. For this custom calculation, we’ll calculate the change in Conversation volume from the previous day. Learn more about Calculations here.
From Reports, click the Create a Report dropdown.
Select Conversation Metrics.
Within All Fields, locate and add the following:
Timestamp Created At Date
Conversations Created
Click Add Calculation. Set the following:
Calculation: Change from previous row
Source column: Conversation Metrics Conversations Created
Format: Percent
Name: optional
Days vs Complete Days
For this report, you’ll be selecting “days” instead of “complete days”. Complete days will only provide data on days prior to the current days. This is because the current day hasn’t been “completed”. For this report, we want to collect data from the current day so we’ll use the regular “days” setting in the filter.
Filters, Visualizations, and Data:
In the Filters tab, update the filter as follows:
Timestamp Created At Date is in the past 2 days
In the Visualization tab, select the Single Value visual.
Then to the right of the Visualization click Edit to make changes to the Visualizations settings. Set the following:
Under the Comparison tab, set the following:
Show Comparison: Toggle this on
Value Labels: Show as Change
Positive Values are Bad: Toggle this on
Click Run.
Inboxes fastest to close Tasks
Why is tracking Task efficiency important?
Tasks in Gladly indicate something that needs to be completed in order to help serve a Customer. When Tasks are completed quickly, it likely means that the Customer’s inquiry can also be resolved quickly. It’s helpful to see which Agents are faster at solving Tasks as they may have good insights into processes that lead them to closing Tasks.
About the Recipe
In this Insight Builder Report Recipe, you’ll learn how to report on the Inboxes that have Tasks being closed the fastest. This recipe will look at the lowest average times from when a Task is created to when it is closed by within a particular Inbox.
Recipe Components
Task Metrics
Last Closed
Inbox Name - Last Closed
Durations - Average (d:h:m:s)
Avg Created-to-Last Closed Time (d:h:m:s)
From Reports, click the Create a Report dropdown.
Select Task Metrics.
Within All Fields, locate and add the following:
Last Closed
Inbox Name - Last Closed
Durations - Average (d:h:m:s)
Avg Created-to-Last Closed Time (d:h:m:s)
Filters, Visualizations, and Data:
In the Filters tab, update the filter as follows:
Timestamp Created At Date is in the past 30 days
In the Visualization tab, select the Single Value visual.
Click Run.